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Fluffy Anime Girls

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Reaction Image Thread Tail Toucher 01/12/2021 (Tue) 20:28:46 No. 147 [Reply] [Last]
In loving memory of the reaction Image thread on 8chan. Post your Kemono-themed reaction images here!
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>>1933 sorry, but you knew i had to do it
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>>1943 kek

SFW Thread Anonymous 11/29/2020 (Sun) 10:54:06 No. 22 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for all SFW images.
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Like, look at this first image. The premise and outfit are something that would feel like forgettable fetish art if anyone else (or the artist as he became) drew it, but in his hands it becomes this strange, luminous painting. The fetish which inspired it fades into the background as he bathes his subject in an alien light: a light which hints at new possibilities, yet a light which he sadly lost as time went on.
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And that's the end of that dump. It was kind of depressing for me to go through, but I was still surprised as I looked through his older art at how much of it lingered with me.
>>1158 good stuff. i like the use of colorful decals on the art surrounding the cuties
>Tfw no alien bunny gf Lop is cute but I have never really been into Star wars since I watched the clone wars series. Even though Star Wars Visions is basically the japanese studio given free reign to do as they please with it. Still deciding whether or not I wanna watch it since it's all just shorts being seperated from star wars lore. Looking at the shift away from the japanese theme in season 2 isn't really giving me confidence to even watch it at all.

Mature Females Tail Toucher 12/15/2020 (Tue) 03:51:38 No. 66 [Reply]
Post mature fluffy women. ara ara
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Go oldschool or bust
>>1768 oh i'll bust alright
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>tfw no literal wine aunt kemo gal

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Tail Toucher 09/05/2023 (Tue) 19:15:21 No. 384 [Reply]
Cool b&r, bud.
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>>928 I wonder what fucked up, last I checked PLW was using built-in lynxchan captcha
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>>915 Lazy, gender-agnosic janitor, only good for burning dogs, why is the gato still not in the corner? Do you not know the necessary CSS, or does head-janny not let you upload assets?
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>>1655 I don't think hoodweebs will recover from this one.
>>1660 It's okay, they can't read.

Human male on female anthro Tail Toucher 12/11/2020 (Fri) 10:25:18 No. 55 [Reply]
Why, because.
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>>1504 me on the right
>>1649 HMOFA standing for human male on female A4-paper
>>1651 lol it seems like it

Libbie (& other TysonTan mascots) Tail Toucher 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:10:55 No. 732 [Reply] [Last]
The gayest, most pointless conspiracy in tech, and also fucking adorable. Also in two video games and zzzchan's never ever visual novel. It's Libbie thread time, faggots.
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>>1274 Wow thats fucking awful
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>>1274 Sadly the companion cube knockoff lost to the Portal 2 co-op robot knockoff. At least >>1291 has something to br happy about.
>>1446 You know, the difference between the original sketch and that drawing is huge. It went from a cute little guy to a sterile soulless machine staring into my soul.
>>1566 I was about to say "Much like O3DE," but as a descendent of Amazon Lumberyard and Cryengine it was never small.
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Also, I have my doubts that Redot will go anywhere (it'd be nice if it did), but their mascot candidates are cute so far.

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Buyfag thread Tail Toucher 02/27/2021 (Sat) 18:50:53 No. 188 [Reply] [Last]
I know we're a slow board but is anyone interested in a buyfag thread? Anything from figures to dakis to commissions. If you have any tips for buying overseas as well feel free to post them. I'll link the /a/ buyfag guide for general stuff. https://buyfags.moe/So_you_want_to_be_a_buyf/a/g%3F
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>>1431 Beat me to it. The price looks really good for the figure. A friend of mines bought a Hunk figure from this site before and vouched for it. They get it directly from the factory. https://5ktoys.com/collections/stock/products/preorder-hasuki-1-12-pocket-art-series-accessories-kit-cs017a-and-cs017b-copy Here is also a look at the panda girl from >>1085 https://x.com/KEYAKIHobby/status/1841366725134266785 Furgods, we eatin good. Alot of kemono/fur figures being made.
>>1459 With all the great kemono artists around. They got the idea to actually tap a niche no one else did with kemono figs. I'm actually tempted to get that panda fig. It looks cute. Though I'd imagine that fuzz would be a dust magnet.
>>1431 I like this. Simple design with lots of painted detail and articulation. If I were the kind of guy to buy this stuff I'd probably get it. >>1459 I like the look of her, but the fuzz just ruins the figurine. It reminds me of something I'd see in the back of a glass cabinet in my grandma's house.
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https://x.com/KEYAKIHobby/status/1841694737851679229 They unveiled the 3rd in the kurry/kemono female figure trilogy, the previous being the panda and wolf girl posted above. Seems to be the best of the 3, the figure (in both senses of the word) is so smooth and well-made. The nude version is blurred out in the tweet but they said there's no nipples.
>>1489 No nipples? darn

Cute Thread Tail Toucher 04/25/2021 (Sun) 09:27:52 No. 235 [Reply]
Extra kawaii kemono.
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>>1114 hmm lets found out
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Look at him shaking his head. You, gals, should know lucarios only smooch penises.
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>>1114 Girl. Kuroi likes drawing girls. Besides she's wearing a skirt. When they want to make androgynous designs they would have them both wear shorts instead of having a skirt.
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>>1143 That skirt looks more boyish than actual shorts.
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>>1143 That doesn't seem to matter to him, sadly.

Kemono Anal Tail Toucher 12/29/2020 (Tue) 09:18:20 No. 97 [Reply]
Fluffy girls' butts being played with.
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>>916 >>917 that one works. more cute but detailed at the holes though i wish the body was abit more of a mature lady
>>1090 Too bad.
>>1091 needs to go deeper
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>>1093 Have mercy, anon, she's barely nine years old!
>>1102 practically a fossil

Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 13:45:33 No. 4 [Reply]
Big ass fluffy tiddies.
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>>585 Move along, guy. This granny's already taken.
I want to motorboat some big fat fluffy kemono anime titties!
Big, soft, and fluffy. How can any man or woman resist?
>>953 >How can any man or woman resist? If they're married, for one. Women might also be wanting a husband to have kids with (less likely for 3DPD nowadays, but still happens) or religious.

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