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Original Content thread/Draw thread Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 06:50:03 No. 3426
Post your drawings, request something specific, give feedback/ideas and alike I'll start by sharing a few of my things Let's make it the most active thread on this board!
>>3426 The first pic is especially good, I thought you just grabbed some classic manga picture from danbooru, really nice.
>>3434 wait, are telling me it looks jap? Not western/western-attempt-at-manga? personally tho, I think its average, I much more like the pissed off gainax pose bunny. that colored one was loosely based on my memory of this picture. I liked it enough that I wanted to try it myself (but couldn't look it up when I was drawing, so had to guess and invent stuff)
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>>3436 I'm probably not the best to judge jap styles since I'm not into anime or manga at all except for monster girls, but it heavily reminded me of the things I see on panda when go desperate searching for content and hit 00's, if not even earlier times.
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I don't know how to draw (yet) but here is a fox girl I made in custom maid 3d 2.
>>3513 >meido suffers from Spontaneous Lactation Syndrome imagine the milk stains everywhere
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Good luck anon. >>3513 I've spent weeks trying to figure out how genshin did hair. I know this is just some steam program but the absolute hell I've gone through to avoid the tubey look is crazy.
>>3513 basic but nice, I especially like the first one. >>3514 >imagine the milk stains everywhere >and the smell yeah, no thanks
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>>3532 What's so special about genshin hair?
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pseudo-acrylic monster girl... figures? standing illustrations? These things. Made with shrink plastic, and some markers. Still need some improvement, but I think it has a lot of potential for some neat little things. Still haven't figured out a way to make decent stands with this shrink plastic, but I'll be making more of them and eventually figure something out.
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>>3536 here's a before and after baking them. faces and all details are pretty annoying to do with the thick marker I was using. But I found a thinner one, maybe that'll work. I baked Suu at too high temperature and a lot of her lines were left on the paper. The plastic itself also got a lot of bubbles, as if it was beginning to boil or smth. The edges are more smooth than usual, tho that's invisible on these photos. Still, I'd prefer clear plastic and lines over smooth edges.
>>3537 looks like kiki got better lines after baking, shame that Suu got messed up because I like how the colors changed.
>>3539 all of them look better irl, but Suu is still a bit unfortunate. Once I get more plastic I'll try again (used the last sheet for Suu and Kiki). How they look depends a lot on the lighting and the background because of the transparent plastic, in good environment Suu can look somewhat decent. Next time I'll also try with more matte plastic and see if it ends up better.
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>>3534 Almost every tutorial on youtube uses curves to emulate hair but genshin has this probably optimized for mobile and switch hair card system that is really difficult to emulate. It's just so odd that nobody seems to do it like they do.
>>3543 is that 3d model yours? what is it for?
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>>3702 that's the hair from the catgirl from genshin. My models are not as good.
>>3718 Not bad, only real issue I see are the hands but that's always the difficult part. Maybe consider toning down the shading/saturation because it's almost as if she's glowing
>>3723 Maybe, the main design cue I seem to be getting from genshin is that everything has to be very busy looking.
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>>3737 >very busy looking. I bet they all wear 10 kg of jewelry on average
>>3761 Well, I'll figure it out. All that junk and flowy clothes would be a nightmare to rig though.
>>3737 >main design cue I seem to be getting from genshin is that everything has to be very busy looking. >>3761 >I bet they all wear 10 kg of jewelry on average to be fair MGE designs also have a lot going on in them. Really nice to look at, and a bitch to make fanart of.
I've deleted potential cross-site drama in making. Whatever happens outside of capybara stays out of capybara.
>>3843 Why did you delete it? I'm not going to post OC if you delete it because people from other boards can recognize it.
>>3848 If someone gives you trouble solely based on the pic posted I delete their posts only, in this case I deleted the original post too because it contained reference to external drama and was baiting out further unnecessary comments.
>>3849 Okay.
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I'm quite happy to finally get some use out of this old animation pack. Even if it's not great at orienting the blade.
>>3932 Have you looked into Monster Girl Project? It seems to be closest to what you're doing, might give some ideas.
>>3934 Totally different game style, I think. Good art though. I'll try to use the Anubis as a sanity test for my next model down the line. I know monster girl island, monster girl project, and that guy who makes the mge models for vrchat.
>>3537 >>3536 figured out how to make stands (just bought something that fits close enough and fill with hot glue) and figured out how to print on shrink plastic. Now experimenting with probably the last element, printing on clear smooth shrink plastic and after baking sealing it so it doesn't smudge and gets wiped off clean from the plastic. Tho I'm doing the "sealing" with a plastic primer, so not the best tool for the job (initially I was testing how it would change printing quality. Maybe later I'll buy clear spray foil, that sounds like it'd be better for this.) Later I'll post some pics of them, many turned out really pretty.
>>3961 Nice, looking forward to see the end result
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>>3961 >>3962 took like a month, but these is what I managed to make. so much experimenting and testing. I was hoping for nice results from printing, but they don't even look half as good as hand colored ones. At least now I can make pseudo-acrylic charms from any illustration I want. If printing worked better I could even sell smth like that, but doing them by hand takes too much time for it to be profitable.
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lego centaur?
>>4479 Practice makes perfect, keep refining. Miaa and Suu came out rather nice, just somewhat dark as if they were very old. Baph and Alraune looks deep fried, kek. Also I think those things generally look better with transparent background, though I guess it's harder to make? >stojaczki ciekawe. >>4480 Cursed.
>>4481 na przezroczystym nie da się drukować, tusz w ogóle się nie trzyma. Na pół-przezroczystym już się trochę da, ale tylko jeśli ilustracja jest bardzo jasna, wszystko co jest ciemne od razu się zlewa w jedną masę w której nie widać żadnych szczegółów. Kolory na ogół są ciemnawe i mało nasycone (Ślu i Miia). Ale jeśli się na nie spojrzy bez tych rysowanych ręcznie obok to wyglądają nawet nieźle. Na złotym można drukować jeśli bardzo się chce, ale efekty są... cienkie, jak widać. Wyglądają lepiej w realu, ale nadal mało ekscytująco. Na białym można niby nieźle drukować, ale ma się grafikę tylko z jednej strony, na pół-przezrczystym grafikę widać z przodu i z tyłu, co wiele dodaje do uroku.
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I've almost completely given up on this. So might as well post about the most polished it will ever get. I never even got around to making a proper idle stance to stop the model jutting out stupidly.
>>4490 Think about scaling down to a single theme bite sized mini game to get the hang of animation system and such like the MGP chink did, 3D RPG game as your first game project is a tall order
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>>4491 You mean, like, to work on the porn and stuff? The biggest problem I can see with that is I wasn't making porn, I was just making a game with monster girls and would have figured out the animations later. It was originally going to be a really janky fantasy kenshi clone. Even had a fairly functional building system going. Had the strafey circly combat mostly working too, I just turned it off for clarity and it was buggy af when I made major changes. I just, I dunno. the market only seems to be there for porn like labyrinth of estras and not really games. I consistently failed to generate any interest or even a single twitter follower that makes it all seem like a futile endeavor.
>>4493 >You mean, like, to work on the porn and stuff? Generally - yes. A small tech demo with one girl and a h-scene with very basic combat system would be how you capture attention and in turn get motivation to continue, which you lack because you did not generate any interest as you said later in the post. Remember that sex sells, especially in this fandom.
>>4494 I have one more model in me and will probably be able to push out a small demo to itch in a couple months since most of the basic technical stuff(shops, quests, inventory, party control, combat) is working but I'm not optimistic. I will probably try to salvage it into porn after though.
>>4495 protip: once you add any porn, post the game demo on F95. They lap up anything 3D and it's an easy way to get some recognition. I've seen much, much worse stuff get praise over there.
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Slowly coming along.
>>4682 still needs chest fluff but it's not bad
>>4682 looks aight
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I'll rig and animate this now. Forget a weapon, if I can't be bothered finishing it it's not worth including.
>>4748 Decent starting point for pawed monster girls, but I think she'd be better off either more muscular or with larger hair and a bushy tail. Without all the fluff she looks oddly flimsy for a rapehound. Still, paws, hair and ears are fine and those are important, the tail will probably be a bitch to animate properly.
>>4759 That does seem to be consensus. I'm not sure how to go about muscles though, I guess I could try draw in some abs though. Also the arms are pretty fucked and don't bend at the elbows, probably doesn't help.
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The male is half done. Maybe. Needs a good amount work of work especially around the middle. The hellhound is done. Feedback from a total random on Discord was not good. Not sure how to feel about him calling it a good place to start. Rather discouraging because you cannot actually sculpt in muscles using a fully anime shader. I should have something with just the gameplay loop uploaded to itch by the end of the month. If I'm lucky I'll have enough time to include some porn animations on top of a more basic set. And there is an actual gameplay loop here. It's not great but it's more than most games with monster girls in them.
Art is not my forte here. I'm learning new things each time I try.
>>5045 That muscles shader, texture of whatever is decent, much better than previous plain smooth skin. The hellhound now looks actually good I think, though I have a feeling that the face expressions are going to be the the real deciding factor in the end. >Not sure how to feel about him calling it a good place to start It means you gotta keep refining, if not the hellhound model then the next ones, I don't know why you think that's discouraging. >uploaded to itch Make a thread about it on F95 as soon as you have some porn in it, I can almost guarantee you that you will have attention with how starved people are for 3D monster girl content.
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>>5045 Looks pretty decent thus far anon. Don't feel too bad about what you've got thus far, of course it's going to feel lacking when you compare it to the work of people who've been at it for years. But you must take the first step at some point, or your game is just going to be just another dream put on a shelf and left to gather dust. It took me a long time to get there with my writing. >>5048 >how starved people are for 3D monster girl content Picrel. I'm not even a particularly big fan of hotdogs and I'd be falling over myself for a decent game with pretty much any monster girls.
>>5045 >>5048 I forgot one thing in my post - I strongly recommend that you wait with public release until you have at least one porn scene, nothing kills interest in monster girl game projects harder than no porn. The only exception is maybe Monster Girls and the Mysterious Adventure, but that's a whole different story and is more of a normal game at this point.
>>5055 >Picrel. I'm not even a particularly big fan of hotdogs and I'd be falling over myself for a decent game with pretty much any monster girls. try "Khimera Destroy all monster girls". Its a shovel knight style platformer, pretty tight and super fun. Characters and dialogues are really funny too. And its free.
>>5048 > I don't know why you think that's discouraging. Mostly because I'm losing interest in monster girls.
>>5072 I don't want to say more as to not get the posts deleted by admin, but you gotta cut the toxic relationship you're stuck in, you're feeding your own feedback loop of negativity, you know what I'm talking about. The game you're working on looks fine already and it's just going to be the first version. Post it in the 4chan /d/ monster girl thread too, they get more exposure since they are on 4chan. Right now you need to work on your "marketing" and gather interest, it's no surprise that not getting enough praise for a high effort work can be demotivating and making a animated 3D game is as hard as it gets.
>>5056 Wholesome monster girl academy actually did this. I think it went okay for him? I didn't really ask. And we all know star knightess aura, which, surprisingly, doesn't have any porn apparently. He just kept releasing updates until it took off. Apparently that's a big sell on Patreon,
>>5087 Well, I'm biased since I spent the last few years talking about porn monster girl games, but from my observation vast majority of monster girl fandom (not including facebook normies and whatnot) wants at least some porn with their inhuman ladies. >monster girl academy https://twitter.com/WholesomeMGA/status/1688954517734273029 More than half of the fans aren't even mainly for the monster girls. So yes, SFW monster girl games are possible and can succeed, but you need to be unique in some way.
>>5088 Yup. I remember a lot of discussion about how rare pure monster girls are, even in porn. All the big ones usually have some fetishes attached, and it's very often shota.
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If we're cool with the AI devil here, i have been doing an absolutely stupid amount of monster girl generations. It is a blast. If anyone wants to throw a relatively simple request i will also give that a shot.
>>5100 We actually had a dedicated AI thread (and IMO it's best to keep AI separate), but it slid off the board since nobody posted in it for months. If you are willing to make such thread anew, here's the text from the old OP, dunno could be useful for something: https://rentry.org/3nodu
>>5101 thanks bud, i might do that. Won't post em here if it's not wanted.
>>5102 >Won't post em here if it's not wanted. Nobody complained yet so I don't know if it's not wanted, but since we have a whole imageboard for ourselves we might as well use it and have all the space to post what we want without wondering if too much annoys others. Especially since AI art is prone to induce spergouts in other places.
>>5100 >>5102 >>5103 I think AI would be ok IF an anon does something with it. Just generating a new image is almost the same as sharing something found on gelbooru or ex-hentai imo. But if you generated a series of images of one girl and added some story or detailed description of her character or alike I think that'd qualify more as OriginalContent.
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Although it''s all top down so I wonder how that will turn out.
>>5219 Why not third person? It seems to be the standard among these kind of games and offers the best immersion and fidelity. Unless you have a general idea of gameplay loop already?
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>>5220 I'm reworking it from a game that was basically a clone of kenshi.I don't know if it will work out but you are able to zoom in just fine so it can't be much worse than a pixel art game. And if it is... I guess I can just delete it, remake it, and see how that goes. On the bright side it should be able to sidestep the issue of game over rape and let you just play a band of succs if you want.
>>5221 We'll see how it plays out. Still, it appears that you are experimenting with things as you go and I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it unless this is explicitly an educational endeavor. From the posts here I'm afraid you may get tangled up if you don't make some design document first to know exactly what you want to achieve.
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>>5222 I've... already made the game, anon. The gameplay loop is >take a mission like kill X in area >go to area and kill X >head back and turn it in >use the money to buy upgrades or new party members or something >add some rape when you knock out human men The nitty gritty is just crpg combat. It's rough but that's not really something I can fix until I have models and animations to actually polish.
I'm sorry if that was unclear but this is basically a two year old project I'm trying to bolt porn onto.
>>5224 Well, then you should tell us more about it, from just this thread it certainly did not look like a 2 years old project
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>>5225 I guess. Art takes a while and it took me six months alone to figure out anime. I did cull a lot of stuff when it went from pbr to anime. It's a rtwp rpg with basebuilding that I aggressively culled down for the sake of making something focused around a small party of monster girls. My entire focus for a while has been on going through art styles to find one that appeals to monster girl fans. Like, the bulk of my time. It was only around February I hit some level of stride with it with the genie model and going full anime styled that started getting consistent (you)s. Plus, you know, motivation waning and me getting distracted every now and again. But most of the rpg mechanics are kicking around there in half finished states. It's definitely about two years old though. Whether the quality matches is something I don't like thinking about.
>>5462 >A tall Requesting a tall*
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It's... fairly done. Aside from the porn and more models I'm really missing a gimmick to add some longevity.
>>5797 It's starting to look like a game alright, but UI needs polishing. Make sure text doesn't overlap on borders, unify the font and it should be fine
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>>5802 I'll probably purchase some store UI next sale. The main gameplay loop is basically this but it's up for debate how much people care about gameplay of any kind without porn. Hopefully I can make an elf much faster than the last one took me and start some sex animations and build off this as a base for an actual release.
>>5829 Looks alright, although I'm personally not too fond of fighting regular monsters in a monster girl game.
>>5886 Going off what the anon said earlier I'll probably fork it into two with a simple third person game more like labyrinth of estras to showcase porn.
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It is not lost on me that I am the only one really posting.
>>6192 can't be helped, not a whole lot of people active in the imageboard yet, no surprise most aren't creating a game or artists.
>>6197 Well, nothing for it but to push something out asap.I expect to have to change it up a few times before it sticks. Probably something that plays like a jrpg too.
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>>5462 ayoooo delivered a month late
>>6233 AI is starting to get really good.
>>6234 It is miles better than when i was fucking with it from ~6 months ago. Consistent style is still almost impossible, but the results are just, ridiculously better.
>>6233 Hmm... let's see: >Height: Can't tell by the picture >Muscles: Check. That's one tough looking girl. >Wings: Not there. >Hair: A very nice golden crown. (Also, is it me or does shhe have a bit of Tohru on her hair and face?) >Teeth: 10/10 would not want her to give me head. >Forearms: Not exactly what I had in mind... >Claws: Cool. Could be a bit bigger. >Breasts: Good but not as big as I asked. >Butt: Lickable, kissable, slappable, sleepable and fuckable. >Legs and tail: Can't see them well enough. Overall, very good! Thaks a lot!
>>6233 >>6236 Also, in a classic case of A.I. being A.I., the eyes could use a bit of help...
>>5100 Requesting a werewolf that is basically a mix between like the Cinko's OC (the black-haired one) and Flake from 12 Beast (the white-haired one) about to give a headpat to the viewer. Specifically a werewolf with a body that's mostly like the OC's except with more dog-like legs, arm far almost reaching the shoulders, black nose and slimmer belly like Flake and a mix of their colors similar to the grey wolf from Kemono Friends.
Requesting Honolulu, Gambier and Atlanta as their abyssal conterparts (New Light Cruiser Princess, Escort Water Princess and Air Defense Carrier Princess, respecitvely) in the same poses as the picture and in either playboy bunny outfits similar to the picture or in reverse bunnysuits (orange, red and blue, respectively)
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>>6412 >>6413 goddammit
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Alright. Game is out. Play it here. https://monstergirladventure.itch.io/mga It's mostly a combat test. If that's fun I'll keep going with it, otherwise I'll just clone baldurs gate 3 and make it turn based. Despite being labelled adult there isn't really any adult content in it right now except the models themselves which are veering on the edge of naked. Don't really expect it to last too long. I was trying to keep it under 1gb so I was scared to add to the map so close to when I wanted to release it.
>>6774 It works, that much I can say. The combat system can be fun but personally I'm not overly interested until there's adult content.
>>6780 Ah well, porn next then. I have the models ready so it shouldn't be that crazy to get it working.
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>>6774 First thing you should do is show the controls somewhere, be it in a README, your game's page or even better, in the game itself. Besides that, there really isn't much to say about the combat at the moment. Unless I missed it, you could definitely do with adding shortcuts to, well, everything, from menu navigation to skills. I never played a CRPG before, so I don't know if that's how it usually controls, but I didn't really feel comfortable having to manually click literally everything. Another weird thing is that the characters won't attack unless I'm within a certain range even if the mouse icon visibly changes. Also, since the enemies are always focusing on who you're controlling at the moment, there really is no reason to not control the ranged character. The companion's AI's movement during combat also needs some work, they just keep bumping into the enemy until their attack is ready.
>>6291 >Flake from 12 Beast lolwut Its Freki. But good taste.
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>>6956 Last paragraph, first letters say フレキFUREKI or a japanese approximation of Freki. That paragraph also says its based on Odin's wolf. Flake seems to be some early fan translation, understandable why they chose it, but still incorrect.
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Drew my rabbit again and Anko from "Shinkaigyo No Anko-San" (copied a panel and coloured it a little, can't find the original now). All trad artists listen: 10 colour pen is a top tier guerrilla art tool. Takes no place at all, and gives you so many colours to work with if you properly use gradients and mix them a little. I love these things and everyone needs to know about them.
>>7029 Nice, feels very "old school"
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>>7029 another copy from Anko san (maybe I'll colour it properly later), and a demon from SMT (Inanna). Kinda a mindless doodle the second one (drawn without any sketch, just straight with a black pen), I just had to do something with my hands while listening to some yt videos. I guess it was a little less of a waste of time thanks to that. Tho the drawing's quite wonky compared to the original. And I could've easily added some color if I used the holy 10 colour pen, but was too lazy to go 2 meters for it, so I didn't... pathetic.
>>7150 That angel/demon is pretty damn close to the original, for a "mindless doodle"
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I put a fair effort into retexturing and adjusting this. Gonna try make an MG that looks like something out of overwatch later too. >>6876 >Another weird thing is that the characters won't attack unless I'm within a certain range even if the mouse icon visibly changes. This is most games of the rts genre I think? Either way I'm gonna shit out something totally different as a third person animation gallery later anyway. I'm just glad nobody had performance issues. I was worried about it since people keep saying unreal engine 5 runs terribly. >, since the enemies are always focusing on who you're controlling at the moment, I will admit I was just lazy here.
>>7156 well, I WAS looking at the original while drawing it.
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>>7150 Coloured Samejima. Its… aight, but I wish it was better. My set of markers has way too few blues, so its hard and sometimes impossible to get the correct hue or shade.
>>7171 Lookin' good. Impressive shading on her fish body I'd say, more than alright.
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>>7285 thanks
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I'll post some old drawings again. This time they're all copies of various manga panels.
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>>7784 These aren't copies anymore
>>7784 >>7785 Nice drawings. My favorites are the gazer/monoeye and suu.
>>7787 thx That's actually a kaiju form of Hitomi from Nurse Hitomi manga, not gazer.
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smug elf fuck
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Coming today we have legally different dark elf and this drawing >>7826 Your drawings are better.
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>>7826 Is she based on some character or is she your own idea? Who she is?
>>7826 based smug elf enjoyer. patrician taste.
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>>7830 original character, her name is Jaquelyn Eleve Du Avant. or just Jackie if you're allergic to french. i hope to make a VN one day where she doms the reader
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>>7899 >i hope to make a VN one day where she doms the reader Follow your dreams
>>7899 >i hope to make a VN one day where she doms the reader I'll make a counter VN where she's used as a cocksleeve by human conquerors. >>7934 >blacked artist please no
>>7969 >blacked artist I wouldn't even know that if you didn't tell me.
>>7970 you haven't seen his other drawings? Granted, he's not the worst out there, but he still very often draws totally black dicks with completely white chicks. Sometimes he even does that "queen of spades" thing, tho sites like Gelbooru ban all posts with it, so its less visible.
>>7981 >you haven't seen his other drawings? Anon, I searched "dark_elf femdom" tag combination on gelbooru and picked a random picture that was most similar to what I had in mind. I don't have enough time in my life to investigate every picture I post to make sure that the artist behind it didn't draw something nasty.
>>7983 I see. He's pretty popular, so I thought maybe you knew. I didn't imply you should investigate every single artist.
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Requesting Neris from MGQ: Paradox with tits that are at least half her torso, bigger horns and thicker and longer hair.
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I fugged up a little, her head wasn't supposed to be so flat, but oh well. It's a quick one, maybe I'll make her again later (then I'll also edit the bend lines to be less visible).
>>8442 >niagger kek
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(2.62 MB 1791x897 topdown.png)
Alright got a new model. Since nobody cared for it much this time it's in a much simple top down style like labyrinth of estras. I'm not quite sure what people actually want gameplay wise but save that for later I suppose.
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>>8848 >Since nobody cared for it much this time it's in a much simple top down style like labyrinth of estras. Shouldn't you prioritize what you yourself want?
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>>8915 That'd be an open world anime kenshi clone with sync kills but that's pretty far off because >I'd like money for computer hardware >I need animation and modelling practice >Kenkou cross dmcaed it so I don't want to touch it again for a while >I'm not that against a simple arpg anyway It's not really a huge deal. Having AI run at you then start a porn animation when you hit zero health isn't the most complex thing in the world. It's the models that slow me down more than anything. It'd also suck to make something nobody wants and release to five reviews on steam.
>>8923 Would you mind talking about why you started working on a monster girl game and what the experience has been like?
>>9153 I like monster girls. >what the experience has been like? The imageboard community is super stagnant and either plays paradox all day, only cares about mge, or that weird imagedump thread on /d/. But if you make porn it will get a lot of visibility on itch. Much more than another jrpg numbers game anyway. >https://edengrall.itch.io/everyday-life-edengrall This is like the only non porn game I know and of the maybe three monster girl game developers I know none of them seem to post in monster girl communities regularly. Whether they lurk or not I don't know. I think I saw the moncurse developer around a few times if that counts.
>>9156 >This is like the only non porn game I know and of There's Wife Quest, a platformer with monster girls https://store.steampowered.com/app/1554600/Wife_Quest/ Also the legendary Khimera https://store.steampowered.com/app/467380/Khimera_Destroy_All_Monster_Girls/ I remember there was at least one more, but can't remember the name of it, if I find it I'll post it too.
>>9167 I meant that posts on imageboards, anon. And on the discord server I am in there are a few furry developers but no monster girl ones. We just don't seem to have a very active community.
>>9167 Adding to this Return from Core, basically Core Keeper but with monster girls. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2171630/Return_from_Core/ Lost Ruins, metroidvania. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1306630/Lost_Ruins/ Dungeon Maker and Dungeon Squad, mobile games about defending your dungeon with monster girls. Nigate Tale, hades-like. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1048350/Nigate_Tale/ Monster Girls and the Mysterious Adventure 1 and 2, standard RPG. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1229260/Monster_Girls_and_the_Mysterious_Adventure/ I haven't played all of them, so I can't guarantee their quality.
>>9156 >I like monster girls. It would be surprising if you didn't. I must admit I expected you to have more to say about why you decided to make a game. >The imageboard community is super stagnant >if you make porn it will get a lot of visibility on itch So you're talking about the community, porn, visibility, and developers. Can you help me understand how this answered my question about what your experience has been like working on a monster girl game?
>>9183 Sorry, I'm a bit burnt out these days. I wanted to make something similiar to kenshi with monster girls, but without the amputations and stuff. JRPGS don't really hit the spot for me and seeing the monster towns in paradox felt neat. The adult content is sort of extra for me so I think I'll keep it segregated, at least for a while. > what your experience has been like working on a monster girl game? Like any other game, I guess. The only hiccup is westerners are way more geared toward teaching how to make photorealistic characters so I had to stumble around a bit to figure it out. Aside from that hanging around these communities means you get experienced to a lot of the same art/artists/concepts over and over again which can really start to influence you subconsciously.
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>>8915 You were right this is way more fun than porn.
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Someone draw this/edit to have Cheshire cat instead
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i love my wife Cerea
>>9728 Nice, the optimal size difference between wife and husband
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I took in some of the feedback here and simplified a lot. I'm not really sure what people like or where to go with it so I'll keep it a small scale loop of doing small tasks to get money to decorate a guild hall and purchase new monster girls to follow you around. People like decorating an area, right? Right now only the blue girl is in it but over the next couple of weeks I should be able to add some more models easily enough. It's up on itch now but not really worth playing. Everything interesting is in the webm.
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my DS is looking a bit weird
>>10274 Touch the serpent. Do it NOW. >Ayako Is that her name? any more story to her?
>>10274 Cute and clever, I like it
>>10559 A fairly competent artist? Huh, didn't expect that.
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>>10560 Thank you anon, I'm nowhere from what I was able to do but I'll get there.
>>10559 >>10561 Just realized SauceNAO send it straight to my pixiv, please anons don't do the monkey business.
>>10562 What do you mean by monkey business?
>>10559 they cute, would get corrupted by
>>10562 I wouldn't worry about it, it's not a clusterfuck like 4chan where faggots would mess with people like that.
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>>10562 Too late, I'm gonna hit that follow button and like all the posts
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>>10562 >France >http://rsdb.org/races#french Aight, so what are your opinions on frog girls, ya Crouton-Kermit-Rifledropping-Cheeseeating-Whiteflagging-Snailsnapping-Surrendermonkey? Also holy fucking shit, what is that Clouf-Booter entry? This is some ridiculously disgusting fanfic shit, and I wish I could unread it. Probably an original in that database. So with that out of the way, I see you took some inspiration from Slugbox. Do you have any finished drawings? Other than that werewolf one I mean.
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New model. Going to make an elf next and start combat animations. After the combats out of the way I can start more fun stuff.
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>>10275 yes. she is a childhood friend yandere lamia. i posted a bunch of comms of her in the snek thread
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Now blue.
anyone have any advice on how to draw sexy?
>>11160 Have you tried looking at your favorite artists to see what makes their work appealing to you? Doing figure drawing/anatomy practice while referencing a nude model you find attractive?
>>11160 There is a drawing thread on /kemono/ that is far more active.
>>11160 pick the pics you find sexy try copying them repeat That's literally all there is to it.
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fuck it. i'm gonna try ressurecting this thread by drawing once a day. even if the quality is trash, it's gotta be better than absolute nothing
>>12371 Not too shabby for a quick sketch, I like the fluffy legs
>>12371 Already far cuter than anything I could draw. I bet you'd put out some real knockouts if you kept it up (And genuinely tried to improve).
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>>12384 am on it boss
>>12396 We have to go bigger
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>>12412 i want to taste a slime that's been eating sweets all day
>>12417 tastes like jam
>>12417 >>12418 Just don't eat your slimefu AFTER sexo
>>12434 Damn, I'd never get a taste.
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the chain was made out of tungsten
>>12437 My favorite so far. You need bunker doors to make your room yandere snake proof
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>>12449 >angry angler
>>12449 Me on the left
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>>12434 Joke's on you, I'm into snowballing
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>>12471 kek, took me a moment to realize why first image was flipped. She cute but I'M NOT eating vegemite, it's disgusting.
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>>12499 Having a Mandrake GF would probably be great if you've got the ol' tinnitus.
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>>12507 >Definitely an N-word Octo-chan, NO!
>>12507 I'd give her my boomstick, if you know what I mean
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apologies for my absence the last few days. have these two demons and the girl from anomalous coffee machine
>>12579 >Platonic succubus I can fix her.
>>12579 I want the smug demon to give me an offer I should refuse but won't.
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rotty tops and saki nikaido doing some symmetrical docking
>>12845 >symmetrical docking imagine nipple docking
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>>12845 >symmetrical docking >A term to describe the embrace of two equally endowed female bodies so that the breasts interlock, hence "symmetrical docking". I learned something new today.
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*ohohos in pixels*
>>12878 >I have no face and I must ohoho
>>12879 the rare noppera-bou/elf hybrid
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>>12371 Best I can do, famalam
>>12913 She looks like she needs a nap, preferably on my lap
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found this absolutely huge cockroach >>12913 good job! hope to see more from you
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>>12959 You unlocked this hidden memory I had of picking up a dead roach by its antennae for some dumb shit and kid me thinking it was fine since I wasn't touching its body directly. Why are kids so stupid?
>>13014 >This is a stick-up! >You're sticking with me for life now!
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head or body?
>>13076 fuck the body while head licks my balls
>>12371 godspeed
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>>13109 >godspeed
>>13174 Nice, good one
>>13174 Okay that's funny
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>>12580 you can't i'm sorry but platonicization is permanent your wet dreams will be replaced by dreams of regular dates your soul will get drained by her autisming about her favorite topics instead of through sex (she isn't even asexual, just has zero sex powers)
>>13209 >broken heart tail spade now that's neat
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happy birthday my beloved cerea!
>>13257 5 years ago I would laugh at such pic and send it to one of my friends to have a laugh together, now it just feels oddly comfy and nice. ... I think I'm getting old
>>13258 youth is laughing at cringe. adulthood is realizing you are the cringe
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Trying to refine the model a bit. Grabbed subverse and palworld to try emulate the style.
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I doubt I can get it much better than this.
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A sketch of my own interpretation of a Cheshire Cat girl.
>>13524 Interesting, looks like a mix of cheshire cat and the caterpillar? The skirt looks like worm's legs, sort of.
>>13524 double titty...
>>13527 Whoa, pretty close. When I was first doodling her I was working on another girl who's a caterpillar so those bugs were definitely on my mind at the time, I just had the sudden idea of making a Cheshire Cat but with caterpillar features during a lecture. My initial doodles looked very different compared to this sketch and her lower body was like that of a floating fuzzy caterpillar with legs that were paws. I didn't really intend to make a character out of her but thought she was cute enough to further experiment with her and eventually she became more humanoid. So those features are a remnant of my initial concept for her, it's a bit of a weird mix but I think that kind of fits with the whole Wonderland thing. >>13528 Believe it or not, it's not even a fetish I just think multiple breasts are cute and fun to draw.
>>13524 nice, tho I wish it was less potato quality so we can actually see it better I tried improving it in an editor but there's only so much you can do with bad base image
I realize I am basically albert now and have given up.
>>13740 Not sure why you feel that way, you're really, really far from being anything like Albert.
>>13741 3d guy, not the 2d.
>>13740 >albert ?
>>13811 An infamous autist from MGQ fandom. Long time ago he reacted... very poorly to negative feedback his shitty doodles received on 4chan threads. Naturally, instead of improving, he decided to leave and surround himself with people who don't question his artistic talent, so now after all those years he's still polluting pixiv MGQ tag with zero improvement from his early days. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4965518
>>13811 >>13814 To add to this, at the very start, people were being genuinely helpful and trying to give him advice on how to improve. The issue is how he dismissed every criticism to his clearly traced art (before he started doodling), him spamming his art everywhere and how he decided to adopt a persona that embraces the hate and acts like an annoying attention whore on purpose. When everyone started just ignoring him, he would start bitching, claiming he would kill himself, then proceed to look for a new community to bother, where the cycle would repeat itself. His broken english, which felt almost on purpose, didn't help either.
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>>13740 i see the name Albert and i just think of that one scene from the IT miniseries
>>13524 good art, i see you share my hatred for digital art tablets and scanners
>>13829 A scanner is just a fancy camera in a box. There's no reason not to use a proper scanner on your art unless you're broke.
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>>13830 NTA, but speaking of scanners and trad art, I finally drew something again after almost a year of not drawing. Last drawing of the year, first one of the new one.
>>13859 And happy 2025 everyone!
(1.68 MB 3553x3000 puss.jpg)
>>13664 Thanks anon, I made the pic at night using my phone so it ended up like that. I also tried to take some pics during the day, but that didn't help much so I gave up. I was going to work on it later digitally so it didn't matter much to me if the pic wasn't too good though. I haven't actually worked on it yet so I might just use your edit for it now instead lol. >>13829 Thanks, I actually like digital art but I just feel anxious thinking about it so I don't pick up my tablet often. I want to be able to make pretty digital art eventually so I just have to learn to get over it I guess. >>13859 Cute Jellymon and happy new year, you should try drawing more often this year anon. I also made a drawing to try out some markers I got from a secret santa gift, I hope the quality isn't as bad this time. I wasn't really paying attention while drawing so I fucked up some of the tentacles and shading...
>>13882 >I want to be able to make pretty digital art eventually so I just have to learn to get over it I guess. NTA, but digital's way easier than trad, especially if you embrace the "no rules, just tools" mentality (i.e. photobashing, using the colourpicker and tracing aren't heresy, just means to an end). I see you seem to have a solid base in trad art, so digital should be just a short adjustment period. I recommend Krita btw. >you should try drawing more often this year anon. Haha, yeah.... >wasn't really paying attention while drawing so I fucked up some of the tentacles and shading... In general the picture is pretty... busy, or messy. For some time I thought she had her hand on her cheek. But otherwise good. Is that your character? How long did it take to draw?
>>13859 Damn, I actually drew more. Pink Palmon this time. If you invert the hue you can almost get the original colours, crazy how close I got by just picking colours by feel. I wish I made the flower more green-green, rather than blue-green it is now. It was supposed to be more or less symmetrical, but maybe it's better it isn't. I kept adding more lines and layers of shading to make it more interesting to look at, but I still feel like it's missing something, that it's a bit boring. Maybe Palmon is just a kinda boring design, and it needs something more to make it pretty or nice.
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>>13889 Lillymon watering a Palmon. I don't feel like finishing it, but if anons like it maybe I'll reconsider.
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>>13887 >digital Yeah I already have csp installed and made some digital art before, I still find it hard to get used to I guess. I like how in trad art you have limitations like not having access to undo and the like so I don't have to worry about making it perfect while digital I get worried about every little detail. I kind of treat digital like trad so maybe I should try learning about all the shortcuts then. >Is that your character? How long did it take to draw? Yeah she's a character of mine, I kind of just came up with her design on the spot but I ended up liking her a little so I'll probably draw her again and try refining her design. I didn't really pay attention to how long I worked on it but I drew it in the late evening. Do you happen to have any characters of your own too? >>13889 Palmon looks cute in pink, maybe you could try adding some colored pencils? And I don't think Palmon's design is an issue, there's this artist who's really good at drawing Digimon even the simple cute designs (picrel artist is youzaiyouzai112). Maybe you could try studying their work?
>>13916 >undo button Ygh, yeah, that can be a curse. I also sometimes had problems with constantly zooming like 2000% to fix some rouge pixels or other irrelevant stuff. >Do you happen to have any characters of your own too? Yeah, even in this thread. The rabbit from the OP post and few other posts is mine. Also the Bald Ibis harpy. Way back on 4chan's /ic/ she even got some fanart in the OC thread, I saved every single one of them. Some of them were really high quality. I wish I drew more of that harpy, I know I have at least some sketches somewhere, I'll try digging for them and post here. >maybe you could try adding some colored pencils? I was just getting back to drawing after months of nothing, I wanted to make it easy and straightforward. >And I don't think Palmon's design is an issue, there's this artist who's really good at drawing Digimon even the simple cute designs (picrel artist is youzaiyouzai112). I know him and really like him, but I think he illustrates this "something more" I was talking about. His poses are far more dynamic, and in 2 of those pics there's more character than one. When it comes to mons like Jelly I can look at her just standing there and think "yeah, this is nice", but Palmon "just standing there" lacks something.
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>>13932 >I wish I drew more of that harpy, I know I have at least some sketches somewhere, I'll try digging for them and post here. Found them. I had an idea for a comic with the Bald Ibis harpy and a normal Ibis. The "bald" one would be all fidgety and awkward, also worrying her species might go extinct, while doing things that kinda help that extinction. The normal Ibis would be the "straight man" in this duo (all the while proving true the "bin chicken" allegations aussies throw at this bird(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sBXcZ0G_ls)). And the gags should write themselves... But drawing them is something else entirely, after trying a few times to actually draw a few panels for a comic I realised just how stupidly hard it is, and learned to appreciate the manga I read. Other pics is the rabbit character, Kuni. That disco pic is one of my favourite, I really like how it turned out. If you adjust the contrast it looks like digital art, despite being 100% ink on paper. It's also really small, 11cmX11cm, so Kuni's face is 1cm wide here.
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OG drawfag at it again, posting when no one else does!
>>14288 >that pic kek, nice
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Centorea as a dom yes i know that she's mostly portrayed as a sub in the manga and associated fanart, but there's something about her noble and strict yet confident personality that makes me feel she would be a great dom
>>14550 Cute, perfect for valentines. Also centaurs seem perfect for femdom scenarios, you can't exactly resist a 500kg horse woman.
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Shoebill I drew and haven't finished rendering. TECHNICALLY a monster girl. But she's wearing her usual outfit made into a reverse bunny suit. I forgot tail. But overall I really enjoy the proportions. The tits are kinda flat but I put that on my list on what to figure out next. I just need to grind more
>>14570 Oh that's good already. >TECHNICALLY a monster girl Funnily enough, this whole site has a friend as its mascot. >The tits are kinda flat Not every girl needs to be a dairy cow with macromastia, those look just natural I think.
(2.77 MB 1280x720 1596986164498.webm)
>>14550 >Centaur dom I think that's a first for me somehow. >>14570 >>14575 I'm guessing 'flat' in this context is referring to depth rather than tit size.
>>14577 Yuh. Basically that. Tits are misaligned too
>>14550 taking requests
>>14807 An elf girl receiving a lap pillow from a handsome old man.

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