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/mg/ Island: Game Thread #1 Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 22:05:43 No. 9547 [Reply]
Ahoy mateys! We've just heard word that a castaway reeled into port found the fabled Ilse of the Goddess! Filled with monstergirls and riches, it's a paradise for any man savvy enough to survive its dangers. Better still, the vixen goddess herself is there, trapped but offering her gifts to all who brave the Isle's perils and the ultimate reward to the one who frees her! So raise the sails ya scallywags, we're off in search of booty! So after complaints about slow threads and the combined general I decided to liven things up with a little game here, a mix of Island Survival CYOA, Battle Royale, and Waifu Simulator. The Rules To play, pick a landing spot, one of Alpha (NW at D7), Beta (NE at V6), Gamma (SW at H16), or Delta (SE at S22) location and a cardinal direction for your move. You can move 2 if the first space is plains, ex. >Alpha, E,E to F7< is a valid move. All anons with the same landing spot are a team, though as pirates that loyalty oft runs thin. It still may be worth it since some treasures give a bonus to your entire team, though for balance smaller teams will also get a better individual bonus. You can also pick your two starting perks. BY DEFAULT YOU GET [ISEKAIGUY] and [HAREM MASTER] IF IT'S NOT IN YOUR POST. If you pick others, consider a tripcode so no can snipe your turn or your waifu. Once play starts, I'll reply to a move with what you find, which could be a monstergirl, a challenge, or nothing. You can respond however you like, but the big three are talking, fighting, and fucking. If another anon is in the same space you can fight each other or team up, but do remember that the Island Goddess frowns upon team killers! That resolved, reply with another move. From our example above, you could pick >E to G7<, delving further into the desert. The process repeats until you die or someone succeeds in freeing the Goddess. Turns will mostly run with a 1 real day = 1 game day turn sequence, though I'll do more early on so people can find their first monstergirls. If you don't reply before the next turn no worries, I'll assume you're living off the land in the space you last moved to. The alternative is that if you team up with another anon, you can nominate one as a party leader and tag along with their moves until you specify otherwise. If you die you can just start again, and the default perks make that painless with no info to track, but IF YOU TOOK [FIRST SOULMATE] QUOTE YOUR DEATH POST WHEN YOU RESPAWN (so I can track things). Speaking of Monstergirls We're both here for this, so monstergirls deserve special mention. First, not all girls will jump your bones the minute you encounter them, and if they're friendly you can pull them into any challenges. Just hope you don't end up in a position where they can't take advantage of your weakness!

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>>9991 <Go to the sea cave or keep on another route (specify which)? Go for the cave, I want to see what counts as "eccentric" to a half-crazy horny snake. As for personal time: <With Astra, talk about the shrine since that's the ultimate goal. Can also do smalltalk here to get to know her more. Ask what's so special about the shrine, then drop my spaghetti trying to start smalltalk. afterwards: <With both, try to ease tension and get Astra to help Lys's makeover Try to get Lysandra to calm down and hint that my concubine needs proper grooming, but let Astra know it's just a ruse.
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DM anon, you still there?
>>10298 Hardware issue had my PC down but I finally got it over the weekend. Should have updates later tonight.
>>10382 Glad to hear it was just a PC issue, was getting worried something happened

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General Monster Girl Thread #3 Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:16:49 No. 8987 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for anything related to the topic of monster girls Previous thread: >>7084
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how many of Cow Diddlers are on this board? Hashut is displeased.
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>>10201 >how many of Cow Diddlers are on this board? Me >>10199 same
>>10201 I'm more of a cow tipper
>>10177 The only loud thing will be their hip cracking when they try to rape me. Old ladies should stay in their retirement homes.
New thread: >>10209

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #10 Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 19:31:24 No. 9088 [Reply] [Last]
Part 3 and lore-accurate Tanuki edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ PARADOX PART 3 DEMO TRANSLATION IS OUT, everything story related is translated. Remember to use spoilers. Innocent Rules has TL in progress - https://github.com/ZigmaZero/innocent-rules Next content update for Shrift 2 is scheduled for May Youmaen TL got updated, it's now 99% complete Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw

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>>10051 >Mission accomplished >Goddess is pleased >Angel invasion won't happen >Multiverse crash won't happen Yes I do.
>>10053 I'd rather play Lamia's Inside Story before ever siding with *ngels
>>10054 Then you shall get both
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New thread: >>10067

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Digimon thread Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 13:20:35 No. 7671 [Reply]
Man, this franchise's designs are so good, and the card game is fire too (with such great art). Not sure about vidya, but I heard the old anime is pretty good too. Regardless of all that, lets post some designs and discuss them. I really like the art card from the classic collection, so I'll post those https://world.digimoncard.com/cardlist/?search=true&category=522019 you can browse all the card art, from all the expansions and all starter decks on the official site, AND search for specific cards too. Man, that's neat, all card companies should do it. (downloading the images can be annoying, so just save the whole page and in the files you'll have all the images(or you can just screencap specific cards))
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I made a simple edit for a card game meme. """"""holy""""""" digimon tend to look the sluttiest
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I like art that depicts of digimodding or using (bootleg) digicards to change digimon bodies.

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #9 Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 09:37:55 No. 7998 [Reply] [Last]
Fluffy edition Thread for all monster girl themed games (and visual novels), please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ PARADOX PART 3 DEMO IS OUT, full release scheduled for 2024 Innocent Rules has TL in progress - https://github.com/ZigmaZero/innocent-rules Shrift 2 chapter 2 is out Youmaen TL got updated, it's now 99% complete Incububs Quest got official english release Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo) Additional game info or other resources: https://rentry.org/53quw

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>>9074 True, Sylph and Gnome had their whole pair comedy thing while Salamander and Undine just... existed, that much I can say about them.
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>Third route ending
>>8669 Was unfortunately very right about this. Visa and Mastercard are now "temporarily suspended" on DLSite. The payment processors wanted them to censor and remove some types of genres and content. (You can guess which ones)
>>9083 Ah and same with AMEX cards, actually.
New thread: >>9088

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General monster girl thread #2 Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:39:18 No. 7084 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for anything related to the topic of monster girls. Mainly for posts not belonging to any of the existing threads, but not only.
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>>8961 damn, I love this chapter
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>>8961 Yep that's it >>8962 It's indeed great
>>8964 The farm arc of that show gave me funny feelings. The one where they keep trying to seduce him into staying.
Next thread: >>8987

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Toppin Gals thread (or food in general?) Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 12:31:56 No. 8730 [Reply]
Just finished Pizza Tower with Peppina Ramen and Toppin gals mods so I'm in the mood for some pineapples.
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>>8745 Never saw it, I found the pics elsewhere. >>8746 Yes there is such a mod, I played the whole game with it. Said as much in OP
>>8745 >>8759 Nevermind, I see now that its just an engine, not a site.
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haha, wiener, hah

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Rethinking taxonomy from MGE Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:38:03 No. 7909 [Reply]
Ages ago I wrote down all the classification in MGE and came to the conclusion that the whole system is… putting it lightly: shit. Back then I thought a little how to fix it but didn't came up with any decent system. Now I think I have a better shot. Since I'm kinda like the scientists before Darwin, I can only classify monsters based on gut feeling and physical similarities, because a detailed history of all monsters isn't described anywhere. Though KC probably thought about the "science" even less than I did. Regardless, here's what I came up with First category: Heavenly Earthly Within Heavenly there's: Holy (all the good angels and alike) and Fallen (all demon, imps, etc). I'm going with "all demons are just fallen angels" approach. Though you can also interpret it as demons being just creatures on the same level as angels. Within Earthly there's >Magical -Elemental (Gnome, Undine, etc) -Enchanted/cursed (Cursed Sword, Doll) –Undead

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>>7909 sounds not much better desu. it would mean that both centaurs and arachne would both be in the same category. and beegirls, werebats and harpies also in the same
>>7914 >sounds not much better desu. it would mean that both centaurs and arachne would both be in the same category. and beegirls, werebats and harpies also in the same >"I'm planning to add more detailed categories later" C'mon man
>>7916 yes i get that but i don't see the point of splitting them up first into categories of land/air/sea and only then later mammal/bird/insect. it'd be better if it were the other way around in my opinion
>>7936 My idea was that I wanted winged creatures to be in one category, though that was motivated by making a system for my card game. Maybe you're right and it's better to first sort them by mammal, reptile, fish, bug, etc.
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through discussion on /monster/ I/we came up with this so far.

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