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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #10 Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 19:31:24 No. 9088
Part 3 and lore-accurate Tanuki edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ PARADOX PART 3 DEMO TRANSLATION IS OUT, everything story related is translated. Remember to use spoilers. Innocent Rules has TL in progress - https://github.com/ZigmaZero/innocent-rules Next content update for Shrift 2 is scheduled for May Youmaen TL got updated, it's now 99% complete Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw Previous thread: >>7998
>>9059 Remember: Serving your community with an important, honest job is not a bad thing. Keeping yourself physically healthy and active with field work is not a bad thing. Coming home to a hot bath and homemade dinner after a long day of work is not a bad thing. Playing with your kids and relaxing in the evening is not a bad thing. Plowing your fertile foxwife before bed is not a bad thing. Those who claim otherwise are trolling and spreading libel and slander. Do not fall for misinformation! Pet and fluff your wife, they work hard too!
Neocities collection update: added Bunny Girl Cumming For My Carrot updated BizzareHolyLand to v39.0 updated Isekai Parlor Simulator to v0.15.2 updated MonGirl Conquest to v0.1.9 updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.2.95 updated My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend to v0.87.11 updated Nakara to v0.2 (>>8723) updated Virtual Succubus to v0.45PR1 updated Monsters' Night to v1.3.0 updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.4 updated Monster Girl Quest Paratox Part 3 Demo translation to the latest bitbucket commit
>>9088 tanuki belly...
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>>9090 Fuck off Tamamo, I'm not buying into your slave scheme.
>>9091 >updated Monsters' Night to v1.3.0 What's new in that update? I liked the game, was a shame the scenes were a bit... tame for most of it.
>>9098 I don't know if it's that update specifically, but a kappa girl got added. The dev is also working on another update girl (possibly a giant) who won't be revealed until release.
>>9090 I already do the first two but I don't get to enjoy the last three.
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>>9109 Just have to wait until those 5G towers do their work
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It's been way too long since I last played MGQP. In the past, I finished it multiple times in Hell and Paradox difficulties, now I don't even know how to deal damage in Normal!
>>9112 It's easy when you realize it's all about stacking damage multipliers to deal absurd damage
>>9088 >lore-accurate Tanuki >no huge balls that's an L, a big one
>>9120 >he doesn't know
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Monmusu TD is getting a 2nd collab with Monster Girl Quest, this time featuring Hild, Mystery Angelstein and Mystery Goddess.
>>9124 I wish this would be available in english
>>9121 feel free to enlighten me >>9123 girl tanukis have big balls, just like female dwarves have beards, I refuse to believe otherwise
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>>9126 >gacha Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that it isn't
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>>9133 >feel free to enlighten me
>>9136 Fuck yeah, crotchtits!
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>>9137 anon…
>>9136 That's a pussy?
>>9141 Anything can be a pussy if you are horny enough
>>9136 That's a very puffy vulva.
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I want to be raped by Saki-chan on stage!
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>>9151 I'm not an exhibitionist, or at least I don't go out of my way to look for exhibitionism content, but Saki and SHRIFT's Nina's scenes made me cum buckets.
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>DMM started restricting content outside of Japan >can't skip the tutorial >newcomers now get less gacha currency for free than before This is gonna be a pain to reroll
>>9161 >pay2cunny
>>9162 >playing gacha in the first place there's your problem
>>9166 It's probably the highest quality and animated MGQ art you can get, so I can understand suffering through gacha for that.
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>>9166 As >>9168 said, I mostly want to check and record the animated scenes I can unlock for everyone here, I don't want to spend any more time in gachas again than I must, even though these are some of my favorite characters... The sadpanda gallery of this game hasn't been updated in months (and they're only gifs), who knows if the guy managing it will come back eventually.
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>>9169 >I mostly want to check and record the animated scenes I can unlock for everyone here Absolutely based, I want to see them too.
>>9169 Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.
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>>9169 well, if your motivation is to record the assets and then share them, then good luck brother
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sex with adultmamo
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>>9177 its been damn near 10 years since this fiend gave me fluffbrain.
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>>9178 Sometimes I wonder if she would really shine so much if she wasn't in a game full of mediocre, ugly or outright horrible monsters
>>9081 Replace Alice with Lucifina and deal.
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>>9158 >Nina Another dindu nuffin to slay
next tower of alfimia patch is done, this one adds the Bad End with the Angels and Frey, as well as battle/temptation dialogue & loss scenes for Frey, Al (Frey), and Maid Succubus A (Rematch) i finally got to do a nursing handjob scene but the word milk appeared 20 times and not once does it refer to breast milk https://pixeldrain.com/u/oTFwLpQT
>>9191 Thank you for your effort, idk why pummels decided to paywall his TL out of sudden on such niche game.
>>9192 he probably did it because it's niche; he can release a 50% patch for free and then dripfeed tl's that you have to make monthly payments for because nobody else wants to translate it, giving him a monopoly that was half of the reason why i started it in the first place
>>9191 >a nursing handjob scene but the word milk appeared 20 times and not once does it refer to breast milk Honestly just a little bit impressive.
>>9193 I won't shit on a man for wanting to get some money out of his work, but it would be much more elegant (and possibly more profitable in the long run) to delay public patch releases to gain attention and then after he's done with the game run polls for subscribers to decide which game gets TL'd next. Eg. the dude translating Vitamin's Quest 2 only paywalls WIP updates between the major public releases and the work required for his game is HUGE, dialogues are in fucking images in that game.
>>9182 The space marine helmet on the top right ties it all together in the most splendid way imaginable.
>>9203 If mixing monster girls and 40k is wrong then I don't want to be right.
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>>9203 Playing SHRIFT with unlimited magnum ammo almost made me wish for a monster girl game where the main objective is to kill evil monster girls.
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KILL monster girls
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>>9169 I have nearly everything ready, I just need to figure out how to improve the audio quality and make it not look like shit after I compress it enough to reach catbox's 200MB size limit. I'm a complete amateur when it comes to video recording and editing, but if I'm gonna do it, I gotta do it right.
>>9207 >and make it not look like shit after I compress it enough to reach catbox's 200MB size limit Just use pixeldrain instead
>>9208 Might be the best solution, just wanted to make it available online in a more practical manner.
>>9211 FYI pixeldrain has a built-in video player if you upload mp4 or webm
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>>9212 Is that so? That makes things easier.
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>>9214 Need milkies
>>9214 >>9217 big cow boobies...
>>9218 It's also good to return the favor
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>>9231 You got something against oppai lolis?
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>>9233 No sir.
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Neocities collection update: New category: Non-H for games or vns without porn added Nigate Tale (non-porn game, >>9173) added Return from Core (non-porn game, >>9173) updated Tower of Alfimia translation (>>9191) updated Lewd Maze to v0.7.255a updated The Isle of TS Monster Girls translation (now it's 100% complete) updated Tower of Shiratane to v1.26 updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.5 updated Futakin Valley to v0.034.29 updated Monster Girl Quest Paratox Part 3 Demo translation to the latest bitbucket commit (this commit fixed the library problem reported by >>8779)
>>9195 Not everyone is into breast milk I guess.
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I need to revisit succubus mama
>>9238 >New category: Non-H for games or vns without porn Good idea, I've been looking for games to play.
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>>9243 Also serves to prevent blueballing in case someone takes a blind pick and keeps waiting for sex to happen
>>9244 I get off to love and wholesome moments, you degenerate.
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Any news on Minwa's new game?
100 bucks per hour looking after some dumb kids? Sign me the fuck up!
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Advice on updating the Paradox TL without re-downloading the entire game?
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>>9259 If you are talking about the part 3 demo: unpack this folder to your game directory: https://pixeldrain.com/u/ymXjAE5j and run patch.bat from the patcher folder, it's the same thing as normal but skips decryption since it's already decrypted. Not sure if this is the correct way, but works for me.
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I hope Adult Ilias gets new scenes in Part 3.
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>>9249 Not much, all his latest ci-en posts seem to be about introducing new characters and talking about a new ASMR work he's been working on.
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>>9267 >lose to AW Ilias or her lackeys >now she can fuck both paradox Luka and her brainwashed pet schizo Luka at the same time
>>9272 >tfw ywn have your own Luka harem why even live
>>9275 >Both BAlice and Ilias fucked with the fabric of reality to get more of that Luka cock
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What is her deal?
>>9278 She's another contender for Luka
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>Final boss of the collab >>9247 Look at her go!
>>9289 >they somehow even replicated setouchi's general style This stupid gacha promo probably had more effort put into it than the actual paradox collab.
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Apologies for the delay, here are Promestein's scenes. https://pixeldrain.com/l/k6KCc25e I'm not 100% satisfied with the quality of the recording, but tell me what you think. The electricity noises in the 2nd video are part of the scene itself, not a technical mistake.
>>9291 >second vid ouch, poor guy
>>9299 >Yep that's me >You must be wondering how I got into this situation
Is PixelDrain just being an ass to anyone else trying to download stuff?
>>9306 Works fine for me, 80 MB/s download. I can help reuploading if you need something specific.
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>>9314 salsa? Is that Daji?
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>>9316 >a nigger
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>>9319 Nah pretty sure it's another case of jap artist making guy's skin color slightly darker for more contrast, he draws Kazuya like that for whatever reason.
>>9320 why don't they do the opposite for once
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>>9321 gotta do it yourself
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Help, I'm being molested by children
>>9258 Damn, that's fucking good.
>>9242 Man I fucking love Sias' scene. Everything in her design and territory felt wrong. Seductive, alien, fake. As if she fashioned her traits after a normal cat's but some details slip through the cracks like the bizarre tail. Then when you lose to her she fucks you hard and fastforward you are being raped by your daughters. It was fucking good.
>>9331 I loved that it was "regular" sex combined with utter incest degeneracy. This gives maximum visual and mental stimulation at the same time.
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>>9340 >Ilias pussy worship nice
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I want to believe
>>9325 what game is dis?
>>9345 Youmaen The Magic Academy of Loli Succubi
>>9346 The greatest loli game made. With a variety of girls and minigames I consistently suck at. Even the sliding puzzle one.
>>9348 Yea it's really good. I'm convinced that if it wasn't stuck in translation hell for so many years and the girls were closer to jailbait than toddlercon, it would be as beloved as succubus prison.
>>9344 I too shall believe. If we spread the potential disappointment maybe it will hurt less. >>9358 >the girls were closer to jailbait than toddlercon Man, this is what really gets me. I won't pretend to be some moralfag or judge anyone for enjoying it, but no matter how good the game looks the toddler designs just don't gel with me.
>>9358 What's the point making the child monster game if there are no actual children in it? The girls should be younger if anything, like half of them are comparable 10-12 year olds (too old)
>>9362 The game exists to prove vinum is redeemable.
>>9260 Is this patch still up to date?
>>9379 yes
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>>9363 >redeemable Look at this cute innocent face, she couldn't possibly be evil!
>>9363 Technically, Youmaen came before we ever got to see Vinum, so really there was nothing to redeem because she was perfect from the start!
>>9344 What's he working on? Still Castle of Temptation?
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>>9384 Yes, apparently it's not abandoned after all and he's about to finally finish it this time. who am I kidding, on 4/25 he's just going to announce the announcement for final update report
>>9348 It's not Loli, that's toddlercon at this point.
>>9386 Gotta keep that patreon buck flowing Plus that'll give him an opportunity to seethe at Steam again
>>9388 >Plus that'll give him an opportunity to seethe at Steam again I mean, hard to blame the guy to seethe at Steam for cucking CoT when https://store.steampowered.com/app/2686900/Churn_Vector/ is allowed and all.
>>9386 After the last release being a buggy mess, and the scenes didn't really do it for me... can't say I'm looking all that forward to it. I'll still give it a try though I'm sure
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>>9387 It's not for everyone but when aren't monster girls fetishistic bullshit?
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I want to see the world where Heinrich decided to tame her with his dick
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>>9381 this makes me think that. if you somehow managed to woo Vinum. she'd probably erase all memory you have of her terrifying nature. it wouldnt even matter if you somehow found out about it again. your mind, thoughts and preferences are hers to mold to her liking. you would live for all eternity blissfully ignorance with your potato wife.
>>9400 Vinum likes strong, traditional hero types as shown in the paradox collab. Doubt she would mess with your mind, if you were strong enough to get her attention she'd want you to be aware of her power and toy with you by occasionally pretending to be "defeated"
>>9397 Oh it's fine anon, just want to be clear about it, I was sold that this game contained "loli" but no, it doesn't, if I can avoid any anon here avoiding this classic blunder...
>>9403 still need to get around to the collab events. why did i commit to wait for part 3 full release 6 years ago
>>9398 What happened between Heinrich and Black Alice anyway? Did they ever find out they were traveling together? Do we have any other backstory other than Heinrich killed her, then walked about merrily happily and banged another human to continue his bloodline?
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>>9406 >What happened between Heinrich and Black Alice anyway? Did they ever find out they were traveling together? IIRC we never found out, but given that Heinrich isn't as dense as he seems at first (as seen from his interactions with Lolias) and he's just playing dumb, it's likely that he realized it at some point. >Heinrich killed her, then walked about merrily happily and banged another human to continue his bloodline? It's unclear how exactly stuff went down. I think it makes more sense that he banged someone before the journey, because after killing BAlice he went full doomguy on ang*ls. I hope part 3 somehow expands upon his story, dude is an absolute bad ass unlike that little bitch Luka.
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>>9407 I like Luka but man he is such a little bitch. He has his moments of badassery, but we spend most of the game with him crying AIEEEEE and shitting his pants over coexistence. Lazarus did nothing wrong and Heinrich is simply better.
>>9409 yeah wtf happened in the purple haired bloodline we have Heinrich going doomguy and Lukas dad going full on mecha to restore the friggin timeline and meanwhile the half angel kid is a pushover and catnip for monsters
>>9405 Getting hyped up after finishing all available content is a quintessential part of the Paradox experience, time to catch up.
>>9314 I half expected them to surge out and crack the camera glass before refocusing.
>>9409 >Lazarus did nothing wrong What are you doing here Lazarus? Don't you have human children to bomb? >Heinrich is simply better Not when it comes to stamina in bed lol.
>>9421 This is something I could totally see in SHRIFT
>>9430 >69 Now would be the perfect day to release the next update
>Part 3 demo Does anyone else feel like the writing's got worse lately, ever since the Time Loop, or maybe even the collab? >Heinrich warns Luka there might come a time when he will be unable to save everyone anf he will have to choose who to save >That immediately happens with the Cockroach Clan >Lazarus and his party met the Lilith Sisters and the Apoptosis jannies >Somehow, no one found it weird how Adra looked like Karen, how Karen decided to name her daughter the same name as the other Apoptosis or how Sonya ended up looking exactly like Sonya Chaos. You'd expect the events of such a traumatic day to stick with the 3 of them forever in minute detail. Maybe my nostalgia goggles were on too tight, but I don't remember as much issue witht the writing in the VN or the first 2 parts of Paradox.
>>9437 I think demo's biggest problem was that everything up to the final encounter felt like an unimportant filler, but in the end everything clicked together. >or maybe even the collab? Nah, collab was by far the weakest but that's because like half of the collab games were just boring and didn't bring anything interesting to the table. The only memorable thing about the mute protags was making fun of them being mute. >Somehow, no one found it weird how Adra looked like Karen, how Karen decided to name her daughter the same name as the other Apoptosis or how Sonya ended up looking exactly like Sonya Chaos. You'd expect the events of such a traumatic day to stick with the 3 of them forever in minute detail. The neat thing about paradox is that trtr can make shit up on the go and explain everything with multiverse shenanigans. Given that the reality intervened and stitched together a new Marcellus from other instances, it's not a stretch to believe that the party's minds were subtly manipulated to forget the details that would lead to even more timeline derailment
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Those two better get a threesome scene in part 3. Bonus points if spatsune says something dumb during the act.
>>9438 >Given that the reality intervened and stitched together a new Marcellus from other instances, it's not a stretch to believe that the party's minds were subtly manipulated to forget the details that would lead to even more timeline derailment That's pure fan theory territory and would only bring up more questions.
>>9461 >That's pure fan theory territory It's also possible that this will be explained in detail later in part 3 like a lot of other things. Or idk it just didn't strike me so much, paradox's plot in general is a total clusterfuck.
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Neocities collection update: added manually translated version of Onahole Quest (this oddly fetish-specific game finally got a proper translation, game looks good if you're into girls using onaholes on you) updated Inn Another World to v0.06 updated Magical Monstergirls Academy to v0.9.5.1 updated MonCurse to v0. updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.2.96 updated Vitamin Quest 2nd Attract with latest translation
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>>9487 Make me
>>9487 What game?
>>9491 The Dungeon of Lulu Farea Keep in mind it has very... unique puzzle-like gameplay and by design it's possible to get hardlocked and need to load earlier save. But the h-content is great and makes it worth the effort.
>>9493 Thanks
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I'm not one to usually get affected by FOMO but this time it hit me like a truck. Now I can drop this game until a global version comes out or when Micaela and Lucifina are added in a 3rd collab next year. It took me literally days of rerolling until I got 2 different characters in one account I'd use to grind more gems with, thankfully you can pick between Ilias, Prom, Alma, Alice or Erubetie after 150 rolls and I was lucky enough to get 4/5 of them on the way, but fuck that was painful
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>>9496 >when Micaela and Lucifina are added in a 3rd collab next year. Need this
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More games need to have this with the fairies and not just using them as onaholes
>>9502 That kind of defeats the purpose, wouldn't it? Something I somehow have never seen in h-games is fairies using hypnosis on their targets.
>>9510 >he doesn't want to have sex in extremely tall grass
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The REAL good end of MGQ. Outbreed all the shitty vore and snuff monsters and replace them with harpy waifus for every man, HAPPY END
>>9515 If I wanted sex with a same-size partner on oversized vegetation, I'm sure I could find a dryad or an elf on a hidden mystical forest with giant trees and mushrooms.
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>>9522 There's also the whole new realm of feeling vulnerable, even a simple rat or bug you wouldn't notice before is now a mortal danger
>>9481 >game looks good if you're into girls using onaholes on you That does sound oddly appealing. Maybe this game was made for me...?
>>9527 You've got inhumanly good prime monster girl pussy right in front of you and you still go for a fake pussy?
>>9524 even better would be if the fairy shrinks you down to a size where you are the size of a fairy to her
here's a link for the most recent version of mgalaxy (1.05) https://pixeldrain.com/u/5zNLHPVu
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>>9520 Absolutely based.
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>>9532 what is this from?
>>9533 An EU4 fantasy overhaul mod called Anbennar.
>>9534 The mythical worldbuilding.
>>9534 now I kinda want monster girl themed grand strategy/4X game >marrying your son off to the neighbor monster kingdom for favors or to avoid war >monster integration policies bringing benefits and drawbacks: welcoming the monsters gives you very strong army at the cost of social instability and human purity terrorist cells forming. Reject them and instead you have to deal with occasional raids by roving bands. >long-term demographics planning: if you let monsters freely outbreed humans you will run out of males which lead to your monsters demand that you raid human nations for men. Eventually you may become another monster nation with you as just a puppet figurehead. >manage relationships with pure human nations, as you get comfier with monsters human supremacists start treating you with distrust
>>9537 Grand strategy games are incredibly niche.So this is like niche of a niche stuff.
>>9543 n-no they aren't
>>9437 What do you mean worse? the biggest plot point is eventually siding with people that would murder Luka despite needing him. I don't think you have nostalgia goggles for the VN, the problem is clearly routes. The collab had to be generic crap to appease 7 other writers so ignore it here.
>>9537 Some of that is in the mod, though not as indepth as you'd get from something dedicated specifically to interspecies relations. For example going by each point: >marrying your son off to the neighbor monster kingdom for favors or to avoid war Different species can't have royal marriages, even though there's a lot of intermarrying and reproduction in the lore if your king is one species you can only marry with another kingdom of the same species. >monster integration policies bringing benefits and drawbacks This actually does play a role, each species brings certain advantages and disadvantages to each province they're in depending on how large their population in that province is and how well they're integrated into your society. >welcoming the monsters gives you very strong army In the mod only your primary species makes up your army, though with certain nations you can get permanent modifiers for missions that involve having other species integrated. >human purity terrorist cells forming Funnily enough it was actually the opposite for that kingdom of Gelkalis, it was Harpy supremacists who didn't want to integrate and launched a guerilla war for a few decades. >long-term demographics planning I wish that was more of a thing but it's not, minority populations can grow or shrink, I don't know if it's based on anything or just random, and you can accept refugees from other nations that expel populations but your primary species will always be primary. >manage relationships with pure human nations, as you get comfier with monsters human supremacists start treating you with distrust The only way this sort of gets expressed is at the beginning of the game there's the races considered civilized, like humans elves and dwarves ect. and the uncivilized ones like orcs goblins and harpies ect. and the two groups hate each other, but as the game goes on the monster races can work to be viewed as equal nations, each individual nation still decides on the groups it wants to integrate or oppress in their own borders but relations between nations improves.
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>Yao has finally put out for Luka THIS IS NOT A DRILL
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>>9555 Finally, my dreams of fox kids with cute impractical paws can be canon
Someone collected stuff from xelvy's twitter and put it on panda: https://exhentai.org/g/2876733/68a3d699e0/ https://exhentai.org/g/2876739/35f8081d8a/
>>9559 Ilias bless, probably the most complete compilation I've seen, some of those I had been looking for since his account got purged.
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Never change, Ilias.
>>9583 Stupid gay lizard
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Finished the part 3 demo (Ilias route), I did not expect the final section to go so hard. Surprising how much from the teaser was shown/answered within it too. Also made me want to replay through the entire game again for the nth time. The full release can't come soon enough.
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>>9593 >(Ilias route) based
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>>9595 I don't understand why anyone would pick alice when frfr angels are tempting me to sin(pure).
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>>9602 At least A*ice route gets shikis. They don't murder you if you ally with them, r-right?
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>>9623 >hooora after this you won't be able to coom from human pussy ever again is one of my favorite cliches
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>>9555 one less girl in the shit tier
>>9634 These girls really like talking about poop...
>>9555 Looks shopped
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idk what's going on there, but I want to marry Alma
>>9643 Exactly what it looks like, Hakunen and Alma are happily married and having hot passionate sex on their wedding night complete with leg lock, only little monk is also dressed as a wife for some reason.
Since fairies were mentioned earlier, can anyone recommend some less known games with fairy sex? I heard that Haitenai RPG and a couple of games with F in the title (From Frontier/Fall in Labyrinth?) have some. Bonus points if fairy is the dominant one but anything is fine.
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Speaking of Three Charms, I still think back to how hype this fight was from time to time. I know it's never gonna happen, but it'd be cool if one day Minwa went back and remade the first game to be less rough around the edges now that he's got some experience under his belt.
>>9666 >Haitenai Yes it has a fairy as one of major characters along with scenes and it's good, although the monster girls are all elves or kemonomimi at most. >From Frontier One of the better monster girl games, one of the girls you can have relationship with is a fairy Also check out Desire Dungeon if you haven't yet >>9524 Black Souls I and II have a fairy as a reoccurring character, scenes included MilkyQuest has fairies as its theme but those are a bit bigger than onahole size if that's what you want
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I just had an epiphany. What if Setouchi was going for something closer to this look on his monster girl designs during the VN days, but simply failed to make them look good?
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>>9674 it's probably what happened, what you posted is pretty much Galda. His interpretation of monster girl means "girl + monster" stitched together without smoothing over the seams. So when the monster base isn't horrifying the end result isn't bad and you get the foxtaurs or lately tanukitaur. Then when he doesn't have a beast base to work with you get random spaghetti tentacle monsters, like the page girls.
>>9673 Thanks, guess I'll move Haitenai and From Frontier up in my backlog. Already played both BS games, will check out Desire Dungeon. >MilkyQuest has fairies as its theme but those are a bit bigger than onahole size if that's what you want That's fine, I like it when fairies aren't just minigirls as long as they keep their typical fairy attributes like the wings. I do think that fairy colors could use more variety, so if the fairies in these games aren't mostly green-colored that's even better. >>9674 Personally I don't dislike Setouchi's old designs, in fact they grew on me over time.
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>>9664 >only little monk is also dressed as a wife for some reason. >for some reason.
>>9672 True, first one felt like a mini-game and it only matured into a full game on its own with the sequels.
https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1128531 >"The final chapter of the Monmusu RPG will be released within the year 2024, unless something bad happens, such as a long-term hospitalization." BROS
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>>9680 i shall remain cautiously optimistic
>>9680 Gonna give these dudes my energy.
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>>9680 >unless something bad happens, such as a long-term hospitalization. >unless
Neocities collection update: added I Got Trapped in the Succubus's Dream! (short puzzle-based game with animated pixel art, similar to the newer dieselmine games) updated Castle of Temptation to v1.0, moved to main section as it's now complete (it's really out, surprisingly) updated Succubus Hunt to v0.61 updated Monster Girl Hunt to v0.2.97 updated Monster Girl Quest Paratox Part 3 Demo translation to the latest bitbucket commit updated MGQ Paradox (Part 1/2) translation to the latest bitbucket commit
>>9690 Any of those worthy of a recommendation?
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>>9692 It's a good time to try castle of temptation, it has very good lewds.
>>9694 I got filtered by this fight...
>> 9666 There's always the old /d/ meme game Fairy Fighting. Tons of scenes but they're all extremely /d/, like getting webbed and pumped full of arachne eggs is on the milder end.
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>>9699 Clearly he wants fairy fencer f. It has faires in it, I think.
>>9699 I did play it and it was pretty hot even if it's not human x monstergirl that I normally prefer and more like monster x monstergirl. However I remember it being kind of poorly balanced, with enemies constantly spamming teleports/grabs and pretty bullshit attacks. Also getting enemies to perform specific animations was a pain. >>9702 Doesn't look like an H-game but thanks, I'll remember that name if it can run on a shit PC with integrated graphics.
>>9680 That wording is only tempting fate.
>>9704 >look like an H-game but thanks I just can't guarantee it contains fairies or even fencers, I never played it.
>>9672 I'd rather have a professional TL for all three games instead of the MTL we've got now.
>>9711 >MTL What? All of The Three Charms games have proper manual translations, no MTL.
>>9712 Admittedly I can't speak for the first one, but the last two were definitely edited MTL.
>>9713 I find this very unlikely, the anon who translated them is an experienced translator and the TL is of high quality, lots of care was put into making the dialogue styles match characters. According to him about 99% of lines were manually translated https://f95zone.to/threads/the-three-charms-r-the-twelve-monster-girls-of-mahoroba.34237/post-6297632 You got any examples that made you think this was edited MTL?
>>9714 There were some major differences between the original and the English that made me think it was edited MTL, but it's been years and I don't have screenshots on hand. We'll just have to agree to disagree if you don't believe me. I'm not saying he wasn't a good writer, and I'm sure he put a lot of effort into it, I just wish it'd been done by someone who actually knew Japanese.
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>>9534 I don't own eu4 or any dlcs. What is the least amount of money I can spend to pirate/play this?
Castle of temptation v1.1, reportedly v1.0 was somewhat buggy: https://pixeldrain.com/u/RgiHYRke
>>9749 I always see people saying to buy the base game and pirate all the dlcs, obviously you don't need the music or unit packs just the important ones. For the Anbennar mod in particular the workshop page says you need Emperor, Dharma, Conquest of Paradise, Rights of Man, Wealth of Nations, Art of War, and Cradle of Civilization, though if you can get all the important dlc I'd recommend it. A heads up though Paradox is gonna be releasing a new big dlc and update on May 8th which will absolutely break the mod as it always does, and the mod devs are very slow to update.
>>9753 Then I will wait and pick up the next bundle deal I see. Stellaris is having a good update soon anyway so it's a great time to take mankind into space and turn all the sexy races into domestic slaves and genocide the rest.
>>9750 Very, very nice. Thanks. >1.0 was somewhat buggy I fully expect 1.1 to still be "somewhat" buggy.
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>>9694 >>9750 Finished it tonight and...Man, did it seriously took him 2 years just to finish one stage? Admittedly, it was pretty big, but still. And fuck those pink pillars. >>9756 Ditto, my character got stuck on an animation while at max lust a few times and only way to restart was to go back to the main menu. Another time I reached max lust while at an inclination and every time my altitude changed in the slightest, it would reset to the start of the animation, which would inch me forward a few centimeters and get stuck on that loop until I probably reached the bottom of the area. Also, the english translation from the last area onwards felt noticeably lower quality. I know I'm being really negative, but the game was still pretty good, has some top tier animations.
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>>9785 People like to pile on Delphinus, but I genuinely think he can put out some good drawings when he tries.
>>9785 >I know I'm being really negative, To be fair, just like many patreon projects CoT peaked at its first chapter and then dev suddenly forgot why people liked their game. Lab was too grotesque and then chapel was way too annoying for a porn game. I guess chapel is like that because all of the jap artists and devs were obsessed with elden ring or other souls-like games at that time and poring forgot that he was making a porn game. I didn't play the final stage yet so I don't know how that went. But at least the porn is great and makes it all worthwhile.
>>9788 un_do draws huge titties so good that I want to motorboat frederika despite hating zombies in general. Gotta respect that kind of talent.
>>9790 >I didn't play the final stage yet so I don't know how that went. The chapel IS the final stage (well, technically the final boss's stage is its own separate thing, but it's basically just a few corridors and the boss room. While it's clear there's an alternative ending(s) I haven't unlocked yet, even still I seriously doubt that there's much else to that final boss stage. I actually didn't mind the Lab that much, but then again I'm into some pretty /d/egen stuff myself. And while the chapel was waaay tamer than the lab or the dollhouse in terms of ero content, my nun fetish was still quite pleased with what was there.
>>9756, >>9785 Spitballing an idea, what would make a useful rating for the games in the collection? Something like >Gameplay: fun on its own > grindy shitty RPG, extra warning for being buggy as hell >H-content: hot and frequent > meh and rare, extra demerit if there's no gallery or replay mode >Monster girl theming: interesting monsters > blue girls with elf ears, warning for fetishes like the heavy vore/snuff in MGQ Anything else? I want more than "5/10, mid", so CoT says buggy and broken but hot & fast, where say Sequel gets props for good oldschool RPG gameplay but says you'll be playing 2+ hours to get a single sex scene.
>>9793 I think tags should stay objective rather than saying something is good or hot, you could be more subjective if games got mini-reviews. But then it might be a problem to write reviews for uhh... 556 games/VNs
>>9792 >While it's clear there's an alternative ending So I wasn't the only one thinking this. I'm somewhat afraid that it will entail collecting all scrolls/logs which is going to be extremely annoying without a guide.
>>9793 I think you're on the right track, the three classifications you've listed work as a sort of "holy trinity" of monster girl game qualities. I do agree with the dude who thinks the rating should be more objective, especially on the gameplay front. I think genre tags might be a better fit, though most of the games being RPGs may kind of defeat the purpose. The tag could be further split, but that would also be a bit difficult outside of the obvious battlefuck separation. I'm not sure how you'd concisely differentiate "high-effort" RPGs from default slop. H-content frequency and monster theming are both excellent ideas on their own, I'm 100% down for those being listed. Only thing I could think to add is some sort of label for games that only have loss scenes, or have loss scenes as the vast majority. >>9792 >And while the chapel was waaay tamer than the lab or the dollhouse in terms of ero content On this topic, I think it's a huge HUGE shame dollhouse wasn't used as the baseline for the rest of the game, I think it has the perfect level of degeneracy. The scenes in the first half are largely vanilla (With some dollfucking sprinkled in), the second half gets a bit spicier, and there's some fairly raunchy shit as a "punishment" for fucking up big time. It's a really good balance. The first stage also kind of follows this outline but leans much heavier on the vanilla side. >>9796 I can't imagine more than a small handful of people will actually see the "good" ending. The last stage is simply not fun, even with what seems to be extra save points sprinkled in.
>>9799 With tagging I think there could be some potential there, but I was more thinking tag based on characters or MGs present and tell you what's in it. I know some games slip through the cracks and have good characters, like Yes My Lord has a nice undead main character, but you wouldn't know that unless you gave it a shot at random or through word of mouth. For example: Maybe you want a game with foxgirls and while you found one with them they aren't as prominent as you'd like. Tags could help create the distinction between "These monster girls are present" and "This monster girl is a main character" maybe through having a different color for the tag. Gameplay can still have tags, since most are RPGmaker games you can still tag gameplay since some games do stock RPGmaker combat and some try their own twist or spin on things. Of course you have the obvious battlefuck separation, but you can still tell when something different is being done. The aforementioned Yes My Lord does something different a little different with combat with presets and outfit transformations with their own attacks. The MGERPG (never ever) doesn't do combat and instead is something like battlefucking. Some might be a hack and slash, and some might be RPGmaker and not have any combat at all. With so many different takes on it it's a fools errand to catalogue them all, so instead you could go three ways for now: Generic/Stock Combat for stock RPGMaker stuff, Battlefucking which is obvious, and Modified/Alternate Combat that doesn't fall into the other two. Though, since H-content is what most people are here for this is where the effort in tagging should be. The tag spells out what is present, whether it be a specific MG, game mechanic, or fetish, and coloring can describe how frequent or prominent it appears in that work. Let's say there's NTR present in one scene in a bad ending and that's the extent of it. You'd tag it there as it's present, however its color suggests it's basically nonexistent but it's still telling you it's possible to find. Maybe there could be note clarification for some tags, but otherwise it's got the potential to be a decent system.
>>9785 >And fuck those pink pillars. Be glad they don't just instakill you at the slightest touch anymore like they used to in the very first version. >>9756 You can still get softlocked if you get max aroused by aphrodisiac and have to wait for a succ to rape you only for none to come. >>9796 Actually it's a bit simpler. You have to collect a hidden gold key in each of the 4 levels. You do have to beat each level after collecting it or it won't count. If you got the normal ending once, you should get sparkles hinting you the key's location nearby in each level when you visit them again.
>>9805 >since H-content is what most people are here for this is where the effort in tagging should be Thinkin about it, I actually really agree with this. There are a handful of games that cater very explicitly to a specific kink that may not be entirely obvious from their title, and labeling them as such might help them find their audience. Covering every fetish/monster represented in a game sounds pretty high-effort though, and could get messy with larger games that have large enemy/scene variety like MGQ or Dreams.
>>9809 Though in those cases they are both a similar type of game. Each Monster Girl has really only one encounter and the player moves onto the next. It's more 'encyclopedic' where you get a bit of everything. In those cases you could tag it as such front and center and then add tags for the more prominent important characters and types. MGQ has Alice—a Lamia—as the female main character, Lamia would be a tag that's up there since you spend the most time with her. As Angels are a type frequently encountered in part 3 they can also be included. In MGD's case you'd tag characters that are more involved like the manticore, chocolate bunny witch, and kitsune where they stand out due to scene variety and their own little plotlines. They don't accompany you like Alice so they aren't as prominent, but it's no small chunk of content. You probably don't need to cover every little bit, just the things people would care about. Tagging everything with various sex positions is unnecessary, but unique things like tailjobs and wingjobs and letting people know of possible NTR is important. Same with monsters, in SEQUEL there's a lot of them but don't have scenes and are just mob filler, they don't need tagging since they're not important. If this were to be done it would be a pain in the ass since there's a lot of games to go back through and categorize, and is probably the biggest block to doing such a thing. And it also requires playing through the game to get a sense of what's there and what isn't, so it's probably best as a community effort where if someone's played a game they can throw out some tag ideas for it.
>>9796 When you finish the game and unlock the gallery, it's easy to see what you might have missed during normal gameplay, for example one of them had an NPC I didn't recall meeting, so I went back to its stage, tried to find a path for places that looked like I could reach through alternative routes and found said NPC plus a key for a door that I couldn't previously open, not to mention a certain monster in the last stage that I most definitely didn't see during the ending. Based on some message logs that are impossible to miss, the true(?) ending is probably finding all paradise keys, which differ from normal items because when you get them, they don't appear as icons besides your health bar. I happened to come across two of them, one of which completely by accident, but yeah, I'm not sure if I want to bother looking for all the hidden rooms and stuff. There's also a bunch of optional content in the game like going through all 3 different routes in the lab and probably fulfilling some specific challenges for each of them (I got the shota one because I had knowledge about it beforehand from the demo) and the boss of the chapel is completely hidden out of the way, but she seemed like a pain to fight and way too long of a fight, so as the other anon said, I'm not sure if I even want to bother going through all that.
>>9811, >>9809, >>9799, >>9793 This looks like consensus so I gathered it and the game list up into a ghostbin. https://pst.innomi.net/paste/tsgu92admf6crdxnt5qub3sk There's an edit link for each of you four. It's maybe not ideal, but it's a hell of a lot better than needing every anon here to sign up for something to contribute. http://pst.innomi.net/paste/grant/ffqpkvera9edy2ccxnv3ey9qzqkxrkgw/accept http://pst.innomi.net/paste/grant/9yfaugzoprtq38p8rbbakbeo8zqf4med/accept http://pst.innomi.net/paste/grant/cw3mb8y38ngvbvgjssrcngj7h44uvfzc/accept http://pst.innomi.net/paste/grant/yhmnb5dmde8gqkjz6ze2k4emu8o87na7/accept I may not be the best one to run this long-term, but it's easier to build a thing once it's started.
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>>9821 Can't wait to find a few dozen edge cases, first one I found was games without H content such as Butterfly Affection, it doesn't have explicit scenes so I just put N/A. Only concern I got is tag names people may use, e.g. foxgirl, fox girl, kitsune, etc. all mean the same thing but are different from a DB search point of view. On the topic of tag names, bringing Butterfly Affection as an example again, the girl defies categorization see picrel. So I used chimera girl. Also, if I hit save and someone else made changes in between me opening the doc and saving does it overwrite things? Did Tenkiame, My Catgirl Maid Thinks She Runs the Place, Butterfly Affection, Captive Amanojaku, Your Waifu Foxgirl Konko, and Kamidori Alchemy Meister. Not saved these yet.
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New Dreams finally dropped, and sweet JESUS the new Perpetua stuff very nearly made it worth the 3(!!!) month wait on its own. There's some other new stuff, but you kind of have to go out of your way to get to most of the good shit. It's also painfully clear that most of the dev time went into the least interesting new content, but it is what it is. >>9821 Two of those are (Me) lol. I'll probably throw a couple tags up later but I haven't played a whole lot outside the popular choices that get shilled plenty. >>9828 >Only concern I got is tag names people may use, e.g. foxgirl, fox girl, kitsune, etc. all mean the same thing but are different from a DB search point of view I guess we can figure out standardization of tags later, when we get a better feel for the whole system.
>>9830 >3 months wait for MGD content update is now considered long Crazy when you remember the Great Findom Bunny Content Drought that was 3 years ago, I think
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>>9830 >skyscrapers, billboards and modern buildings
>>9828 Pretty sure it does overwrite if two people are on at once but I've never had enough collab editors to find out for sure. Just checked and didn't see your edits yet and put in a second WTF on the first line. No other edits so go ahead and save, if it blows away my second WTF we know to watch out. If so, just means refresh in a second tab to check before you hit save. For Butterfly Affection I agree Chimera Girl is probably fine (and excellent taste BTW, still have that and Hitomebore saved off), use it for now and like >>9830 points out we can wrangle tags later. I've done it at AO3 and while we don't have their back end the idea is, have an alias file for each master tag plus a global script that auto-swaps the master when someone puts in the alias. That's why I insist on comma separated tags. For Kitsune you'd get >Master Tag: Kitsune >Aliases: Foxgirl, Fox Girl, Inari, Youko, Kumiho, Tamamo, Mofu Mommy
>>9833 Good to know I'm not the only one driven mad by h-game devs giving no fucks about staying consistent with their settings. >game's world is just bunch of pre-industrial villages >girls suddenly pulls out a fucking mobile phone
>>9834 Looks like it overwrites. Yeah we'll just have to be cautious about it. I don't suppose you have backups? Also yell at me if something is off or needs changed. >tags I didn't consider the script swapping. That'll be good, though I'll have to watch myself to not do things like X/Y.
>>9834 >>9836 Why not just use google sheets or google docs? It supports collaborative work with no problems >inb4 jewgle It's not like they care about eavesdropping on you making tags for super niche porn games
>>9837 Easiest for anons to contribute if it's no signup, just follow link and edit. If everyone's willing to get accounts for this say so in a comment, we can set up a GitGud.io project so you gain diff/automerge/versioning/script integration/builds like a real project and in phase 2 auto-hook it to what the Neocities anon puts out. That also lets us comment there instead of filling the thread.
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>>9830 I didn't see any new perpetua stuff in this update though. >>9833 Yeah and one of the new conversations has a girl awkwardly explain what headphones are and your character just gets confused at the sound coming out of them.
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>MMF lolidom Don't see that every day. Also kind of funny how similar Luka and the TD Main character look like.
>>9846 She looks happy.
>>9848 Shota cum simply hits different.
>>9846 reverse harem or MMF femdom is something I'd like to see happen more often.
>>9846 >>9851 MMF is shit, instant nope even if its technically the same guy via clones or something.
>>9852 You're being raped so it kind of makes sense for the girl to be into it. It's very in line with the fetish.
>>9853 Femdom isn't the problem, MMF is.
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>>9855 the problem boils down to this
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>>9856 Imp-san is such a fun character
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>>9844 Her boss fight has a CG now, and it's pretty high effort. Makes her loss scene a wild ride. Viewing it again is a hassle if you don't have a save handy, though. Also, if you haven't checked out the new lizard toll booth event on the mountain it's pretty good. Hoping for more minor events like that featuring generics in the future. >>9821 I couldn't get the edit links to work (I'm guessing curious lurkers consumed them accidentally) but wrote some of my own anyways. https://pst.innomi.net/paste/mfps7ctezsygr47sy5zkzo6d/raw
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>>9864 Not the bin owner, but I stuck them in.
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>>9839 Google docs doesn't require an account to edit, you just set access to "anyone with the link" and set role to edit. Of course the document owner needs to have an account, but you can just make a burner account for this purpose, everyone else can edit anonymously. This was the number one method of cooperative document editing when I was at uni. You just need to remember to frequently save backups, for obvious reasons.
>>9871 I was pleasantly surprised with actual in-game cockroach girls, but that pics makes me realize some were instead disappointed, kek
>>9871 >married handholding woah that's gone too far
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Never ever
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>cutest art ever >no actual sex scenes the pain
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>>9885 Could be worse. Imagine having a fox girl in the fucking Rance series, make her reappear in the last game of the franchise, giving her a nude sprite, but still no sex scenes.
>>9886 Damn, blueball of the century
>>9821 contributin' >>9690 binanon, it looks like the bin only has Kneel Before the Demon Queen 1.0 but 1.1 came out a while a go, do you need it? Kneel Before the Demon Queen v1.1 (E).zip * Genre: Walking Sim * Gameplay: Mid/15m * Hentai: Good/every minute or so * MG Theme: Mid/just hero vs. demonlord * Main Tags: demon girl, femdom, vanilla, anal * Extra Tags: fire elemental, gargoyle * One Liner: Hero tries to rescue princess from demon queen, gets captures, and finds a surprise. Short & sweet, give it a chance! Overthrow The Great Demoness! [RJ247971] (aka 打倒!超魔王様) * Genre: JRPG * Gameplay: Good/30m * Hentai: Good/every 5m * MG Theme: Mid/just hero vs. demonlord * Main Tags: demon girl, vanilla, coercion/broken, animated * Extra Tags: pregnant * One Liner: Typical JSK, fight a few RPG battles broken up by VN choices. Be nice & marry her or be a dick & dominate her.
>>9898 >binanon, it looks like the bin only has Kneel Before the Demon Queen 1.0 but 1.1 came out a while a go, do you need it? Good find, there's extra content in that patch. I'll update it in today's batch, thanks.
>2024 >MGI fox buttslut still manages to drain my balls What a fucking shame that it turned out to be a scam
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>>9877 >never ever You are like a small baby, watch this
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>monster girl DESTROYS human man with facts and logic
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Neocities collection update: added Mia's Milk Ranch (3D cow girl dating simulator with minigames) updated Kneel Before the Demon Queen to v1.1 (>>9898 new content, worth (re)checking out) updated Magical Waifus Academy to v1.4 updated My Life In A Monster Girl Paradise to v0.3 updated Lewd Maze to v0.7.257a updated Corruption of Champions II to v0.7.7 updated Futakin Valley to v0.034.30 updated Tower of Shiratane to v1.27 updated Monster Girl Quest Paratox Part 3 Demo translation to the latest bitbucket commit
>>9821 Neocities maintainer here, I took the liberty of linking the reviews ghostbin in the collection as "Community-maintained games descriptions" It would be good to maintain a separate "production" bin with just the reviewed games without the unreviewed ones, but that's up to you how you prefer it.
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>>9916 Move Hakoniwa Explorer to the non-h section.
>>9918 Done, dunno why I missed it.
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>>9673 hey guys. wassup?
>>9931 >fairy gf >not fairy punching bag
>>9877 Didn't someone put out a passable translation for that?
>>9935 Not that I'm aware? There was an anon who said he would try to do an edited MTL patch, but I don't think he ever finished translating unless I missed it.
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>>9931 cute onahole
>>9785 Poring basically gave up and had a meltdown when Steam permanently banned him from trying to publish Castle of Temptation on Steam. Not that I blame him, most of his revenue came from there. That's why the ending got rushed and he basically lost all motivation to work for a long time. I was really taken aback at how little extra content 1.0 has compared to the last alpha version. Combine that with Visa and Mastercard banning DLSite transactions, and he made a record low revenue. So Castle of Temptation "will not receive any content updates". Sad state of the western world I guess
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>browsing for games >see pic rel >candy crush/puzzle ""game"" with AIslop art >and only catgirls Who the fuck plays and most importantly who pays for that shit. Third world pajeets with no knowledge of better sources? I could understand AI art if he at least went for something more sophisticated than goddamn basic bitch catgirls.
>>9953 >Visa and Mastercard banning DLSite transactions any reason why? The usual "muh poor abused lolis" argument? Also, what other option does a site have after being banned by these 2? I barely pay for things online, so I might be out of the loop.
>>9960 This is being driven by NCOSE and the other religious anti-porn crusaders, who have a lot of sway with Mastercard. In the last couple years they allied with the the woke/DEI wing of the left to go after this globally instead of just repeatedly picking fights with PornHub. This has worked for them, it's why Patreon cut off a lot of NSFW creators and OnlyFans briefly banned 18+ stuff before realizing that was suicide and switching how they did payments. Japan as a whole is their next target, this is also why Pixiv blocked US and British IP addresses. The wokies in particular are frothing at the mouth that Asian companies won't kiss the ring.
>>9960 >what other option does a site have after being banned? TLDR there are no good options for burgers, that's why it's effective. If you want the full story read on. In Asia and Europe there are often alternatives, like JBC from Bank of Japan, which is available to most of Asia and valid on DLSite. In Europe many businesses will allow direct account transfers since it's easier there. Crypto in theory works but not enough buyers use it, and for NSFW in particular it's almost impossible to make it untraceable unless you mine all coins yourself, while for anything that accepts Mastercard/Visa you can just buy a prepaid card. The best workable option for a platform is to go through one of the payment middlemen that handles porn companies. These guys in effect will soak the lawsuits for the platform, but in return they charge like 14% of gross instead of 2.9% + $0.30 for raw Mastercard, which is usually adjusted to a flat 5% if you use Stripe. But losing that 10% gross is too much for most for-profit businesses unless like OnlyFans it's almost all "unacceptable" NSFW stuff, whereas game sites can often sacrifice just a few NSFW devs each time (often, like Patreon or Paypal, they'll also just steal all the money in the dev's account when they ban it unless that dev can afford to mount a lawsuit). There is also a workaround, used by DLSite here and a few times elsewhere, where if you have a separate site to buy tokens (in this case DLSite Points), that can work, but I suspect this has some legal red tape in the US or else it's insane that none of the crowdfunding sites use it. In particular, the biggest reason they can't stay profitable with higher payment processor cut is because most people pay $1 to a lot of creators, and charged individually this means the $0.33 (0.30 base + 2.9%) means it's a loss for Patreon even at a 30% Apple/Steam cut. But if the patron supports 10 people, and was just charged for $10 of tokens each month, then the processor charge is only $0.59 and Patreon makes a profit even with an 8% cut. For individual creators it's also possible to just get your own merchant account, but platforms don't allow you to use them since they profit by being a middleman who takes a cut (see Epic vs. Apple). And if you're not on any platform its a very hard sell to get people to trust you nowadays. In theory a famous person could get away with this, like "Mr. Beast makes an H-game".
>>9963 >and for NSFW in particular it's almost impossible to make it untraceable unless you mine all coins yourself Monero solves that with privacy built into the protocol and along with low tx fees it would make for perfect crypto for porn or other spicy purchases. If it's good enough for actual criminals, it's good enough for buying succuloli nakadashi simulator 2024. Unfortunately there's still the issue of first changing fiat to crypto
>>9971 Big companies will never start taking crypto in any meaningful way because their employees don't want it and it's totally liable to getting randomly banned the moment it suits governments.
>>9993 Last time I played this I got lost in the city and the quest markers bugged out.
Sex Sex with stinky imp
>>9953 CoT so far is selling like hot cakes on DLsite, 7k purchases in just over a week. For comparison, Succubus in Wonderland, a game by an established dev studio released 4 years ago sold 16k copies. Then you also add his patreon income on top of that. Poring would have to be pants on head retarded to not keep making games, there's clearly a huge demand for quality animated pixel art content.
>>9998 Impressive. I hope he manages to wrangle his autism in the future, he's got a good thing going on.
>>9960 Loli, Rape, Hypnosis, any controversial tags. DLSite "censored" them to things like Petite, R(and Reverse R), etc. to try to comply with their terms. Visa and Mastercard said "no, delete half your site's content". DLSite obviously said "fuck off retards". Sooo no Visa or Mastercard for the foreseeable future. Better than it getting nuked like PHub was way back when.
>>9998 True, but I guess he just feels that it's not living up to his past sale standards. Kind of a "why bother putting in all the work if I'm only going to get half the revenue from now on". I get that, at the very least. I honestly think he should just do what Kagura does and make R18 patches and sell all-ages versions on Steam so the approval process doesn't cuck him.
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>>10021 >what lack of dick does to a woman
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>>10027 >lack of pussy turns men into media addicted, politics obsessed degenerates >lack of dick turns monster girls into tyrannical glutton assholes with no regards for life I think I just had a great idea that will kill two birds with one stone.
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>Do you feel like a Hero?
>>10051 >Mission accomplished >Goddess is pleased >Angel invasion won't happen >Multiverse crash won't happen Yes I do.
>>10053 I'd rather play Lamia's Inside Story before ever siding with *ngels
>>10054 Then you shall get both
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New thread: >>10067

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