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Board meta thread Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 21:18:04 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for /mg/-specific feedback/suggestions, or just to call me a fucking retard. For more general aspects of the imageboard as a whole use >>>/site/ News: /mg/ mod recruitment is open. Looking for the worst paid and most thankless job in the world? Want to herd feral autistic cats for absolutely no monetary gain? Send e-mail to [email protected] Having some non-anonymyous identity on the internet I can lookup is a plus, but not required. Please include your most active timezone.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 08/07/2023 (Mon) 12:54:24.
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>>14514 Thanks for the detailed answer

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Board rules v2.1 Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 14:26:09 No. 1 [Reply]
Current version of /mg/ rules: 1. No cuckoldry ("reversed" when female is cheated on is ok) or scat, no exceptions 2. Other fringe content: "hyper-" fetishes, yaoi, futa, gore and such belong on /amg/. Exception from this are situations where source material included by the topic contains those elements. In such cases this content is conditionally allowed, but explicit 18+ images must be spoilered. 3. No off-topic trolling or cancerposting 4. Limit real life politics to minimum. Passing references related to monster girls are okay, political arguments will be cut short without warning. 5. Don't backseat mod. If you don't like something, use the built-in filter function, hide the thread/post or discuss that matter in board meta thread. 6. Every thread should be directly related to monster girls. You are also free to create threads as needed, but please think if a completely new thread for what you want to discuss is necessary and check catalog for existing threads. 7. SFW threads are marked with leading [SFW] tag in their subject and any pornographic images must be spoilered 8. Tripcodes are to be used only for confirming identity when needed. Using tripcodes for general chat to socialize is not allowed.

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Edited last time by REDACTED on 05/01/2024 (Wed) 08:56:05.

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #18 Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 21:50:12 No. 14804 [Reply] [Last]
Makai edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.05 update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1373549 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.05, MW up to Grand Noah, AW up to Sabasa https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 full MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://gofile.io/d/xpIPiy Innocent Rules is now fully translated Devil in Wonderland is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01264927.html translation in progress: https://ulmf.org/threads/62studio-no-to-notane-demon-in-wonderland-translation.15546/ Succubus Forest is out https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ SHRIFT 2 translation was updated and includes latest content (Charybdis) Links:

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>>14903 i want to tf the other monstergirls into clones of tamamo
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>>14704 3rd patch done, everything in the blue gate should be translated https://pixeldrain.com/u/HtryW8De
>>14906 Awesome, good job anon.
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>>14903 I'm not sure if Shikimamo is the type to share with Lolimamo.
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>>14910 Shikimamo will eventually soften up and go full MILF mode, she'll see lolimamo as her daughter. And you know how that goes with kitsunes.

Anonymous 12/27/2022 (Tue) 20:24:25 No. 349 [Reply] [Last]
This board has been thrown to the wolves.
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>>14824 >the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away That 2nd pic is a fox, isn't it?
>>14824 >IRL foxes are famously difficult/impossible to domesticate and instead YOU have to change your household to accommodate them >IRL wolves ended up becoming literally man's best friend over time checks out
>>14830 >>14829 >>14824 Fox vs Wolf is a false dichotomy spread by human women. They know that humanity would be a male-only species within 20 years, if monsters stopped infighting.
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>>14824 >that said, you're right that the second pic anon posted is a fox, the jews of canidae have a habit of sneaking themselves in wholesome packs in hope of snatching a husband away, but they will soon find their efforts fruitless, as even the omega in the pack is more appealing than stanky k*tsune pussy I like the way you think

General Monster Girl Thread #5 Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 15:18:19 No. 13284 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for anything related to the topic of monster girls Previous thread: >>10209
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>>14841 >>14842 We actually have a dedicated AIsloppa thread >>11282 Go ahead and dump what you gen over there, with a dedicated thread there will be no need to hold back.
>>14835 With their physical appearance lacking in monstrousness, I like to give my elves a more wicked personality than usual to set them apart.
>>14842 >tail wagging good shit
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sigma mindset
>>14911 I unironically love characters like this, I want more in manga, instead of virgin betas that get their dream girls. I want chad virgins

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fox thread #12 Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 14:40:26 No. 14468 [Reply] [Last]
arcane lore edition a fox's power increases in tandem with the number of tails she has. we all know this, but what kind of powers do they get? lifelike illusions and enchantments? all-consuming destructive fireballs? or perhaps something a little more subtle and esoteric? how often does your foxfu make use of her mythical power and which cantrips are her favourite? what is the most impressive feat she can achieve with said power? does she like to show it off? does she desire more power? Previous thread: >>12983
Edited last time by REDACTED on 02/08/2025 (Sat) 15:10:20.
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>>14888 is it really rape if i enjoy the process?
>>14897 Sure you may enjoy the first one, two or three shots, but after the 13th in a row this is just going to hurt
You have angered the fox. No more free milk.
>>14904 >No more free milk Translation: Convenience store aburaage accepted as payment

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Harpy thread #2 Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 21:38:15 No. 11869 [Reply] [Last]
Post women of the avian kind, simple as' Previous: >>122
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>>14702 What does harpy milks taste like? >Adult content I was under the impression Bluesky didn't allow porn, guess it's only for lolishota.
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the fluffier the better
>>14712 her chest fluff looks kinda like a beard lol
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Never ever

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AI Monster Girls Thread Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 11:26:06 No. 11282 [Reply] [Last]
I've been taking a look at AI again recently and the technology is very impressive. Seems most decent images these days come from an SDXL model called Pony Diffusion. https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl Yes, it has furry shit but you can turn it all off since it comes with built in negative prompts for entire parts of the dataset. Despite being named after ponies 50% of the dataset was anime, and it's apparently the best or one of the best local models for generating it right now. It intuitively knows how to do sex, blowjobs, footjobs, etc without any loras. >What is a lora? Just think of it as an addon that adds additional features to a model it is trained for. (You can't use loras that aren't compatible with your model). I use Automatic1111 which is buggy as shit but has a lot of good extensions and I've put far too much time into it. https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs

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>>12079 Yeah, but goop can only go so far when hiding deformities, especially when introducing non-slime things into the mix. Anyways, here are a few more with some more complex concepts, some more successful than others.
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necroing the dead AI thread with a fobs tribute. Couldn't get the colors exactly right though, but most of it's there.
>>14860 This came out surprisingly good, is this some kind of img2img upscaling or did you fiddle with prompts until you got the end result?
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>>14870 I do a lot of prompt fiddling until i get a position or style that i like and then img2img. Inpainting usually sucks dick comparative to drawing on and re-generating the image. V3 still has the better "image reference" function and i can't wait till V4 gets it. My old strat was to use artist mixes until i get the style, and then prompt to get the position/outfit/whatever while adjusting reference strength to get the art style and retain the same character. Until i can use reference images again it's mostly a mix of which prompts work best on character and which work best on the general prompt selection. The artist and style prompting i have not yet figured out in v4 it's way different than it used to be, i didn't use one for that. Sometimes you can straight gen shit like these with enough detail. I was doing a "Slime bath service" scenario and then a "green slime in the swamp" kinda thing. What i'm trying to do is lock down a particular art style to be consistent and then generate the same girl/guy kinda deal.
>>14879 Whatever style you used for the blue slimes pic is great, it has none of the shiny artificial plastic-y feel AI pics usually have and I wouldn't be able to tell it was genned without knowing it. In comparison, the green slimes look as if they were some kind of nuclear glowing slimes, lmao.

Succubus / Demon thread #2 Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 14:15:39 No. 11494 [Reply] [Last]
Get warlock powers from your wife and go on adventures edition she might or might not force you into the evil route Previous thread >>4553
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>Houtengeki designs a nice demon that he never again uses >fast forward nearly a decade >suddenly new image in 2024 >and again in 2025 unfathomably kino especially since that one basically kickstarted my love for succubi
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>>14790 why did it lose detail over time?
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>>14792 Just quicker sketches, but you know what they say about a gifted horse
Years later and Chiyo still never fails to make me cum buckets.
>>14851 At the end of the day, shota x onee-san just can' be beat

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[SFW] smol thread Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 04:09:50 No. 1854 [Reply]
For small, shrunken, and miniaturized monstergirls. Fairies, inchlings, and the like are also welcome.
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>>8165 >I feel like folk tales could still provide some interesting stories even if they'd be quite different from your usual modern monster girl media and veer more towards traditional fantasy. Well yes that's the most important part, it depends on one's perspective of the monster girl genre. I prefer the wish fulfillment aspect, so to me they would kidnap boys to help bolster their numbers via the usual means. Perhaps the changeling would be a short-lived magical golem that perfectly mimics the original until he's switched back after his role on the fairy side is done, then his experiences there remain as just a wet dream?
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bump for fairies
>>14818 cute onaholes
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>>14818 I picked up the Ishuzoku Reviewers manga from my backlog after people posted that fairy prostitute recently, it's fun to see her make a few more appearances later on in the story.

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