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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #17 Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 15:30:55 No. 14203
Sleepy edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.03(v3.04) update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308252 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.04, MW up to Grangold (excl. Gold Port), AW up to Esta and Administrator's tower https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 full MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Innocent Rules is now fully translated Devil in Wonderland is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01264927.html translation in progress: https://ulmf.org/threads/62studio-no-to-notane-demon-in-wonderland-translation.15546/ Succubus Forest is getting an english steam release https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ SHRIFT 2 v2.70 update is out https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/396/article/1333831 not yet translated Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>13645
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Patch 3.05 dropped https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1373549 >New setting to shorten multi-hit skills >New setting to skip skills cast at the start of battle >Ability to deactivate skills that auto-cast at the start of battle, start of turn or end of turn Changes with spoilers for those who haven't finished the game yet: >Whiteyel Meeting event after clearing the game >The ring at the last camp can now be given to Promestein, Chrome, Kagetsumugi, Constance and Remina >New dialogue with the person you gave the ring to at the Pocket Castle >New Constance request scene
>>14720 Thanks anon!
You now can't buy a lot of games from dlsite, I think maybe including MGQ but I haven't checked. Visa and Mastercard finally got re-added but anything with any loli and maybe some other content is regionlocked. Shota content is ironically not banned. You can still buy them by using a Japanese VPN, but I have no idea if that'll be the case forever.
>>14722 Also, aside from buying, you cannot even see them or view the storepage. Essentially, it's a shadowban.
>>14723 Got around to checking, seems that it fortunately doesn't include MGQ and some other games. It seems that DLSite doesn't have all content tagged correctly, but that's a good thing. Otherwise, since Japanese devs include loli is like 50% of all content that's just half the site gone... But as a whole, DLSite is a lot more censored now if you connect from a western ip. If you're trying to browse for new games you should probably use a Japanese ip.
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>>14719 >New dialogue with the person you gave the ring to at the Pocket Castle Most are pretty good, a bunch of them have the girls plan on having kids with Luka. The worst ones are Lucifina's who has a nothingburger one line and Alice who straight up says she doesn't care who rapes Luka because she'll win in the end(???).
>>14725 >Alice the cuckquean is now canon kek
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>New Constance scene >Asks him to train with her >"Forgot" to mention she meant BF training >Forces him to cum inside her till she gets pregnant and makes him take responsibility by imposing a shotgun marriage on him Maybe that's why it took TRTR so long to add vaginal sex with someone 100% human outside of the time loop event, the end result is a worse fate for Luka than getting dryfished a thousand times by Shikis.
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>>14728 >shotgun marriage with a h*man woman A bad end worse than death
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>>14729 She saw the competition and realized the only she could win was with underhanded tactics.
>>14730 you could say that the only way to compete with a monstergirl, is to become a monster yourself
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>>14731 It probably helps if the real monster was inside you all along.
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Saw this on the latest Steam Nextfest https://store.steampowered.com/app/3432270/Monmusu_Girls_Autobattler/ There's a demo available.
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>>14730 >>14731 Pacific Rimjob >to defeat the monsters, we made ourselves into monsters
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>>14737 In the name of science, of course.
>>14743 Reminds me how much I dislike VN Promestein >I love humanity! >So I kill them en-masse and turn myself into a weed monster! I mean, the general idea of genderbent hentai Prometheus was cool, but the way she ended up being just another villain was meh.
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>cute >hot h-scene >good trait makes her viable all the way up to part 3 insanity >can be acquired almost right at the start of the game
>>14704 Holy fast thanks
>>14704 Is this entirely infantilism?
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>>14746 If I recall correctly, she only became an early game powerhouse after the patch that added passive skills and bonus modifiers to weapons and damage skills. I've no idea why exactly she got so much more powerful than everyone else, maybe TRTR accidentally added a few extra 0s to her trait by accident.
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>>14749 mostly, but not entirely
One of my favorite sub-plots of part 2 was the religious divide in San Ilia after the mermaid attack, with one side basically reverting back to full hatred against all monsters while the other still sought coexistence. I used to joke that as tensions increased, it would eventually lead to a full blown conflict and we'd see a second St. Bartholomew's Day, but what I really expected to happen is we'd get a post-credits footnote about how El's efforts to reconcile were fruitful and everything gets resolved off-screen. I was actually surprised to see it being brought up again with the additional hurdles of the 3rd path, but even more surprising is the direction that plotline went.
>>14573 What game is that screencap from?
>>14761 Dimension of Monster Girls
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https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1377046 >There is currently a bug with the starting level of the companion added in the latest patch. To fix it, just go to the Reaper and ask for a character growth reset. >Since I felt bad for only having that to report, here's a bit of trivia: >It is tradition for the Alipheese family to name their successor "Alipheese" since Alipheese the 3rd. However, when it came to Alipheese the 8th (Black Alice) and the 9th, Black Alice, who possessed immense power, received the name Alipheese while her younger sister got the name Little Alipheese. Later on, the 7th and the 8th nicknamed her "Lil", a contraction of "Little". Since the 9th finds that nickname humiliating, only her mother and sister use it. >After the ring event, I was thinking of a way to return the gifted ring at the Pocket Castle. However, I decided that was too uncharacteristic for a Hero, so I scraped it.
>>14760 >El's efforts to reconcile were fruitful and everything gets resolved off-screen. Peace through fish cunny
>>14772 imagine giving Micaela the ring and then asking it back, as a joke, h-haha
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>>14753 if only lil Luka knew one day he will have hot incest sex with alternative loli and adult versions of his beloved mom and also other family members
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>>14773 The universal language.
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I tried out the pull pin game >>14373 mentioned. It's very short, didn't even take me an hour to finish it, and there isn't much monster girl variety, but both main characters get their own animation for each enemy. It's pretty charming, really only wish there was more to it.
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>>14774 >2 weeks of non-stop special sword training as punishment In all seriousness, adding what is essentially divorce dialogue would probably feel too depressing, like who the fuck would want to read about a breakup in their monmusu game.
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>>14776 It's sad to think he had a mostly normal upbringing too. Had his aunts and grandma been present during his childhood, maybe the Westermack effect would have properly taken hold.
>>14783 >that pic so this is what heaven looks like
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>Possibly new doujin next comiket We are so back, Tamamobros
>>14780 The animations were really good, one of top 3 for me when it comes to pixel art games
>>14785 >inb4 it's another alice cucking meme
More part 3 translated. Translation merged with v3.05 +Grand Noah (Ilias Route) translated by Anon. +First camp scenes in Alice/Ilias routes translated by Kellam Yoshikage. +Translated Amira's objective help up to around where the current story translation is. +Pocket Castle interractions translate for some early route split recruits translated by Sugio +Ranael Talk and Jura Aevis Defeat events translated by Sugio. +Sabiriel and Liqueur Slime Talk/Seduction/Defeat events translated +Suiki, Fuuki, Myne, and Nadoka BF events translated. +Descriptions for Sealed Jobs and Races translated. +Implemented adjustments to the job descriptions and library trait pages to use a smaller font and less spacing between lines, allowing for more text to be shown without overlapping. +Fixed a bug in the improved party organization meny that was preventing favorited character names from displaying in green text. +Reimplemented BetterJobChangeWindow after removing a bug in it that was causing game crashes. +Added missing water element pierce and corrected the defense ignore on the Sea God race to apply to Tentacle skills (its applying to Corpse skills in the raw game) +Some typo corrections The pace seems good. I may be able to last until full translation yet.
>>14791 >The pace seems good. I may be able to last until full translation yet. I've been really enjoying playing part 3 bit by bit and following the manual translation, I usually buy myself a beer and enjoy the story part in one sitting. Will most likely cave in once I no longer have other games to play in the meantime, but by that time there should be a decent edited MTL out.
>>14794 That's a good idea. I wish I'd done that. Instead I chose to try to plow ahead with MTL. Eventually it became a word salad that I got to spend more time interpreting than actually reading, but I would have forgiven that if it didn't fail to hook certain lines. Drove me bonkers, so now I wait and I'll probably just replay the alice route (if that's an option) when I hit NG+ after translation is finished.
>>14795 >fail to hook certain lines Have you heard of bobMTL? it's much cleaner than messing with the hooking on your own
>>14796 I'll have to have a look at it. Right now I'm using luna translator, which gets probably 6 out of every ten lines on average following the "talk" action. So far it's been good about picking up all the "story" lines though.
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>>14795 >>14796 Seconding bob's MTL, also definitely helps it doesn't need a 3rd party program running while you're playing. Just hope someone picks it up again because the guy who made the patch apparently dropped out of the game, so his patch is stuck on 3.04 for now.
>>14799 >>14796 Is bob's MTL an already translated patch, rather than software that hooks it as you play?
>>14800 it's a complete patch that's applied same way you apply arzorx's one, pre-translated files. Someone took it and adopted it for v3.05: https://gofile.io/d/xpIPiy
>>14801 Does this include yesterday's translation?
>>14802 Not sure, it was posted an hour after arzorx repo was updated
next: >>14804

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