/kemono/ - Kemono

Fluffy Anime Girls

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Rules and Newfag Info Mannuwar 09/05/2023 (Tue) 17:36:44 No. 381 [Reply]
Welcome to /kemono/! Read this post to ensure you're up to speed. Current /animu/ thread: https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/104048.html Current /amg/ thread: https://capybarachan.org/amg/res/1555.html >Why does this board exist? There used to be a slow but healthy /kemono/ board on old 8chan, which died when that website imploded in 2019. In 2020, this board was created as an unlisted bunker in the event that /animu/'s bunker, prolikewoah, suffered a similar fate. Prolikewoah has remained online for the intervening years, but there is only so much that can be done within a single thread. This board will provide more stability for kemono art enthusiasts. >What's it for? Sharing pictures of kemono art - a distinctly Japanese style of drawing anthro/furry characters; pics related are good examples. Most pictures are typically cheesecake, but hentai and doujinshi are also permitted. >Who are you, specifically? The original BO was Pioneer (who wrote much of this post), an unremarkable internet user who stepped up to become the custodian of this board during its bunker years. His number of administrative actions taken can be counted on one hand. The new BO is mannuwar, another anon. >Rules 1) Follow all global rules.

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Edited last time by REDACTED on 09/27/2024 (Fri) 00:48:33.

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OC art thread! 12/04/2023 (Mon) 00:34:56 No. 476 [Reply] [Last]
a thread for kemono art you made General Art Resources >/loomis/' new home: https://trashchan.xyz/loomis/ >How to Draw: An /ic/ Guide: https://discover.hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn >Webring drawfag resources folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources Kemono-specific >/animu/'s kemono artbook collection (only has one book in it): https://mega.nz/folder/oe1Gwaob#syC5SmXSh8rPxAOi93S1Wg >Drawing Manga Action Furries: https://exhentai.org/g/2792798/f58d7d51bf/ Other >Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art (a book on anon art in traditional societies): https://archive.org/details/christianori00coom/
Edited last time by REDACTED on 06/01/2024 (Sat) 17:45:19.
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>>1882 thx >>1885 i was drawing a character from an actual kemono piece and trying to get the line colors to match, but i may end up doing the softer colored lines from now on
fennec-chan if she was in a zombie apocalypse
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hey, anon from the start of the thread here, hope y'all doing well got really busy last semester, haven't had time to draw much lately, but I'm still trying to get better at it, here's a quick sketch that I drew earlier today. >>1979 did you used Blender? never really got the hang of 3D tools loved the fennec fox character btw
>>1993 welcome back! i think your drawing looks a lot more kemono. my only criticism off the top of my head is that i would make the nose jut out a little more. >did you used Blender? yes, and yes its because im broke. as for 3d, i had to learn how to do the basics, but knowing how to draw helps in making something appealing. >loved the fennec fox character btw thanks. i felt i needed a friendly character to balance out femcels stern and antisocial personality (disorder)
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>>1993 The other anon is right: this looks a lot more kemono-esque than your old stuff, but I disagree a little with his critique. You constructed the snout well, but it looks flatter than it should because the eyes are too high up. If you lower them a bit so the eyeline passes through their bottoms as in pic related rather than sitting beneath them, the snout appears more defined and the head's overall proportions improve a lot. t. used to draw eyes too high up all the time

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Manga and doujins Tail Toucher 01/31/2024 (Wed) 03:40:56 No. 531 [Reply]
Anyone got any good recommendations? Lets post and discuss them. Image is from Disaster Fox Kuzure-chan.
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boy's GF turns out to be on the fluffier side https://exhentai.org/g/3185443/ecf946576d/
>>1946 i wish i had a gf that had this "problem"
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>>1946 The werewolf family reminds me of a cheesecake-heavy amerimanga webcomic (Peter is the Wolf, for anyone who's morbidly curious) from the 90s/00s about a guy who gets infected with lycanthropy and treats it like a shonen power. One of the running gags was that wolfing out would usually cause you to rip out of your clothes, and this panel seemed had a really familiar vibe to it. Now that I think of it, lycanthropy or shapeshifting isn't really common in manga/anime, either SFW or NSFW. >>1947 So do we all.
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Workshop items are not downloading. Fucking great. Do I got to manually add these things on here?
>>1980 idk why its not installing, you may have to. really considering just making a .zip modpack so i never have to deal with mods updating and having to restart the server every time one gets updated
>>1980 Nvm I think I got it. Had to install the items and let them update its good now.
Dunno if the server is gonna be still going but I want to shout out for the kemono models that were made especially the newer ones. I know it's not femcel anons fault with the workshop bug but I did get to hop on and get a couple of things done so at least I got to play on the server for a bit, I genuinely hope when multiplayer gets released for the zomboid server they find away to fix this shit.
>I want to shout out for the kemono models that were made especially the newer ones. thanks, i was very disappointed in the lack of kemono mods, especially given the high volume of furry mods >>1989 should still be running, i bought a month of service. ill probably play a little on the server this weekend too. theres a mod that shuts down the server if a mod is out of date, but i need to find out how to have the server restart afterwards. otherwise the server just dies when a mod updates

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Kemono Games & Media Tail Toucher 05/08/2021 (Sat) 09:49:07 No. 247 [Reply] [Last]
Obviously there's kemono doujins, but let's have a thread for games, anime, or other media involving fluffy kemonos. The demo released for Two Beasts or Not To Beast, it has a lot of the big kemono artists behind it. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ325681.html/?locale=en_US
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>>1933 Some favorite moments I liked.
>>400 Not yet, and I'm going to be even further behind in the series once the third game comes out on May 28.
>>1986 Jesus christ Malt has been changing quiet alot.
>>1934 how will femcel ever recover
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>>1987 from battle kid, to commander, to interdimensional warlord

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Cat Reimu. Very cute.
>>1961 >>1964 2hu would be improved if Kagerou switched to kemono form on full moons and Reimu was always a kemono cat girl
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Don't let this dog into your fridge.
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>>1983 >meat popsicle jej

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Reaction Image Thread Tail Toucher 01/12/2021 (Tue) 20:28:46 No. 147 [Reply] [Last]
In loving memory of the reaction Image thread on 8chan. Post your Kemono-themed reaction images here!
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>>1933 sorry, but you knew i had to do it
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>>1943 kek

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Meta Thread Tail Toucher 09/11/2024 (Wed) 19:50:12 No. 1366 [Reply] [Last]
Shoulder tuft vents edition.
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>>1923 It's like dayz or rust except it has real survival mechanics.
JANNIES JANNIES JANNIES should i make a thread for the possible development of a /kemono/ zomboid server? i dont want to be an ass and add an unwanted thread. it would just make it easier for people to post mod suggestions and shiet
>>1932 Something like that should go in its own thread.
>>1932 Personally I'd prefer it it stayed in the /kemonodev/ thread, but I'm not very picky on that. /kemono/ doesn't have to be a collection of generals, after all.
>>1935 >>1937 well, the HNIC has spoken, so in /kemonodev/ it will be >/kemono/ doesn't have to be a collection of generals, after all. well it essentially was gonna be /kpzdg/

SFW Thread Anonymous 11/29/2020 (Sun) 10:54:06 No. 22 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for all SFW images.
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Like, look at this first image. The premise and outfit are something that would feel like forgettable fetish art if anyone else (or the artist as he became) drew it, but in his hands it becomes this strange, luminous painting. The fetish which inspired it fades into the background as he bathes his subject in an alien light: a light which hints at new possibilities, yet a light which he sadly lost as time went on.
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And that's the end of that dump. It was kind of depressing for me to go through, but I was still surprised as I looked through his older art at how much of it lingered with me.
>>1158 good stuff. i like the use of colorful decals on the art surrounding the cuties
>Tfw no alien bunny gf Lop is cute but I have never really been into Star wars since I watched the clone wars series. Even though Star Wars Visions is basically the japanese studio given free reign to do as they please with it. Still deciding whether or not I wanna watch it since it's all just shorts being seperated from star wars lore. Looking at the shift away from the japanese theme in season 2 isn't really giving me confidence to even watch it at all.

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Michiru & BNA Tail Toucher 12/17/2024 (Tue) 22:35:10 No. 1868 [Reply]
>there's no thread for best girl yet Kind of shocking, but if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself. So here it is: Michiru bread plus Nazuna and the sex mink, starting off with a dump of yet another 3DPD who drew her way too many times.
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Cute raccoon girl aside, how was the manga/anime?
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>>1875 It's an attempt at writing an anti-racism anime which backfires so hard that it achieves gigaracism, and its best episode is a self-contained story about bloodsport baseball. Take that as you will. Sometimes I've toyed with the thought of redrawing parts of the show as shitpost comics with identical scenarios and dialogue and exactly one change. See, the show's already about a world in which violent shithead minorities who all hate each other on a genetic level are forced into a barely controlled LARP of white society, all at the behest of a secretive (and very inbred) race of manipulators who pretend to be white for their own ends. Replace the beastman races with human races, and you have the most racist comics known to man.
>>1876 Ain't this shit just beastars.
>>1877 Beastars was much different thematically and with the character progression. In Beastars it was shown they could actually live together properly as long as carnivores inhibited their desire for animal meat or just used the black market to sate their urges. Character wise it was about a boy transitioning into a man who was quickly realizing he wasn't going to fit into normal society and that he couldn't relate with his peers as they wouldn't understand what or why he was doing things. It was self actualization combined with separating from the herd.
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>>1877 Beastars (in the manga, at least) has a much more violent, grisly, and "real" depiction of interspecies conflicts to the point that it doesn't feel like a contrived allegory for IRL racism. Eggs really come from chicken girls menstruating. Milk really comes from cow girls hooked up to milking machines. Prey species sell their corpses for money and there's an entire secondary market where their dead bodies are arranged in meat stores like cold cuts at a delicatessen. It also had the issue of the author running out of steam after the first major story arc, but that's nothing special. I've had enough of Trigger-itis to be discouraged from watching BNA, but I imagine it has the usual problems like introducing a bunch of ideas and never capitalizing on any of them before having there be a big fight with lasers at the end that has no context or bearing on what the characters did. Beastars doesn't have that exact problem, though it does end in a meaningless fight that has no bearing on the characters.

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