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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #14 Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 04:02:28 No. 12528
Trinity edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: The great wait is over, MGQ Paradox Part 3 is finally out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQ PARADOX PART 3 DEMO TRANSLATION IS OUT, everything story related is translated. Remember to use spoilers. Devil in Wonderland to be released in December SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Join the games mini-reviews effort >>9821 Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>11880
Edited last time by REDACTED on 11/01/2024 (Fri) 17:11:24.
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>>12528 5 days to go
>>12520 >If only there were more things to do in the postgame. The ingredient list still having some empty spaces makes it look like the dev reserved space for a future DLC. Maybe the dev rushed the final part or just wanted to get the project done with, the animation for the final boss did look more stiff than all the others. >>12510 >If it had a better and more engaging story it would be 10/10 Reminds me, I've recently seen a surprising amount of people expressing they'd rather see h-games focus entirely on it's porn setting than work on worldbuilding, and they would just start skipping dialogue the second it took a moment to move the plot forward or develop its characters. Of course, I feel like that's completely ridiculous, most of the standout h-games become renowned by having an intricate story rather than good scene writing or animations.
>>12532 >they'd rather see h-games focus entirely on it's porn setting than work on worldbuilding That's dumb, nobody remembers the countless nukiges that come and go, but MGQ spawned a cult following that goes on for over 12 years. That said, it's not good to go too far with worldbuilding autism in your h-game. Succubus Covenant would be a lot more liked if it didn't have those fucking unskippable cutscenes bombarding players with people, places and events that are barely relevant to the game. It's like if MGQ had a bunch of intermission cutscenes describing human kingdoms politics.
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> intricate story rather than good scene writing or animations disagree on animations and absolutely disagree on "intricate" story plot lines can be vanilla as hell and it's fine as long as the characters are properly developed. porn is more character-driven than anything else, it's the difference between memorable waifus you want to cherish versus some pretty face that you forget within 5 minutes of jacking it. as for scenes it's 50/50 on whether it helps, there's only so many ways to write "hora hora pathetic virgin" and bad writing can kill a boner faster than anything else (flashback to Nursery Slime, a game which had excellent writing otherwise, where I had to quit the game mid-fap and hack the files to delete every instance of the word "Cowper's") Anyway that reminds me, I'm hoping we will get some translation progress on Slime Hunter Nena at some point... I found out about this game weirdly enough from a doujin that basically contained a full-color ad for the game halfway through the pages (pic related), and I'm totally sold on the premise, but this might be one of those games that really benefits from translation. last I checked there was a MTL on f95, but it is completely raw and unedited, and practically unreadable
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Anyone tried this? Just started but for some reason it's lagging with increased CPU usage whenever there's an animated effect on screen. Not sure if my PC is to blame or just Ren'Py. >>12532 I personally think Dragon Princess's story is more than fine for a random out of nowhere game. The part about ancient dragons being extinct because God dropped an asteroid on them made me wonder if that was a reference to MGQ where Ilias implied to be the one who wiped out the dinosaurs.
>>12534 >had to quit the game mid-fap and hack the files to delete every instance of the word "Cowper's" ayy lmao
>>12536 >for some reason it's lagging with increased CPU usage whenever there's an animated effect on screen. Not sure if my PC is to blame or just Ren'Py. Works normally on my PC, 5800X3D with RTX2070
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https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1268126 >Critical Hit will now be split into physical crit and magical crit >Some of the gifted accessories from companions will change, if you already picked up those gifts, they will be replaced in your inventory when you load up the game >A reminder to not completely neglect defensive stats, some shields will also increase your max HP >New "Feral Child" job line focused on using monster skills, it will be available from the previous chapter and introduced by a familiar face
>>12542 >Critical Hit will now be split into physical crit and magical crit This is such autism for the sake of autism. Trtr is going to have to edit a bunch of items just so people swap the accessory for the one that matches damage type. Unless there is some ultra obscure cheese build based on mixing magic and physical crits that I'm not aware of but it would be still silly.
>>12543 He probably just wanted pure mages to not have to learn the way of the fist to maximize their magic damage.
https://capybarachan.org/mg/res/11880.html#12505 Is there any warning to futa? I'm into prostate stimulation but I kind of draw a line at dicks and tentacles with fluids
>>12522 Which game?
>>12546 There is a minuscule amount, mostly concentrated midway through it.
>>12546 No, some of them are even obligatory and if it's the first time you get a scene, you can't full skip them, but at least you can always fast forward. >>12547 RJ01236860
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My beloved forced childhood friend/love interest (who I don't actually care about at all)
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>>12534 >>12537 >I had to quit the game mid-fap and hack the files to delete every instance of the word "Cowper's" Now I'm curious, why?
Cecil just can't catch a break
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https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1268978 Some Labyrinth of Chaos stuff, I'm not familiar enough with LoC to understand everything he's talking about. >You can't equip secret equipment until you beat the game >You can only re-enter LoC after beating the game and difficulty has been increased. Your progress will be reset but you will receive rabbit points based on the highest floor you reached. >No more Trials of Chaos >Equipment gems will be removed from the game and you will be refunded all mats spent on them
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>>12551 Sonya doesn't deserve all the hate she gets.
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>>12528 >November 1st I pity the fools who fell for the NNN reddit scam, imagine deliberately blue balling yourself for a month because of a meme.
>>12564 A month is silly, but abstinence is healthy as you're not running on empty destroying your dick every day. Hold out a few days to a week or so and you let out way more when you do get around to it; bottoming out and packing an ona full feels great.
>>12564 as much as I like to make fun of the normalfag plebbit meme month, unless you know jap you will have to wait around a month anyway. >>12565 yeah, short periods of abstinence in between gave me the best results.
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Anybody happens to have a saved backup of the games reviews we had? Looks like pst.innomi.net died for good and it will have to be remade
>>12548 >>12550 >obligatory Well... well damn. I'll give it a chance later after exams I guess.
>>12560 God being rape-kissed is so hot
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>Q:How did Nuruko and Morrigan become friends? >A:
>>12589 >cutest innocent girl and retarded murderwhore Thanks, I hate it
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3-2 days to go
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>>12590 >retarded murderwhore How rude, I doubt Nuruko ever killed anyone.
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>>12595 man i wish i knew moonrunes. No way im gonna play this shit till it's translated. Rip another year+ of waiting lmao
>>12600 But playing it in short episodes as next parts of the story get translated is going to be fun, anons can comment as if it was a group TV show screening.
>>12543 >Trtr is going to have to edit a bunch of items just so people swap the accessory for the one that matches damage type That's the funny part. It's already part of the demo so you see Crit rods be hilariously pointless because he didn't edit them. It's still possible he does in the actual release but it's weird he even announced a change from the demo unless he wanted to let people that didn't play it understand their Crit mages will stop working.
1 day left until the meme becomes reality.
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happy halloween, bros
>>12621 I can't wait to mute my doorbell and spent night in the dark pretending to be not at home again!
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>>12624 Halloween isn't really a big thing where I live, but I always liked the couple of kids who still dressed up and went trick-or-treating. I dunno, I guess I just like the spooky aesthetics and seeing the young 'uns doing outdoorsy stuff in this day and age. [spoiler]It also feels like one of the only times when I see some actual childish innocence. Unlike what the media would have you believe, the average kid is a little devil.[spoiler]
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Dawn of the Final Day
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>>12626 >the average kid is a little devil Damn little devils!💢 Rape correction is needed!💢💢💢
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>>12628 Fucking hate 3D brats and hate fucking 2D brats
>>12628 with them being the ones that do the raping
>>12632 >3800 copies sold already
>>12633 I refreshed it and it's now at 4000, holy shit
Part 4 announcement any day now, I can feel it in my bones.
https://gofile.io/d/k0L6HR clean Part 3, fresh from dlsite
>>12635 IIRC TRTR said his next monster girl game would be based on a different classic JRPG franchise
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It really happened, I almost can't believe it.
>>12637 He did? I'm pretty sure there was a blog post from a couple of years ago saying that he has two or so more games in progress, and a few more ideas he wanted to work on. One of those games was about eldritch gods and their cults or something.
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>>12636 Praise be
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>>12636 thank you anon
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>>12638 Pour one out for our boys who couldn't make it to this day. >>12639 I think so yeah, though I should probably double check some of his older blog posts. >One of those games was about eldritch gods and their cults or something. I remember reading some like that, might even be the same post. In any case, it definitely wasn't going to be as big of an universe as MGQ.
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>>12632 >Genre: Totally Happy Indeed.
>>12642 It'd be cool if he added references to MGQ or made the new games connected to the previous works in some way to keep expanding his H-game verse.
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Actual spoilers time, oh god she's unstoppable.
>>12646 You better fucking believe I'd try to fuck it
>>12646 THE BALL THE BALL can't believe this old meme is relevant
I know trtr was warning about guro but holy shit...
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>>12645 I disagree, I would much rather see an entirely new and self-contained setting. It's impressive enough he expanded as much as he did since the VN without it crumbling on itself (at least until Paradox chapter 2), and personally I'm tired of seeing so many crossovers and nostalgia bait everywhere lately. Not like MGQ isn't guilty of the same crime, in fact a new collab with ROBF just got announced. Fuck you, Asgar, you will never stop me from enjoying your monsters' tiddies.
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Some notable things I noticed while skimming through the pictures folder. SEVENTEEN Alices, maybe more. New lolias scene, Chaos Goddess Ilias isn't too far off from fanart depictions. Speaking of Ilias, remember the slime and dog girls she recruits if you side with Alice? They turned into angels. Setouchi worked overtime, lots of new monsters were drawn by him. UN_DO wasn't too far behind, his style matches apoptosis surprisingly well. frfr was still relegated to Battle Fucker duty, but at least he got to make some new girls too. A lot of minor characters actually got a new form, RIP "human" Sonya, died without ever being allowed to put out [spoiler] Shikibus foursome. Both Fenrir and the ancestor of the insects brought up last thread are in. Feels like most artists introduced in Paradox chapter 1 and 2 dropped out of the project. Some I particularly liked as an example are Stealth, who I only saw draw 1 new girl, while nekomanma and kusakabe didn't seem to make anyone new The panty-stealing leaks proved to be true, a bunch of those zombie, spirit and doll summons became playable. Even more delphinus abominangels.
>>12658 I noticed there aren't as many new scenes for recurring characters as I thought. Maybe they'll be added in a post release update or perhaps I'm only coping. There are a few, but not my cup of tea. A lot of the "new" cg for old characters are just re-used from MGQ but at least there's probably new text, that I can read in 2 gorillion years once Part 3 is translated.
>>12658 setouchi enjoyer chads rise up
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>>12659 >https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1273170 >We are still planning to add more H-scenes, post-clear events, endgame content and so on in future updates. I mean, that isn't exactly surprising considering the past two games (cough, spirits), but there is a non 0% chance main characters could still get something. By far, the biggest offender is Alice only getting 1 new scene. >but at least there's probably new text I think most scenes ported from the VN were nearly a 1:1 copy-paste, so... Also >Sonya not in the official™ release celebration pic Even TRTR forsook her...
>>12661 I was saddest about (normal) Ilias and Lucifina. Unfortunately just handjob & side view for the latter. Maybe I missed something though. I was hoping they'd get a lot more for Angel World. Succubi Sisters are cool too, at least Astaroth got something, Lilith got a whole lot more, there was a foursome like the Anon mentioned above and they all got request scenes. Shame that Ilias got a scene from Akazawa and it's just vaginal vore. Well, sad for me anyways. Bet a few of us are celebrating lmao Also, it's impossible to MTL the game, Translator++ is fucked with it. Not sure if I can get something working for that or not. MTool might work but it's finicky with really big games and you probably need to pay for it. Also, poor Sonya :(
Edited last time by REDACTED on 11/01/2024 (Fri) 03:39:06.
>>12662 Oh yes, I was definitely kinda sad after seeing how many scenes Ilias and Lucifina got. Adult Micaela too, after all these years, only has 1+1 scenes. But if you take >>12661's pic's characters for example, it's easier to count the ones that did not get at least one new-new scene in any form in part 3, those being the 4 spirits, Gnosis, Alma and Morrigan (to be fair, both had their spotlight last chapter), Zion (though she did get a few new variations on her previous CG set) and Chrome. >Shame that Ilias got a scene from Akazawa and it's just vaginal vore. here's hoping she's one of the characters you can't recruit yet that TRTR mentioned in >>12508 and gets something new in a future update.
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>>12636 With DLpay down, you're saving my ass anon.
>>12551 Damn, that Sonya is really beautiful. >>12650 >an entirely new and self-contained setting Only if he can come up with another good one. Hopefully "self-contained setting" doesn't mean "some really generic shit" tacked on a CG hunter to justify selling it as a game, which seems kind of common when it comes to H-games. >>12662 Uh, Anon? Please spoiler all that shit.
>>12665 Huh? Don't worry, I'm not talking about lore, just cgs. I have no idea what happens to any characters at the end of part 3. And that "poor Sonya" at the end is in response to the another anon saying that she wasn't in toro's celebration release pic and some part 2 stuff.
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How are y'all planning on playing through part 3? I'll probably go through the entirety of it as soon as a translated UI patch drops and MTL the rest.
>>12668 I might use it as a test bed to try out latest MTL stuff, but I'll most likely drop it and just play along as actual translation progresses. I'm not buying all this talk about ChatGPT being sooo much better compared to old google translate methods, I played around with some games a while back and even GPT shits itself when you try to translate disjointed h-game dialogue lines.
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>part 3 merged with part1+2 CGs is 7,5 GB
>>12668 I can't play it immediately (still have some things left to do in Part 2 and collabs), but I hope that people that do will have fun and enjoy the story/characters/scenes/gameplay/whatever. It's pretty refreshing to see excitement and not doomposting.
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Wait, so if you side with AW, you get to invade MW, and vice-versa if you side with MW. Does that mean that siding with AW would net you the big name angels as companions and let you recruit the monster residents of MW, with the inverse happening were you to side with MW?
>>12646 Mouth or *
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Neocities collection update: added MGQ Paradox Part 3 (no description needed) added Succubus Battle (battlefuck fighting game with animated content, looks to be femdom/maledom depending on the result) updated Spirit Valley from demo to early access v1.0.0 release updated Monster Girl Dreams to v26.6 updated ShoSakyu The Succubus I Summoned is a Noob! Demo to v1.4.1 updated SHRIFTII to v2.68 and applied latest TL patch updated Succubus Hunt to v0.9 updated Fourteenth Fantasy Harem Reborn to v0.2 updated FOBS Remake to October build updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.27 updated Monster Girl Quest Paradox Part 3 Demo translation to the latest bitbucket commit
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This is the only game where I'm willing to stomach MTL for extended periods of time. >>12679 In her foxhole
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God, she is literally perfect in every universe.
>>12683 What program are you using for that?
>>12685 MTool with a pre-translated json.
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If ya'll want to see something funny without spoiling yourself too much, go into Pictures folder of Part 3 and type "plant" into windows explorer search bar there.
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HOW TO USE MTOOL FOR PARADOX PART 3 Here's what you'll need: the game MTool: https://trs.mtool.app/release.php?lang=en Launch the game through MTool. Go to MTool's 'Translate' tab and start translating the files. This will take a while and eat up a load of memory while processing even on a good PC. Once it's finished, go back to the 'Translate' tab, there should be a new option 'Load translation file.' Pick your poison: Option 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I0EChdkoizE46dy5j1Xhgk2rYnlUb9ta/view?usp=sharing Perfomance option, expect more text bugs. Option 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PuvN9LThNe-nhKIEHJsI0mgyu2YXqNTT/view?usp=sharing WIP prototype, more complete, but game might become laggier. Pick whichever you prefer, the game will freeze while the file is being loaded. You will need to keep MTool open while you're playing the game, but on subsequent launches, it should take significantly less time to load the translation files. OPTIONAL, BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -While the game is running, go to MTool's 'SYS' tab (first tab, hidden under the baka) and disable autosave. It might help a bit with the lag and getting fewer crashes. -While the game ISN'T running, change the font to something else on the initial MTool tab. Most recommended one is Arial Unicode MS (you will have to install it manually), but it's ultimately up to personal preference. CONS OF MTOOL -MTL -Some words, names especially, will get cut in half or have blank spaces between them -There are a few missed kanji -You should probably not try to read too many h-scenes with this unless you're really curious -Occasional gobbledygook -Text formatting sometimes gets messy on game mechanics tutorials and menus -Some of the more peculiar character mannerisms might get lost on the translation -F1 became a squished window for some reason -MTL Special thanks to ArzorX's d■■■■■■ ■■■■■■
>>12698 Holy based, thanks anon
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I want to meet their MW versions
>>12698 i like to think this anon made this solely because he saw this post >>12692
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>First blacksmith after demo >Nearly all of the synthesis equipment is from Part 1 to early Part 2. That's evil, and right after I finally decided to stop hoarding a bunch of trash with how cluttered my inventory was.
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mystery niggas
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https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1275589 V.3.01 soon, I noticed the status vulnerability pages for enemies in the library disappeared, hope that gets fixed. TRTR also saying some players are finding part 3 harder than usual? How's your experience with it so far?
>>12704 >V.3.01 soon more like now, I've just updated neocities with v.3.01
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>>12700 >Raised by Shikimamo You sure? Instead of kitsunes (Japan), they're gonna grow into kitsunes (Korea).
>>12706 Don't tell me you wouldn't like a cute loli kitsune to violently murder you while riding your dick
Does anyone here have a DLsite account? I'd like to know whether Paypal still supports buying their coins, since it's restricted from directly paying for H-content.
>>12713 I bought Part 3 2 days ago, DLsite directly doesn't support any non-JP payment method in any way. You have to buy points from either https://forbooks.jp/en/products/dld003p or https://point-market.com/point?locale=en_US Both of those sites support direct card payment and shit like google pay. Bear in mind forbooks has one order per 24h limit for some retarded reason.
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>>12714 Thanks, have a fox for your troubles
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>>12698 Quick update on both json files: Option 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YKFzuUPtsdoHH_YJh2niQRFvce6k-lZH Option 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18U3AcmSvf_SuGF3oZyYlBtn_tY4oG3bL Both are backwards compatible with v3.00 if you haven't updated your game yet.
>>12724 What is this, anyway? Pre-made translation files for MTool? Which translator engine was used?
>>12725 >Pre-made translation files for MTool? Yes. >Which translator engine was used? Sugoi
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>Part 3 Ilias Route >You start the act by invading Monster World with an army of angels. >Lolias remembers her roots and immediately takes control of the situation when things start going south. >Blames everything that went wrong on Sub Ilias. Holy kino.
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>those tail tips Time for your prostate exam, anon
>>12735 Kino
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>>12737 I wonder if she's also able to transform the tip of her tails.
Anyone knows CFNM-focused games? I loved Carried by Big Girls and would love more games with scenes like that.
>>12741 >Carried by Big Girls Sounds like you'd like A Lose Hero in the Castle of the Succubi, though girls there aren't exactly the most clothed
>>12667 Started browsing the thread and I noticed that some text was slightly discolored, and I looked back at this post of mine... I was under the impression people didn't care about scene spoilers because apparently the Dark Reader extension for Firefox just fucking removes all spoilers from posts on this site, lmao So I was under the impression no one ever used spoilers for anything
>>12743 It doesn't exactly capture the embarassment but definitely does fill this feeling of being overpowered around. Thanks!
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>Very first village you visit in Monster World At least the humans here have free will!
>>12744 >Dark Reader extension FYI this site has a built-in dark theme, from the upper panel just choose "Cyberpunk"
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>trtr fucked with the difficulty of part 3 so badly, that he now has to add additional difficulty adjustments because even on very easy people complain
>>12749 It only affects Easy and Very easy anyway, so real gamers won't be affected.
>>12749 I was very rusty before part 3 came out, but I quickly found out that playing to your skills and weapons's strengths is the difference between dealing 4k damage per attack to 500k+. Guess now you have to put the minimum consideration into party building instead of just picking whoever with whatever jobs look fancy like I've always done on my main save, on Normal difficulty
>>12749 >Before P3: the game is too easy, some skills and characters are just way too gigabroken >After P3: aiiiieeee I'm getting amazon pressed, save me TTR!!! Now he just needs to add higher difficulties for minmaxers to please absolutely everyone.
>>12755 >aiiiieeee I'm getting amazon pressed, save me TTR!!! The SHRIFT way would be to say it's part of the femdom experience and no changes are needed.
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>>12756 >The SHRIFT way I'm still conflicted whether I should find the anti-savescum mechanic in the 2nd game incredibly funny or incredibly infuriating.
>>12757 >anti-savescum mechanic in the 2nd game What is it? I kept delaying the sequel-prequel in my backlog and now I'm curious.
>>12757 *copies the save files in a new folder before a big moment* nothing personnel
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>>12758 The game gives you a shitload of corruption from the girl you tried savescumming against when you alt+f4 or otherwise terminate the game. Essentially forcing you to fuck another girl 1-2 times before challenging her again unless you want to get instant loss'd
>>12758 >What is it? I kept delaying the sequel-prequel in my backlog and now I'm curious. if you forcequit the game during a fight it automatically counts it as a loss.
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>>12760 >>12761 ok this is just too hilarious and impressive at the same time, now I'm going to play SHRIFT 2 while waiting for Part 3 translations
>>12756 A part of me would've loved to see that.
(377.68 KB 640x480 BttPZwU.png)
Beating someone, changing the background music from a sad one to a comedic one while they're telling their tragic backstory, then mocking them for their misfortunes as they continue their tale is such a power move.
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>>12771 fucking kek also holy shit, the Kreuz is back
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>Kanon's Art Exhibit
>>12786 What's the matter anon, too much FREEDOM for you?
>>12775 >Iliaskreuz is a knight order in MW Damn
Edited last time by REDACTED on 11/06/2024 (Wed) 21:12:28.
>>12786 raymoo when i impregnate all the youkai in gensokyo
whoops, I accidentally posted on the old thread. Can I have it deleted?
>>12794 Nothing wrong with reposting it here
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Does anyone know the context of this Titania scene? Exhibitionism?
>>12799 Looks decent, aside from some goofy looking faces. I heard they even got shiki to draw something. According to F95 the dev got super butthurt at Vinum being a loli in succubus prison and wanted to make a game like that with no lolis, kek
>>12794 Pretty sure you can delete your own posts, at least within a certain timeframe.
(74.44 KB 555x903 frieza vinum.jpg)
>>12800 Degrade me, Vinum-sama! Also what an idiot, even if he doesn't like lolis and doesn't want to add any to his game, shittalking lolicons is only gonna lose him potential customers for absolutely no reason on an already small audience.
>>12803 Why is Vinum's tail so thick? She part dragon or something?
>>12798 Luka asks her to play with his penis and she gets a funny idea of sneaking into his underwear and teasing his penis while they're in public. Luka ends up hiding in an alley and she makes him ejaculate through his pants, stating they should be bolder next time. She has a second request scene that starts out similarly to the first one, only this time they get caught by two passerby girls for being too loud. Titania doesn't really care about being seen and keeps humiliating him in front of them. There's also a slight variation to the 1st scene if you lost to her in battle, with Luka having become her personal toy for the rest of his life and being humiliated by her in different ways on a daily basis.
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>>12804 she's friezamaxxing.
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>>12804 Because thick tails are sexy
(203.66 KB 855x992 GbtMBNtbQAAG3D5.jpg)
>>12788 The more you see of that world, the clearer it becomes that VN Lazarus was absolutely right about everything and that I picked the right side, death to the Shikis.
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I wonder if the former MGQ drawfags will start drawing it again with Part 3's release. Maritan and critnuke might, not sure about renetan who seems to have moved on to FOTM gacha completely. At least we got some new artists like Mazo-Andre.
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>>12812 At least someone never abandoned us and is still at it!
>>12813 I might just have to consider learning to draw, if only to ensure that this "art" isn't the only MGQ-related non-AI thing still getting posted decades later.
>>12814 Can't get any worse than his "art"
>>12805 Fucking hot she sounds amazing. Thanks!
>>12814 well we have a drawthread so go ahead
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>>12812 Maritan posts fanart very irregularly. On the other hand, they did comment before TRTR commissioned some art for a future project, so there's that to look forward to. Do keep in mind that some monster girls were in Paradox were teased all the way before Part 1 even released and we didn't get to see them until now, so good luck guessing when said project might come out kek. Renentan literally just posted an Alma Elma (behind a paywall), critnuke's been focusing on some more extreme fetishes lately, Jiffic might post an art or two, I've no idea what Hyphen has been up to, and Ecstasy is probably still working on NG+. Another western artist who draws MGQ and SHRIFT often is Ryla.
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I decided to compile all the Part 3 girls new to the series with h-scenes and their respective artists. It helps put into perspective just how massive this chapter is. It should go without saying, but expect massive spoilers, open at your own discretion. For reference, here are the ones from Part 1 and 2, in order of VN artists > newcomers.
(3.20 MB 2000x5010 un_do.jpg)
(3.62 MB 2000x6031 setouchi.jpg)
(3.28 MB 2000x5184 VN1.jpg)
(4.05 MB 2000x6689 VN2.jpg)
Setouchi and UN_DO drew so many characters they each need their own pics to show off them all, but it's not like the other artists were slouches either
(2.52 MB 2000x4425 P12A.jpg)
(3.91 MB 2000x6896 new.jpg)
And here are the artists introduced with Paradox, with the 2nd picture having those who joined in Part 3.
>>12821 So glad UN_DO drew Vanguard. His style is the best for undeads like vampires
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>>12823 For sure, I'd like to see him draw Fatima and her 2 goons at least once.
>>12820 >>12821 >>12822 Neat, good job
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(1.03 MB 800x600 Mermerchant.png)
>>12821 2024...I am forgotten...
>>12826 >cut angel in half >cut tree in half >glue together the halves holy shit I hate setouchi designs so much
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>>12827 >cut angel in half
(83.08 KB 550x282 ANGELS.png)
>>12822 wait maidragon guy contributed to MGQ?
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>>12830 >in charge of multiple girls >2 doujins, one for Rami and one for Maidcubus >Drew the illustration for a recently announced Alma Elma figure He's quite involved with MGQ since Paradox
>>12832 That Alma is so good, only non-frfr Alma I like.
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>>12698 Update on the translation file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wZz8FdEKgrr_vqnvA7PGUhuvDU8mWrw9 Both options are now merged.
>not a tailpussy wasted
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>>12838 I wish those companies would be more creative with sex toys
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>>12833 >very clearly has a hint of a bush here >becomes clean shaved in all of her scenes this shit drives me insane, there's already way too few girls with any semblance of pubic hair and TRTR goes and blueballs me like that with a main character.
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wait what, don't tell me it's THAT Nina
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>>12841 I feel you brother
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>>12844 I'm not an exhibitionist, but her scene in SHRIFT 1 was something else.
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https://x.com/to_kage_p/status/1854837433936093431 Non-h Black Alice doujin next comiket
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Emotional damage.
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oh shit, it's that cat in a musketeer hat from Shrek
>>12872 >furry feet eww take it to >>>/amg/. or at least spoiler it
>>12874 to be fair, SHRIFT's art itself is far more grotesque than the furry feet or face
>>12870 Reads like one of those fantasy kicked out of party stories lmao
>>12862 What's her scene like?
>>12884 Good, they work fast. Bodes well for the future TL effort.
>>12884 Very nice. Things are lookin' up.
For those playing or planning to play MGQP do not use Apiro lagos (The skill with the use counter) The game specifically warns that using it will result in a worse ending
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>This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind
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>>12896 ah yes, the religion world of peace
>>12897 he looks comfy
(424.98 KB 640x507 holy water.png)
Name a more iconic combination
>>12903 >holy element is usually associated with yellow color It all makes sense...
>>12903 I'm flabbergasted at what I'm seeing, unimpressed at this considering her creator and impressed she is the sole creation of Ilias so far that practices this
(1.13 MB 1120x1680 124198145_p1.png)
I always found Kanon's hair eye stupid looking.
>>12907 I did a quick shitty job at shooping out the eye and it came out better than I expected
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(1.00 MB 1124x1717 59993252_p0.png)
>>12908 Problem is that all of her official depictions are like that and it always looks off. I've no idea why he didn't just go for a regular bang covering eye.
>>12909 I think the idea is something like >gaze so evil it pierces her own hair but a covered eye looks even more menacing
>>12909 Let me guess: she kills him in that scene by sucking out the spinal fluids or something?
Anyone got info on Negotiation X Monster? It doesn't have a download in the bin (or I searched wrong). I loved Carried by Big Girls.
>>12916 It was on the list, you should search by RJ number whenever applicable since some games like that one don't even have an official english name. But still the copy on list is old, here's the latest version: https://gofile.io/d/JXMaTA
>>12918 >RJ number Noted. Thanks for the link!
>>12916 I know it recently had an update that added some new content. They're planning on doing one more decent sized Ver 3 update, though I don't think there is an estimated date yet.
(1.30 MB 1200x1600 124164921_p0.png)
>encounter cute Lamia for the first time >suddenly vore
>>12926 Yeah dude, what the fuck is her problem? I thought we had a nice thing going, but nope, can't trust a monster after all. It was from that moment onwards I decided to never doubt Ilias again.
>>12927 I said CUTE Lamia
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>>12915 >Let me guess: she kills him in that scene by sucking out the spinal fluids or something? Not quite, it's more of an assimilation thing.
>>12927 "F*** I shouldn't have picked 'Gonna fight you now'"
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>Black Alice >Lucifina >Alice What is it about the purple haired shota bloodline that attracts all the crazies?
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Holy mother of powercreep.
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Gotta love these CGs for cutscenes.
>>12931 If you don't stick your dick in crazy, the crazy will stick your dick in herself >that Lucufina cut-in going "Your semen, hand it over"
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>>12944 I want to live in the alternative world ruled by harpies
(2.95 MB 3000x4000 124263560_p0.jpg)
evil (and retarded) woman sexy
>>12921 Sugoi
>>12934 I haven't played P3 yet but the more I hear and see of Minagi the more I love her >>12944 lol
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My dumb ESL gf (ghostfriend)
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>>12946 She looks like she fucks human shotas
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>the differently themed rooms and shops in Yamatai >all the twists and turns from climbing Harpy Village >water walkways for mermaids in Port Natalia >the night lights of San Ilias >plus the new (original?) music I gotta say, all those details, small as they might be, really add to the experience.
>>12967 I remember being utterly flabbergasted by the transitions in harpy village when I came there for the first time
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>>12973 I knew Maritan wouldn't let us down.
>>12973 i should start going to church
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Neocities collection update: added merged copy of MGQ Paradox Part 3 with latest partial translation patch applied added Succubus Manor (a neat adventure game with nice animated content, WIP but appears to be almost done) added Nikuyoku Fantasy (another battlefuck game by dev of The Monmusu School of Love, animated) updated Isekai Parlor Simulator to v1.3.2 updated MonCurse to v0. updated MonGirl Conquest to v0.2.6 updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.3.06 updated RJ01186364 (monster x negotiation) to v2.7.13 updated BizzareHolyLand to v44.1b updated Lust Doll Plus to v66.1
(356.50 KB 802x833 fuckpoints.png)
I want to see this system in more games
There seems to be a specific requirement to get the good ending for the chaos route When you get the bad ending the white rabbit mentions you should rely on your allies more Has anyone found a way to recruit the calamities and idea luka?
Edited last time by REDACTED on 11/16/2024 (Sat) 02:12:12.
>>12996 spoiler that shit man
(578.11 KB 642x507 rules_of_nature.png)
>Even Sylph is seeing red now hell yeah
>>12996 >people already finishing the game twice jesus, some of you guys are fast
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>add an ability that makes service skills have a chance to inflict Climax >use a healing service skill >OHK my own party members
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>>12995 This got me thinking, I like femdom, but I'm also kind of sick of "lose to get h-scenes" games. The way Paradox does it also feels lazy, with request scenes often being the exact same as defeat ones, with a few lines at the end being different if it doesn't result in Luka's death. How would you guys go about it in your own game? I really liked how Succubus Academia did it, with how in main boss fights you have already essentially lost, and it's more about how you behave while being raped and trying to get the girl to also cum.
>>13006 how about >lose boss battle "too weak, you'd be no fun dominating" >win boss battle "ara ara, such stamina, time for your reward"
(35.31 KB 267x291 Wan.jpg)
>>13007 Oh yeah, I remember VH having some stuff like this, only which fights you were supposed to lose to progress through the game was anyone's guess. And the fights with h-scenes on win were actually a game over.
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>lose to get h-scenes I don't like these either, you're blue balled for being good at the game. What it should be is there are different scenes for both winning and losing. You will have to lose to see all of them, that's just the nature of it, but you still have something if you win. I like how MGD did it with a fast and loose system where you can be on top or bottom, or even if you win you could let yourself be tempted and end up dommed and with some debuffs. Alternatively if you want to lead into the femdom there's the never ever MGERPG. There's only femdom and you need to make her cum to add her to your party. For my own never ever game, the way I'd run it is through gradual corruption weighing you down. Every attack you take adds to this, and succumbing to desires to fuck the defeated adds a lot more. Eventually—no matter how strong you are—you're so bogged down with corruption that you'll lose and get raped. Because of this there's no real loss state to losing, you still make progress because losing is progress by design. Of course you wont be making much if you present yourself like a dead fish to the first girl you see.
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>>13009 >I don't like these either, you're blue balled for being good at the game. That's how it went for me when I played through The Dream of Non-Humans for the first time, but that game was cute enough it didn't really bother me to save all the sex after I beat it. >the never ever MGERPG Is that 5 year old demo still the only thing we have? Not even any relevant news since then? >For my own never ever game, the way I'd run it is through gradual corruption weighing you down. Every attack you take adds to this, and succumbing to desires to fuck the defeated adds a lot more. Eventually—no matter how strong you are—you're so bogged down with corruption that you'll lose and get raped. Because of this there's no real loss state to losing, you still make progress because losing is progress by design. Sounds like that could work in a roguelike
>>13009 the ideal game you are talking about sounds awfully like karryn's prison in that game while lewdness wont be as detrimental if you are willing to corrupt karryn it shows it's true colors if you are trying to do a pure/low lewdness run attacking/getting attacked by enemies gives you lewd traits depending on what exactly is being done As an exampleBeing stared at a lot may give the body part Max arousal bonuses. the arousal determines what the opponent can do to karryn thus keeping body part arousal low is part of the combat Losing wont trigger a game over (except end game) but it will significantly increase your lewdness level
Figured out why i couldnt get the ending For some reason when i updated my save from part 2 to part 3 magical mari disappeared from the castle Make sure to Re-Recruit magical mari before Besides that make sure to recruit the goddess ilias and the evil god before fighting the chaos god
>>13006 How is Succubus Academia?
>>12960 The kind that's part human and part angel?
>>13012 >human woman ruins everything every single time
(4.13 KB 51x63 lilisho.gif)
>>13015 Those and more.
(372.34 KB 642x600 GIfPF.png)
God, this entire sequence of infiltrating the castle left me in tears. Ilias is literally perfect in every way.
(2.27 MB 1754x1327 124349469_p0.png)
Total Makai Victory
>>13018 kek Based
(3.28 MB 2508x3541 GbIsFP3boAAV3HL.jpg)
Never expected Gnosis to grow on me
Managed to finally get the true ending It has some absurd conditions required to complete it It took me several days to complete it and i could only do it thanks to looking through the game's code. Here are some tips so that they wont have to suffer like me Keep the four heavenly knights in your party while doing the chaos route ALWAYS do not beat the three battle gods in the chaos tartarus without Finishing EVERYTHING check every town Get every important Character in your group **Do not talk to amira After killing the robot girl until you kill another calamity ** Do battle fuck with magical mari -you need to do this- Do not use the chaos skill luka gets or you permanently become a furry -Does not affect ending- For those that still cant do it i have uploaded a save file with all prequisites completed so that you can see the ending https://gofile.to/RN8J/save01.zip
(55.27 KB 710x710 1491978151054.jpg)
>>13013 >Fun battle fucking >Great animations >Great soundtrack >Incredible soundtrack >Surprising story It has its flaws, some of which might be more down to personal taste, but still a must play for femdom fans.
(3.10 MB 3220x2500 124401956_p0.jpg)
>>13028 How does that 3rd route work, do you need to finish the game with both heroines before you unlock it?
>>13030 Complete both routes, make sure to recruit the sabasa king. afterwards just pick the third way
>>13026 Is it true she absorbs your testicles? Does she have a normal scene?
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>>13034 While that CG has been in the game since part 2, it doesn't actually happen in the scene itself. Her "two" requests use the same fellatio set from her defeat scene too. Now the real spoilery part is both her and Zion have alternate forms that don't have any scenes yet. A number of xelvy girls got their CGs drawn by different artists, and in the past, TRTR did eventually use some CGs that remained unused in the files for the longest time, so there's always hope he will add more requests in the future.
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While we're on the topic, if there's one thing that's always annoyed me, is how sometimes a girl will have a CG set, sometimes a huge one, but only one or two images from it are used in-game and the only place they're used is during those mid-battle temptation attacks with an exceedingly short amount of text. It becomes even more of a hassle to check them out as you level up since they're not available anywhere else, you have to hope the enemy is vulnerable to a DoT or gravity magic else they just get one-shot. Feels like that's been happening in part 3 even more than previous parts.
(86.30 KB 640x120 4.5.png)
>Oh shit, I finally get to try out one of the Archangels during this short section of the game, let's see what the hype's all about
>>13035 There is a perfect chaos route that was promised later on maybe the content will come then
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How come Hiruko and Queen Scylla look so fundamentally different from every other scylla, including the homerically accurate one?
>>13039 Probably because they wanted to make the "special" monsters different from the usual ones. And also artists have their distinct design styles, setouchi would probably make his usual tentacle spaghetti monster instead.
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Crazy runs in the family.
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Patch 3.02 just dropped https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1287504 >Adjustable enemy stats for EASY and easier difficulties, 1% HP gives them 1 HP >Part 3 BF characters now recruitable >You can use seeds directly from the job change screen now >Ways to recruit character you might have missed out on during limited time events >More dialogue for characters in the Pocket Castle >Bug fixes -Planned in the future: >Character abilities can be saved in setups to make it faster to swap them around >Proof Abilities will get their dedicated slot >Adding a lot more companion interactions in towns >New H-scenes, including ones using illustrations from Seduction events and unused illustrations >Also plan on adding scenes for the former Monster Lords in their alive form -About Second Playthrough on ■■■ Mode >New choices available thanks to the player's foreknowledge >Character-specific Awakening abilities will make even random characters as strong as the Ancestors and Archangels >New companions exclusive to second playthrough, some are powerful enemies you couldn't save in the main story, some are characters you never expected could become companions, and others will show up for the first time during that second playthrough >All this will require more dev time, also expect post-game events in future updates Good news all around, glad to see some of my personal criticisms about part 3 are being addressed. Only thing I wish he'd touched upon was adding minor side-quests as you go through the main story, stuff like Rami's quest to fly and Grangold King trying to reapproach his people.
>>13049 raw dlsite download of v3.02 https://gofile.io/d/rBZGCA
>>13050 thanks!
Does anyone have some recommendations for some fairly grindy rpg games? iam looking for games similiar to fumika fantasy or MGQP in terms of progression i have played SEQUEL, Black souls, Fumika fantasy and MGQP so far
(199.33 KB 817x625 heitenai.jpg)
>>13052 Haitenai, I remember cheating in stuff by the end because I didn't want to bother gridning anymore but it's a piece of enjoyable traditional RPG. Another RPG I'd recommend is from frontier, grind is not obligatory but you can do some cool stuff with skill tree builds if you do. Also I remember people complaining that the monmusu school of love is grindy as fuck, although it's more of a battlefuck game than traditional RPG.
>>13052 Kamidori Alchemy Meister should fit the bill
>>13056 >>13055 Have played everything except from frontier will check that game thanks for the recommendations
>>13057 Dunno if you played it but you could also try 62studio games like Lust Grimm Again and Succubus in Wonderland or Succubus Puttel. Ragnarok online parody games (ROBF/REBF) also look like such rpgs, but I didn't play them myself
>>13058 Finished the entire series Will try ROBF though
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>>13049 Must be saving Part 4 announcement for 2030.
what are some monmusu games with unique lore? (ie; not the generic JRPG setting like MGE or MGQ. nor an urban fantasy setting like daily life with monster girls)
>>13066 Black Souls and SEQUEL. They are among the most detailed and deep lore, the first that come to mind. We actually get to learn why their world became the fucked up way they are. The 62 Studio games have lore too but it's left on the backstage for why you are adventuring in a world of horny succs.
>>13067 >Black Souls Doesn't really feel unique considering how derivative it is, pretty much all of the lore/characters are lifted from other sources.
>>13067 Both the black souls games are good in gameplay but i dont like how much hidden content is in the second game. It gets annoying as sanity is treated inconsistently
>>13066 SHRIFT games. Plot of the first game is dumb, but general worldbuilding is interesting and far above the usual JRPG fantasy settings carbon copies or oh-so-original fairy tales adaptations
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>>13080 Could do without the genocide part.
>>13086 eh, you'll find it funny eventually
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>>13066 The Three Charms series is set in rural Japan sometime during the Edo period.
>>13080 >>13086 Wait who is she?
>>13090 Oh the Coliseum one. It was one of the fights I gave me all and just closed the game in case of loss. The stakes there were too high for me to witness her scene.
>>13080 That looks really similar to Xelvy's style, fingers crossed for that artist to draw more Xelvy girls.
(2.58 MB 2560x1920 124097245_p1.png)
>>13093 As usual with xelvy girls, the scene was extremely hot and erotic except for one aspect. And in that case it was innocent onlookers being slaughtered while you are raped >>13094 Yeah he's almost a carbon copy of xelvy's art style, in a good way.
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Most of this was already known, but still, I always wanted TRTR to elaborate on the whole 'becoming a human' part. Curiously, iirc succs are also the only race that we've seen transform humans into monster girls, aside from Apoptosis. Her mother and the man who convinced her to stop being a giga semen demon are background characters I wish we could meet. >>13039 Well, here's half of the answer to that question.
>>13099 Considering how Alice in the VN talked about how if the Monster Lord can't find a man stronger then she has to become weaker, Tamamo deciphering the characteristics of Luka's ring (which Lucifina used to stay human), Sphynx talked about how she could either turn her husband into a monster or become a human and follow him in his lifespan, I'd say there either is a humanification technique or artifact that monster girls can use. Likely both. I think the Q&A also mentioned it's common for elder monsters to eventually turn human to live happily married.
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>>13100 Yeah I don't see the appeal, it sounds like you'll sacrifice too much for an inferior form. It truly is always greener on the other side.
>>13100 >if the Monster Lord can't find a man stronger then she has to become weaker the fuck is that kind of shit? anti-femdom worldbuilding at it's finest
>>13102 Huh? it's actually good worldbuilding and helps elevate MGQ above more than just a one note femdom fetishfest There's entire world worth of monsters that would gladly take a weakling as their lover, making the monster lord seek only the strong makes her special.
>>13101 >>13102 I think the rule was estabilished by Tamamo after Black Alice's rule. It has been a long time since the VN, I dunno if that was some measure to avoid another psychopath from rising to power or something else. Sphynx did deal with how her trial was to make dragonlovers understand the dilemma the difference of lifespan would cause, which was flipped in the end of VN, with Luka saying if he inherited an angel's lifespan, he'd follow Alice to the grave once hers ended. Putting the incomprehensible love part aside that, the Succubus Witch did foresee Luka would always have trobule with women, and then said it wasn't a prediction but that Monster Girls tend seek strong men because of this increases his likelihood of survival in face of their high libido and power. We did see in Paradox that Misstauros got widowed exactly because her husband eventually succumbed from 30 sex a day. If a Monster Lord doesn't have a rule like that, what would happen if she fell in genuine love with a man much weaker than her? We saw with the Mermaid Queen a depression that lasted centuries.
Has anyona managed to make Negotiation X Monster work with an MTL? I grabbed it off f95 zone but it gives errors failing to load pics.
>>13105 >but it gives errors failing to load pics. When you start the game or when you try to apply MTL? Failed to load image sounds like typical error with jap games and lack of Jap locale on system when filenames are botched.
>>13106 When I start; the MTL is already applied. Guess I'll try to update the Locale or something then.
>>13107 If you are talking about this MTL: https://f95zone.to/threads/translation-request-negotiation-x-monster-rj01186364-kyomus-office.206559/post-13883764 it boots up and loads game fine for me, try using Locale Emulator.
>>13108 >Locale Emulator Yes it's that. I'll use it
>>13108 That as in that translation
>>13111 Keep in mind that translation was for an earlier version of the game, not the new one with the 2.0 content.
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And the best mom of the year award goes to...
I have no interest in the numbers side of mgq and what I've seen posted of the story side it doesn't seem super interesting. I know it's an rpgmaker game but it still seems pigeonholed into rushing toward the end while showcasing horrors beyond comprehension while moving very far away from lighthearted jrpg adventure stuff.
>>13039 Hiruko is made from a eldritch space worm idk about queen scylla tho
>>13119 Even the VN back then had a good story. There is a reason it influenced the monster girl games as a whole
>>13124 I like the story of part 1 and 2. I am not so sure the story of part 3 is low stakes enough for my tastes.
>>13119 >moving very far away from lighthearted jrpg adventure stuff. It's been like that since we found out about the horrors of apoptosized worlds, to be honest. Can't really have lighthearted jrpg adventure after you saw la croix's last stand at the tower and all the other stuff. If you want lighter stuff go for The Three charms, 62studio games or sequel awake
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>>13119 >>13125 While yeah, the stakes just keep getting bigger and bigger due to the nature of this story, there are still some lighthearted moments in between the big events. But if you really only want the low to the ground stuff, then yeah, those happen less often in Part 3. At the start of Ilias route, Sonya even laments on how she wishes they could leisure on the local towns more and how the nature of their adventure changed.
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>>13113 Ilias, who after going through a journey of self-discovery, has managed to reattach ties with her precious daughters.
>>13129 h-haha imagine being Luka and Ilias's son and having Lucy and Mica as your sisters
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>>13134 >raised into a 3rd unstoppable monster killing machine >or pampered non-stop and develop a oneshota fetish Sounds like a win-win either way
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My lov■■y c■■■dho■■ f■■■■ ■■■■■
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