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Fluffy Anime Girls

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SFW Thread Anonymous 11/29/2020 (Sun) 10:54:06 No. 22 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for all SFW images.
98 posts and 310 images omitted.
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Like, look at this first image. The premise and outfit are something that would feel like forgettable fetish art if anyone else (or the artist as he became) drew it, but in his hands it becomes this strange, luminous painting. The fetish which inspired it fades into the background as he bathes his subject in an alien light: a light which hints at new possibilities, yet a light which he sadly lost as time went on.
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And that's the end of that dump. It was kind of depressing for me to go through, but I was still surprised as I looked through his older art at how much of it lingered with me.
>>1158 good stuff. i like the use of colorful decals on the art surrounding the cuties

Cute Thread Tail Toucher 04/25/2021 (Sun) 09:27:52 No. 235 [Reply]
Extra kawaii kemono.
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>>1114 hmm lets found out
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Look at him shaking his head. You, gals, should know lucarios only smooch penises.
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>>1114 Girl. Kuroi likes drawing girls. Besides she's wearing a skirt. When they want to make androgynous designs they would have them both wear shorts instead of having a skirt.
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>>1143 That skirt looks more boyish than actual shorts.
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>>1143 That doesn't seem to matter to him, sadly.

Kemono Anal Tail Toucher 12/29/2020 (Tue) 09:18:20 No. 97 [Reply]
Fluffy girls' butts being played with.
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>>916 >>917 that one works. more cute but detailed at the holes though i wish the body was abit more of a mature lady
>>1090 Too bad.
>>1091 needs to go deeper
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>>1093 Have mercy, anon, she's barely nine years old!
>>1102 practically a fossil

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Manga and doujins Tail Toucher 01/31/2024 (Wed) 03:40:56 No. 531 [Reply]
Anyone got any good recommendations? Lets post and discuss them. Image is from Disaster Fox Kuzure-chan.
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>>994 >spoiler topkek
>>1006 Jokes aside, though, I totally expected them to recast the stalker fagrabbit as a girl for the anime. I get it could have flown under back when the thing just started out as some unknown manhua, but for an official production backed by The chink YouTube... Is it okay because they are animals, or is Xi too old to understand webtoons?
>>1043 WTH, SFW comedy animu now banned for having men? Literally /monster/.
>>1051 You have an entire board to post your ugly gay chinkshit on (not that they seem to be all that fond of your taste either). I suggest you use it.
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>>1054 I can't believe I've been snarked at by a janny with his admin tag on an alt chan!

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Tail Toucher 09/05/2023 (Tue) 19:15:21 No. 384 [Reply]
Cool b&r, bud.
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>>791 >>793 It's in now, thanks.
Finally finished making stealing the Grottoes Gato corner I've started cutting out what, like, a year ago? Took out a good portion of the outline to get rid of the blended pixels, and didn't bother to feather it or anything, so she'll be a bit edgier than in the original, but I say it gives a bit of that digital aliased charm to it (cope). By the way, did you know Sierrafags get cucked by dragon dick? It's true!
Well, lmao, rip plw. Who wants to bet on how long it takes lolejanny to notice?
>>928 I wonder what fucked up, last I checked PLW was using built-in lynxchan captcha
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>>915 Lazy, gender-agnosic janitor, only good for burning dogs, why is the gato still not in the corner? Do you not know the necessary CSS, or does head-janny not let you upload assets?

Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 13:45:33 No. 4 [Reply]
Big ass fluffy tiddies.
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>>585 Move along, guy. This granny's already taken.
I want to motorboat some big fat fluffy kemono anime titties!
Big, soft, and fluffy. How can any man or woman resist?
>>953 >How can any man or woman resist? If they're married, for one. Women might also be wanting a husband to have kids with (less likely for 3DPD nowadays, but still happens) or religious.

Human male on female anthro Tail Toucher 12/11/2020 (Fri) 10:25:18 No. 55 [Reply]
Why, because.
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>anon tries dumping manga <gets cockblocked by flood detection >i spam post button because it doesn't fucking work <accidentaly flood the thread
>>693 I swear EVERY imageboard in existence gets complaints about flood block or posting bugging out occasionally, except maybe for 4nigs thanks to glownigger-sponsored infrastructure.
>>690 I've been able to bypass that on lynxchan boards by deleting my cookies. Perhaps that will work?
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>>690 >>693 >>694 >doublecheck the board management page >nothing relevant Sorry lads.
>>697 It's a global setting, set to 30 seconds. Fairly standard, prolikewoah has 30 seconds too IIRC and here you don't even have a captcha so I don't know why anons are so surprised. Without that kind of limit any retard could rig up a script in 5 minutes to shit up every board and thread with hundreds of posts before any mod notices.

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/ss/ Tail Toucher 06/05/2021 (Sat) 09:06:02 No. 268 [Reply]
This board needs more straight shota.
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God, I wish that was me in that bed so much. Envybait - that's the point of straight shota.
>no one but an actual fag or a woman views /ss/ that way So, 100% of the consumers of /ss/? >is focused on the woman, while sissyshit is fundamentally narcissistic and focused on the sissy. >the two have almost nothing in common beyond unmanly men So beyond the literal definition? SS is entirely focused on the shota, to the degree where there isn't even a line drawn between SS with mature women or SS with lolis. If it wasn't they wouldn't be drawn, just like in conventional porn where the men are so abstracted that they're drawn as silhouettes half the time. >Now stop calling getting off to women gay before you make an even bigger fool of yourself. I never called getting off to women gay, retard. I called getting off to little boys gay. >t. used to be into hypnosis and saw it overran with sissies and trannies lol not really helping your case here faggot >>465 >If it's sissification, it's subtle like all porn is in general. It's self-inserting as a "little girl (with a dick)". I really don't feel like it's that subtle.
>>469 Even if you want to be fucked like a little girl, anon, the one to do the seed depositing is the male. Otherwise you'd just be having futanari, which I think is your real cope and projection. None of the fuckin weirdo anons in the thread are pursuing dick-girl postings. None of them post about how it's cute but really they're the ones who are wanting to take a dick. It's just not in there. Stop projecting your own cope.
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Now this is the kind of oneeshota I can get behind!
This guy does look like he'd come from having his pits licked. And the dog does look like she'd be the culprit.

Merry Christmas! Tail Toucher 12/24/2020 (Thu) 15:27:29 No. 89 [Reply]
Merry Christmas, /kemono/! Made you a little card but didn't know where to post it, so here are some fluffy Christmas kemono I found. Card's the last image. Christmas thread!
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tfw no kemono girl for Christmas
COME TO THE 2023 /CHRISTMAS/ FESTIVAL Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons! >>>/christmas/
>>490 Thanks for the invitation, anon! Most /kemono/ anons just stick around the /animu/ general at the moment, but I can be sure to pass on your invite to the others.
>>491 >but I can be sure to pass on your invite to the others. Thanks Anon, that would be very appreciated! :)

Bird Thread Tail Toucher 08/27/2021 (Fri) 17:11:52 No. 285 [Reply]
Where my feather lovers at?
8 posts and 30 images omitted.
>>329 You could submit an issue against the LynxChan project, but StephenLynx is a nigger.
>>327 >>329 Wew, didn't expect my post to break the imageboard. >>330 >You could submit an issue against the LynxChan project, but StephenLynx is a nigger. Is he really that bad, or is he just lazy?
>>331 As I understand it, he's kinda both.
That's one thick bird.

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