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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #18 Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 21:50:12 No. 14804
Makai edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.05 update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1373549 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.05, MW up to Grand Noah, AW up to Sabasa https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 full MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://gofile.io/d/xpIPiy Innocent Rules is now fully translated Devil in Wonderland is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01264927.html translation in progress: https://ulmf.org/threads/62studio-no-to-notane-demon-in-wonderland-translation.15546/ Succubus Forest is out https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ SHRIFT 2 translation was updated and includes latest content (Charybdis) Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>14203
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>>14831 MGERPG sorta had the potential for what you described because aside from your own harem, demo hinted that we'd be seeing other couples too. But of course that's not happening since the game is a grade S never ever meme.
>>14831 why limit the protags to males?
>>14833 Because yuri doesn't interest me
>>14816 Never played Slay the Spire but I'll assume it's just as good as Succubus Forest. I've been at it for half an hour and I'm having a blast. I'm genuinely impressed by the level of polish the game has, it has a ton of love poured into it. I'll probably buy it later. That goblin game is hideous.
>>14837 >That goblin game is hideous. kek, they do look like some unholy splice of cute gobbos and the goblins from femMC h-games
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>>14833 because sex is only sex when a man is involved dummy, and they gotta be makin' babies
>Multiple dlsite pages already unavailable without a VPN We're entering the era where a VPN is as mandatory to browse the interwebz as adblocks
>>14843 mistakes into miracles
>>14845 Reminds me, I was recently made aware that there is a tag for non-futa female x female pregnancy called fempreg. How it works, I just don't know.
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>>14844 SoftEther works like a charm for that japanese problems require japanese solutions. Just be careful with the setup since I think you can easily turn yourself into a VPN exit node if you mindlessly click though it. The IP block is very basic, you can just login to DLSite regularly and turn the VPN on afterwards to browse.
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Speaking of dlsite, Paradox just won GOTY
>>14852 well, I'd be surprised if it didn't
>>14852 HOLY BASED
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>>14808 >>14810 Here's my record. I've seen others go multiple orders of magnitude higher, which is neato. I used various overload strategies to achieve this post-game
>turns out you can get shitload of xp in SHRIFT 2 just helping Akiyama do church work with no need to grind dungeons Fuck, I wish I had known that earlier
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>>14856 That's across 3 turns from the entire party, right? I was thinking more along the lines of hardest hitting attack, with my PR being this in one of the last dungeons when I unironically wasn't even trying. I know I'm missing a few modifiers like Slayer, Corruption, crisis accessories and abilities and using buffs and stat debuffs. At this point, I have no idea if the enemy's defense stats even make that much of a difference, but if they do, Reaper-chan would've been hit even harder.
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>>14837 >Never played Slay the Spire I'm on the same boat and yeah, no kidding, this is some top quality stuff. Gameplay is surprisingly fun, and really my only complaint is that the game isn't bigger! Did a few runs now and it's so satisfying when the deck you're building eventually feels complete and starts putting in some real work.
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>>14852 >Check the winners of the all ages category out of curiosity >Another monster girl game won first place Monsterbros eating good. It looks interesting, hopefully it will get translated someday. https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01164533
>>14864 >Age: All Ages blue balled
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Found this new-ish MGQ/Black Souls artist, pretty cute stuff https://x.com/Anna_no_kojo
Monster Girls and the Mysterious Adventure 3 is in development. Did anyone here play the first 2 games? How good are they?
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>>14871 God, I wish Harpy Village was real
>>14872 I played them briefly, lost interest quickly but only because personally I don't care for SFW monster girl stuff. Aside from that they seemed like solid games, much better production value than 3D h-games we're used to or at least unfinished demos of, kek. Most likely the best you're going to get, as far as SFW monster girl games go.
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>>14873 I fantasized about it so many times after I first came upon MGQ
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>>14874 >personally I don't care for SFW monster girl stuff. why not?
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>>14876 Probably because I was inducted into the genre by mgq and monster girls seem pointless to me without the reverse rape, or at least porn in general.
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Monster Girl Quest is now 14 years old.
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>>14855 Fuck cats.
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>>14881 >Monster Girl Quest is now 14 years old.
>>14883 Perfect age for the spirit of Mon-Musu Quest! to be introduced to adulthood
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>>14882 cat pussy is my catnip
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>>14885 this but for fox pussy
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Stories of marriage between 2 people with vastly different lifespans is an old classic, but after reading that last line from Micaela's marriage, I actually want to see what would happen after a millennia long love marriage.
>>14872 Oh, there is actually a remaster of the first game coming out in 4 days. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3491230/Monster_Girls_and_the_Mysterious_Adventure_Remastered_Edition/ Perfect opportunity to try it out.
>>14890 Part of me wants to see how her dialogue would look like if you changed your mind and asked for the ring back.
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>>14831 This is the ideal. I've already started it a few months back, but this approach is art-heavy so it'll take a good while.
>>14804 Is anyone translating the second game of "the world a robot girl dreams of?" I have never heard of one.
>>14893 >I've already started it a few months back Wait you're making a game?, say more about it. Art looks very cute.
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>>14893 Now I'm intrigued, what else can you tell us about your game, anon? >>14894 Not that I know of.
>>14896 That's a shame. First one was good and unique enough to warrant a translation. Maybe someday.
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>>14895 >>14896 The game is my love letter to monstergirls bundled with my rage at western devs who either don't get the appeal or never finish. All the girls are fighting against some form of curse, with the guy in each case having a complimentary skill. So since the Slime Princess is hard to harm as long as she has food, her lands are cursed to wither, and the solution, our short king of a chef here and his unconventional cooking seen in the first row. Gameplay will fit the girl, this lending itself to fast action and humor, while the Anubis will be more measured, avoiding tomb traps and investigating. These will be short, and cover the initial romance where most games end the story. That's when the real conceit kicks in: win over any two girls and you can start on the dungeon where the true cause of it all lies. You fed the Slime Princess, now watch as she tanks the hits! But instead of grinding levels, you gain stats by finding things to bring each couple closer together during the downtime after each dive, like a cask of wine to help the Anubis relax. The closest equivalent here is Persona social links, but here you can also get fun interactions and maybe boosts by either trolling or upholding the bro code (who can get you the best wine? Obviously the chef!). I'll continue to be fairly quiet until I have a playable beta of one girl's complete intro and a solid mockup or demo of the final part. Speaking of parts, I might release them separately and then join them in the finale. I know how to do this easily on PC with save files, but haven't tried going through mobile sandboxing. Does anyone here play on your phone?
>>14901 That sounds very nice and wholesome, good to see someone putting effort into his monster girl passion. You using (or planning to) RPG maker or an actual engine?
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>>14903 i want to tf the other monstergirls into clones of tamamo
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>>14704 3rd patch done, everything in the blue gate should be translated https://pixeldrain.com/u/HtryW8De
>>14906 Awesome, good job anon.
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>>14903 I'm not sure if Shikimamo is the type to share with Lolimamo.
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>>14910 Shikimamo will eventually soften up and go full MILF mode, she'll see lolimamo as her daughter. And you know how that goes with kitsunes.

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