/kemono/ - Kemono

Fluffy Anime Girls

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Rules and Newfag Info Mannuwar 09/05/2023 (Tue) 17:36:44 No. 381 [Reply]
Welcome to /kemono/! Read this post to ensure you're up to speed. >Why does this board exist? There used to be a slow but healthy /kemono/ board on old 8chan, which died when that website imploded in 2019. In 2020, this board was created as an unlisted bunker in the event that /animu/'s bunker, prolikewoah, suffered a similar fate. Prolikewoah has remained online for the intervening years, but there is only so much that can be done within a single thread. This board will provide more stability for kemono art enthusiasts. >What's it for? Sharing pictures of kemono art - a distinctly Japanese style of drawing anthro/furry characters; pics related are good examples. Most pictures are typically cheesecake, but hentai and doujinshi are also permitted. >Who are you, specifically? The original BO was Pioneer (who wrote much of this post), an unremarkable internet user who stepped up to become the custodian of this board during its bunker years. His number of administrative actions taken can be counted on one hand. The new BO is mannuwar, another anon. >Rules 1) Follow all global rules. 2) Spoil explicit NSFW, such as genitals and explicit sex. Exposed breasts are allowed. 2.1) "Soft NSFW" such as nipple slips, exposed areolas, translucent clothing, camel toes, or stuff that is just barely explicit is allowed. 3) Degenerate fetishes are not allowed: futanari, yaoi, scat, guro, etc. You can mention them if you have a reason to, but don't post any images and refrain from linking to external sources.

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Edited last time by REDACTED on 09/05/2023 (Tue) 23:32:32.

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>>1112 More gens for this mouse.
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I didn't know what to gen, so I generated some thighjob gens. It's rare in general and even more rare for kemono girls. The men generated were completely random. I just prompted clothed muscular male. The more gens I make of the fox girl, the more I feel like she's a kemono version of Honolulu from Azur Lane.
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A shy raccoon school girl. It's hard to move away from Suurin's lora. His art is too good. Combined with the style of Atte Nanakusa, it can gen some nice thighs.
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I'm not sure what to prompt to make the nipples not show up when they press against glass.
>>1322 I could see the effect working in a drawing, but when the AI does it it looks like the shirt disappears when it's pressed against the glass.

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Kemono Games & Media Tail Toucher 05/08/2021 (Sat) 09:49:07 No. 247 [Reply] [Last]
Obviously there's kemono doujins, but let's have a thread for games, anime, or other media involving fluffy kemonos. The demo released for Two Beasts or Not To Beast, it has a lot of the big kemono artists behind it. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ325681.html/?locale=en_US
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Looks like Kon-Kon Cinematic Universe is trying to break out into the larger furry community with an interactive satanism simulator. His belly-eye is for being cummed into, if you were wondering. Though, I'd rather summon Mabo's cube-sucker than this chibi thing if I had the choice, to be honest. And it's furry-protag shit yet again. Well, beggars can't be choosers.
>>1206 They are pretty cute. But enough to get me to play soyman games, much less pay for them.
>but enough Well, damn.
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WAIT. Cat has a HMOBA hubby!? I take back everything I've said, the game is perfect in every aspect, long live Republic of China and free Honkhonk, everything happened at the Taimanin square in 1987, Winnie the Pooh 師兄充重令空
This is just getting sad.

Libbie (& other TysonTan mascots) Tail Toucher 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:10:55 No. 732 [Reply] [Last]
The gayest, most pointless conspiracy in tech, and also fucking adorable. Also in two video games and zzzchan's never ever visual novel. It's Libbie thread time, faggots.
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>>1280 Modern: it's minimalistic. Bold: ?? Friendly: looks extremely friendly (as opposed to whatever death machines the other options are). Open Source: it's a building block given to you to make what you want with it. Modularity: you can stack and combine triangles infinitely to make different things. Renderer: 3D is rendered with triangles.
>>1274 >5 of 12 are obviously AI I'll be honest, the Mike Wazowski robot is fine and I'd be happy if he had won. It's beyond strange to see a bunch of genAI slop be up next to things that people put actual work into. Even the emoticon cube (those aren't emoji, you retard) has a fun concept and some greebles on the corners to make it have some kind of visual distinction. I've got to start finding these contests, cataloguing them, and submitting some shitty sketches to them. Even my talentless hands could have outdone the hideous fucking goblins.
>>1291 I planned on submitting a walking goatse that anal vored different shapes into its anus, but got decently sick for a while and forgot to draw it until it was too late.
>>1292 hot
>>1274 Wow thats fucking awful

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OC art thread! 12/04/2023 (Mon) 00:34:56 No. 476 [Reply] [Last]
a thread for kemono art you made General Art Resources >/loomis/' new home: https://trashchan.xyz/loomis/ >How to Draw: An /ic/ Guide: https://discover.hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn >Webring drawfag resources folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources Kemono-specific >/animu/'s kemono artbook collection (only has one book in it): https://mega.nz/folder/oe1Gwaob#syC5SmXSh8rPxAOi93S1Wg >Drawing Manga Action Furries: https://exhentai.org/g/2792798/f58d7d51bf/ Other >Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art (a book on anon art in traditional societies): https://archive.org/details/christianori00coom/
Edited last time by REDACTED on 06/01/2024 (Sat) 17:45:19.
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>>1270 yeah, always felt like ive had this weird uncanny mixture between western style cartoony faces and animeesque faces, I wouldnt mind having some mix of the two but it feels like its less of a unique blend and more of a weird hate child between the two >>1271 >who gives a fuck? he probably could have worded it better but I see where this anon is coming from, hell I have my hang ups about how I draw faces too, if anyone has any tips on how I can fix it it would be much appreciated
>>1272 >he probably could have worded it better Agreed. I guess my point was that your latest faces don't really have the kemono look to them anymore, although I don't think I got that out very well.
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>>1271 Something-something, I'd rather have a cookie in the shape of Inari-sama's
>bestiality lingo
>>1272 ... Why does /kemono/ OC always come down to soyjaks?
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>>1278 Sorry, janny, I meant biscuit, of course.

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Reaction Image Thread Tail Toucher 01/12/2021 (Tue) 20:28:46 No. 147 [Reply]
In loving memory of the reaction Image thread on 8chan. Post your Kemono-themed reaction images here!
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WebM Thread Anonymous 12/04/2020 (Fri) 09:06:15 No. 35 [Reply]
Post animations. an mp4 is fine too
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>>1242 >an unmoving crop of an animated gif post (as I pointed out half a year ago) >cuckchan-tier encode makes the text barely legible >couldn't even properly plaster a png into each scene without missing the first one This sloppy job is just disappointing to look at. Have your passive-aggressive "meme" prettied up to a presentable state (you're welcome).
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>>1247 It was indeed lazy: I grabbed a source file I had laying around from a YTP jam I didn't participate in, didn't upscale it for a higher-resolution export or rip a higher quality version from youtube (which probably fucked over the screencap's readability more than the encode quality, judging by some export tests I made a moment ago), then shat out a quick encode for a laugh. Personally I disagree with adding the PNG to the first shot of the head, as I think it harms the pacing a little, but otherwise that's a pretty good remake.
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>>1247 >>1248 Also, I forgot to mention this, but Shotcut doesn't let you loop imported GIFs: you have to paste the file repeatedly into the editor and then crop the final loop to fit in the specified duration, and since you can't properly merge most clips (outside making them a group) it makes moving the collected GIFs around for various timing or editing adjustments a bit awkward. I've done this before for other edits, and I imagine there's other video editors which handle this better (although I dunno how many actually run on Linux), but this time I didn't bother. Here, have a couple more kemono webms and some fiddleafox to make up for the laziness.
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>>1248 >shat out a quick encode for a laugh Fair enough, a shitpost that made you have retarded laughing fits while making it is a good shitpost regardless of quality, I can't argue with that.

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Kemono Artist Thread Tail Toucher 01/18/2021 (Mon) 20:16:57 No. 161 [Reply]
A thread for kemono artists and where to find their works. If you really enjoy an artist's works, make sure to archive them because you never know when they'll nuke their works for various reasons. You can use these resources to reverse image search. https://saucenao.com https://iqdb.org https://ascii2d.net https://trace.moe https://yandex.com/images https://images.google.com https://www.tineye.com >タブヘッド / sai hoku https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=40589627 https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=988911103286505472 https://skeb.jp/@TAB_head https://tbhdbnb.fanbox.cc/
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>>1228 Wake up, janny, or I'm posting kemoshos again. JK, I'll post them either way.
Damn it, wrong vid.
>>1229 >>1230 There's actually two of us, although I don't think the other guy has been on for months. The bitcoin spammer also uses the same email every time he posts, funnily enough.
>>1231 I could tell the moment he started second-jannying after you.
>>1232 Can't say I noticed if he did.

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Buyfag thread Tail Toucher 02/27/2021 (Sat) 18:50:53 No. 188 [Reply]
I know we're a slow board but is anyone interested in a buyfag thread? Anything from figures to dakis to commissions. If you have any tips for buying overseas as well feel free to post them. I'll link the /a/ buyfag guide for general stuff. https://buyfags.moe/So_you_want_to_be_a_buyf/a/g%3F
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>>1080 yeah more hq kemono figures
So, is the cock made of some sort of rubber or something, or jointed, or is it just solid? Because if it is, for one, any completely rigid protrusion like that is bound to feel pretty cheap, and secondly, he's gonna become fem lycanos pretty quick if you drop him.
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>>961 https://keyakihobby.jp/ There's a panda girl too. Not a fan of figma myself though. I would rather just have a figurine.
https://kimuchitei.booth.pm/items/6008500 Arknights stands. Kemono Suzuran included.
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>>1220 >no Ark No, thanks.

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I've been working on a game for a while, but suddenly I want to throw it away and make a kemono game instead. Kemono doesn't really work with the game I've been working on.
>>1131 Mind if I ask what your current game is?
>>1137 It's an isometric shooter game. https://trashchan.xyz/agdg/thread/123.html#1553 For a while now I've wanted to do for Rune Factory what Stardew Valley did for Harvest Moon, that could make a good kemono game. I want to allow the player to always be in a "party" with an NPC, so you could adventure and play minigames with your kemono friend.
>>1139 I'd still say you're onto something with your isometric shooter granted, I have not been keeping up with trashchan's /agdg/, and I don't know shit about Rune Factory, but it's your decision. Just don't get too fond of dumping projects to start new ones, as it quickly turns into a bad habit and becomes a great way of not finishing anything.
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>>1188 The main reason I put projects on the shelf, and I would assume it's the same for most people, is burnout from working on the same thing for weeks/months straight. It would be an interesting topic to discuss how to solve that but it tends to devolve into "le discipline, motivation doesn't matter" or something equally useless, as if you don't need the motivation to care. I plan to work on 2 projects simultaneously so I can switch between them and see how that affects me. >I don't know shit about Rune Factory It's a combat RPG with a day/season cycle, you have a home and can farm on your backyard and date/marry NPCs. I'm not actually a big fan of it, but I see potential in a similar game, and it seems perfect for a kemono game. I tried to add Zoologist (from Terraria) into Stardew Valley, but the NPC mechanics are so limited that it just made me want to make my own game instead.

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