yeah, i dont know too much meta info about modern 4chan other than some jap con artist owns it now, and that they keep making shitty updates to "fight bots". im too impatient to wait 900 seconds to reply to a shitpost, but a script is not impatient
i just think 4chan is in a precarious situation to rely on cloudflare. kiwifarms got shitcanned by them, so i dont know why 4chan would be safe. my schizo theory is that theres an agreement between 4chan, cloudflare, and the feds to keep the site up as a honeypot in exchange for money and info respectively. then again the more reasonable explanation is that kiwifarms pisses off trannies (highly overrepresented in tech) and they complained to cuckflare, even though afaik cloudflare let monkey torture sites operate at the same time
anyways, as much as i hate 4chan, i still want a place to shitpost. im glad this place exists though. im technically a furry, but every furry altchan board i have been on is filled extremely degenerate (sometimes literal) shit, and sometimes that one obese schizophrenic guy who blogposted about having furry tulpas. you people (except a certain dogfucker) have been tame in comparison. that and kemono is generally more aesthetically pleasing than most furry art
>Also nice to see you on here.
you from /i/?