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AI and Novel AI prompts tutorial Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 18:10:15 No. 11780 [Reply]
This thread is half dedicated for NovelAI (https://novelai.net/) and their dedicated "NAI Diffusion Furry V3" model, I will also include a tutorial on how to use the damn thing and rant about how prompts works in general. The name of the beast might be included, but with a bit of prompt magic it's definitely possible to generate all kind of things that would satisfy a lot of our users starving for specific content. That's the very point of this thread, not really to show off the end results but to share my and hopefully your prompts to be able to create a compendium of "do" and "do not", what works from what doesn't and a
Edited last time by REDACTED on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 19:25:21.
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Now, using those "Prompt": monster girl encyclopedia, species: lamia, inverted nipples, bulging breast, detailled background, scary, creepy, detailed, and those "Undesired Content" "futa, snout, gay, homo, bisexual" I was able to generate this, it's not perfect (this isn't the point, not yet). In the next part of the tutorial I'm going to explain the importance of {} and []
Edited last time by REDACTED on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 19:38:15.
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To generate an image, an AI have to create a base drawing, a primordial soup if you prefer and following the list of prompt you did input it's going to add layers of things you asked for, so the most important prompt is always the first one and the least important one is always the last. It's important to note than when you are starting, it's important to separate each tag with a "," to not confuse the model. Also, every time you put a prompt in {} like {monster girl encyclopedia} you are ordering the model a 5% priority focus on that prompt, on the other hand if you put something in [] like [inverted nipples] the model will give that prompt 5 less importance. Note, there's no limit on how many bracket you can input, it's possible to put {monster girl encyclopedia} as a first prompt and with 10x curly brackets like so: {{{{{{{{{{monster girl encyclopedia}}}}}}}}}} this would ensue that the model will do everything in it's power to create something from the MGE universe before anything else is created and only then add the other prompt you asked for. Here's a concrete example, because I modified the brackets, the end results is different, here's the list of "Prompt" that I used this time: {{{{{{{{{{monster girl encyclopedia}}}}}}}}}}, species:lamia, inverted nipples, bulging breast, detailled background, [[[scary]]], [[[creepy]]], {{{detailed}}}, The lovely Lamia still isn't perfect, but she's less aggressive looking than the previous one and the forest a bit more welcoming.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 19:41:55.
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Now, what if you generated something to your liking, but it's not "quite right" or if you like a certain pose or design but don't want to have to beg RNGesus to bless you with the deviant stuff that keep you getting out of bed? Simple, 8 . you will use the "Add base image (optional) and upload the image you just generated 9 . You will select the "Image2Image" option, this will guarantee that instead of working with a blank canvas, what you just uploaded is going to be used as the baseline 10 . You now have access to two sliders, one of "Strength" which dicate how much the model will try to follow the uploaded image and "Noise" that will dicate how smooth the end results will be.
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11 . As you can see, a strenght of 0.1 barely changed the "Image2Image" 12 . Meanwhile a strenght of 0.9 might have kept the general idea of the drawing but did some significant changes That is all for now, at a later date I will explain how to create pictures involving sexual predicament and why using "," between prompts isn't necessarily a good idea, at the end of the day it is still an IA and it can be quite lazy so some finesse is required.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 08/28/2024 (Wed) 13:59:21.
>>11788 >11 . As you can see, a strenght of 0.1 barely changed the "Image2Image" I see zero changes, are you sure you uploaded the new image?

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Monster Girl Genre History Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 02:09:01 No. 3372 [Reply]
The monster girl professor decided to bless this place with his presence, autism and newest update of the timeline file. Below is a timeline of all the monster girl works I could find, organised into autistic categories for easy browsing. To open it use the Timeline program (http://thetimelineproj.sourceforge.net/about.html?utm_source=preceden&utm_campaign=timeline-makers). Also tell me about any other manga/games/anime/anything that you think would be relevant. Especially things from before 2012.
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>>7151 I can see the similarities. Earliest drawing I could find is this from 2005.08.25 on danbooru (source link is dead), maybe I'll add it as some trivia bonus thing. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8739?q=astaroth_%28shinrabanshou%29+ >Btw, what is that rabbit saying? Taihen Yoku Dekimashita, or, "Very well done". A phrase/stamp teachers in Japan use to praise students. >>7158 I don't see the point of this comment. The premise of the books is to translate classic monster designs into waifus and build a setting around them. Using and building on already existing designs is how art evolves and goes forward. Probably also influenced a lot by Dictionnaire Infernal from 1863, at least in form. >shantae not sure if you meant to include her, but I already added her games to the list. At least the early ones have some significance, as they let you play as a harpy or whatnot.
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Is Killing Bites on the timeline? I can't really check myself because my device doesn't support the timeline program. It's basically a manga where human-animal hybrids fight each other for sport, often to death. According to several sources the manga began publishing on Nov 30, 2013 and the anime aired between Jan 13, 2018 and Mar 31, 2018.
>>7246 I'm not sure, I may have missed it. Will look into it and add it if its not there already.
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Could add Z-ton as a highlighted artist, did some of the earliest and most popular monster girl doujins, worked as the illustrator on the Monster Girl Doctor LNs and still provides some designs for monster plastic models.

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fox thread #9 Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 16:39:33 No. 10410 [Reply] [Last]
lost in the foxhole edition you've done fucked now Anon. you should have listened to that hillbilly when he told you to "not go wandering in them there woods". now you seem to be trapped in a weird forest where every path leads back to the same clearing you started at. after a few fruitless attempts to get out, a feminine giggle from behind catches your attention. who has decided to torment you for your hubris? what trials has she placed in your path? what is ultimately the conclusion of your visit to her domain? Previous thread: >>8615
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>Perception [Medium: Failure] - You take a quick cursory glance past the warning sign. >There is no trace of any fox presence past the sign, meanwhile the quickly set-up plywood sign itself already shows signs of natural wear and tear >The military must have put it up months ago, before their fall >Perhaps this region is safe to traverse after all...
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>>11724 Bad end: You encountered a fox with babies rabies.
>>11725 >regular rabies "cure" is a series of painful shots you need to take >fox baby rabies "cure" is a series of painful shots you need to do
new mofread >>11739
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Ideas for MGE card game? Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 14:10:26 No. 7500 [Reply] [Last]
I wanna play with my waifus and figured some sort of card game would be cool. The pics I have from some MGE torrent are already almost perfect. I sorted them a little into colours. My idea is that the game would be about collecting monsters of a specific colour, first to gather smth like 5 or 6 monsters of the same colour wins. I want the game to be fairly simple, but also have some strategy with 2 players (or more). Another thing I want, is to use just those unedited pics. Sure, I could just make them into standard card deck, but that'd be kind of lame. Especially considering how many good monsters there are, and limiting it to only 52 would be a shame. On the other hand a 200 card deck would be a bit much. I looked up simple card games and games like go fish, snap, happy families or my ship sails look like they could be modified into something that'd fit. If you have any ideas please share. Once I have some good enough idea(s) I'll print a deck and post it.
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Hello again guys, sorry for taking so long. I've been pretty occupied with personal stuff, but starting next week I'll be able to continue working with you. >>8888 >>9005 Aside from the CSV I had to re-do the backgrounds, right?
>>9429 For now just do the csv for the whole 2 books use >>8434 as reference for how it should look.
>>7500 Printman/deisgner anon here so it all kinda died because I got into the Digimon card game (which can be a monster girl card game pretty easily depending on the deck), but recently I got another idea: just make a set of traditional cards with MGE backgrounds, using the color sort I made. And then play poker with them. Or anything else. So the question-request for anons here is this: throw out ideas which monster should be which card. I'm thinking something like each number in every suit is a similar monster (e.g. every 2 would be a winged monster, every 6 would be centaur-like, etc). That way when playing poker you would naturally try to assemble something that has some theme. (at least pairs, threes and fours at least).
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>>11038 Around a month ago I made pics for all the classic 54 playing cards with MGE monsters. I made the names in Polish tho, so W is J, D is Q and Figlarz is Joker. First pdf tries to have slightly different colours for each suit, the second changes the 2 weird suits to just be normal black and red. Very printable, great for solitaire or poker.
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>>11661 Nevermind, the pdf is too big, have a collage instead.

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Monster girl story thread - highly lewd bookposting Anonymous 02/27/2023 (Mon) 00:45:04 No. 1365 [Reply] [Last]
Hey all. Writefag here again. I've written stories lately in a couple of threads (Mistflower in the doujin thread and Kingslayer in the fox thread), but this is by far my most expansive effort as yet. I'm designing and writing my own entire monster girl themed world, slice of life piece by lewd piece by lore piece. I want to mix the 80's high fantasy adventure, romance, powerful and lewd mostly-human monster women, and just a smidge of comedy together. All of the stories i'm writing will fit together and build up the same universe, the name of which i haven't yet decided on. This one includes a whole slew of different girls, so i didn't know where to put it. It's also a fair bit longer than the other ones. We not storypostin' boys, tonight we bookpostin'. This particular story gets to the lewd in chapter three, but the payoff of the lewd is vastly better in my opinion if you read the entire thing. At the time of posting, i plan two additional chapters to finish out this particular segment. Feel free to drop suggestions, ideas, or to make requests if you want to. I might still drop a small-sized bit in other threads on occasion as it feels appropriate to do so. If you want to write your own stuff, feel free. To prevent confused navigation, link to your last storypost and follow the format of: Image Current Story: X Chapter 1: Y (if you have chapters) Buckle up and remember: Losing is fun.
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Alright, here we are at cycle's end, and the last prompt before the indefinite pause. If activity picks up again I might resume it, pending IRL things. Anyway, last prompt for now is: The Fairy Ring (pic related) Once again, thanks to everyone who enjoyed doing these.
>>11618 I have an idea, but too lazy to do smth with it. Elves, Fairies and Witches arguing over who owns these rings (maybe with a man trapped in the middle by magic or something)
>>11629 only for the matango mushroomgirls to snatch away the humie
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>>11618 I'll toss out a short one in the ole greentext style. >Raised in a small village living in relative harmony with the deep woods. >Survive entirely based on foraging and hunting. >Out there living the dream on a two-day hike to your favored hunting spot. >Find small, secluded clearing surrounded by trees with stones scattered about. >Pick one up, it's polished, shiny, and has veins of crystal running through it. You decide to take it with you and start grabbing some of the others. >Odd. As you gather the rocks you notice that there's also some impressions in the dirt. >You place one of the stones to an impression, and it fits perfectly. >Well, why not fix it and see how it looks? >Place last stone down and stand up to admire my work. >Looks pretty nice, i guess. Just a ring of pretty rocks. >Oh well, won't mind one missing. >You step back into the ring to grab the original stone you had found. >Instantly surrounded by a multitude of lights and colors, tiny wisps and orbs flitting around you and buzzing angrily. >You hear layers of high pitched voices. Some asking questions, some making demands.

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After reading your summoning e-mail, you nervously stood up from your cubicle desk and began making your way to your boss’ office. Walking down the corridor of cubicles exposed you to the hateful glares of the female coworkers. You were never one for social cues or detecting emotions easily but this was different, you could feel them on your skin somehow. An anger burned from every woman you walked past as you felt them staring daggers at you, like they were restraining a violent urge. You reached the door to your boss’ office and lightly knocked with the knuckle of your index finger. “Come in~” a deep and gentle voice promptly sang a response to usher you inside. You obeyed, feeling as if you jumped out of the pan and into a fire. “Anon~! Thank you for coming so promptly! Please, do make yourself comfortable!” exclaimed your boss, a gentle looking bespectacled woman with platinum blonde hair and vibrant pink eyes. “Sh-should I close the door?” you squeaked, trying in vain to hide your fear for your employment status. “Oh, no, no~! Don’t trouble yourself with that, darling! I’ll get it! You just sit comfy~!” she stood up quickly and made her way to the door. You stepped aside for her and walked towards the seat that sat slightly further away from her desk as she closed the door. After sitting down you accidentally caught eye contact with one of them, a woman with long brown hair looked at you with hatred and disgust. Somehow you could feel she wished for your death on a daily basis. Thankfully, those feelings that forced the hair on your skin to stand were cut short by the door and your boss who came into view as she bent over slightly and smiled at you. “That’s better, yes~? Now we can have some privacy.” she said in her usual gentle voice with a beaming smile while bending over slightly, probably to keep eye contact. As she walked past you were afforded a whiff of her scent. You didn’t have to inhale to smell her, the earthy scent of pine and morning grass trailed behind her with each soft clip clop of her hoof shoes on the floor. Her beige coat did little to hide her figure, especially since the top was lowered around her arms, exposing her upper body and the suit she wore while the fur trim of her coat seemed to call attention. Her light hair fluttered behind her and her large hips swayed under her long coat, almost intentionally hidden but her white swaying cow tail rendered that effort fruitless. Upon sitting down you saw the plaque on her desk that read “Melodia Kaylah Eifeurh”. “Now then, I can tell you would prefer we get this review business out of the way, yes?” she asked calmly. You nervously forced yourself to make eye contact like you had been practicing before responding. “Y-yes, ma’am…” you said quickly and meekly, trying in vain to stop your frightened shivering. “Ah! You made eye contact! Well done, I’m so proud of you~!” Melodia exclaimed happily and clasped her hands together with her head leaning to the side like a proud mother would. “I hope that may function as a foretelling of your results, Anon.” she said, fixing her red metal framed glasses. “Your work performance was stellar, quick, and with no mistakes. However, your performance with groups was… well… non-existent. I found no prior data of you working in a group. Is that by your choice, dear?” Melodia looked up at you, her eyelids lowered but doing little to restrict the attention her eyes naturally pull. “N-no, ma’am. Nobody ever put me on one.” you stammered. “Hmm… that is very curious. I wonder why.” she stopped to write something on a piece of paper to the side and sitting up straighter to rest her chest on her desk. This was not the first time you got to see just how massive they were but you ignored that as you always do.

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Steven universe Gems thread Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 12:22:08 No. 7657 [Reply]
A thread about space rock women, because it seems like this board actually allows them. Discussions about best gem and such are allowed ofc. But obviously pearl is the best gem
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>>7657 Bump
>>10810 ngl those girls are fucking ugly, but your dedication is admirable.
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>>10862 Uhh. Thanks?

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Succubus thread Anonymous 08/31/2023 (Thu) 15:04:51 No. 4553 [Reply] [Last]
Because there is no greater feeling of accomplishment than kindling the flame of love in a demons heart, seeing her regard you more and more as friend instead of food. And because more niche girls should get their turns in the general thread.
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>>10926 Going full Evil Lord sounds like the most straightforward approach
Hey Anon, aren't you sick of wageslaving on a monday morning? If you want to change your life, you should totally seek out a succubus and ask her to take you back to the demon realm with her. The rumors about bad working conditions and slavery are all angel propaganda anyway (also we prefer the term indentured servitude). As long as you're eager and don't anger the authorities, you won't get sent to the brimstone mines and can live a relatively happy life as your future mistresses butler-husband. The collar is non-negotiable though, wouldn't want anyone to think you're a quick snack up for grabs now would we?
>>10994 At this point, I'm just sick of even living. Send me to the hellsuccs.
>Anneliese is still getting art, both from the game artist and others infernally blessed
>>11459 Based, i heard there was a expansion or a new game being made.

Doggirls! Anonymous 02/13/2023 (Mon) 19:54:42 No. 1168 [Reply]
If dog is man's best friend. Would that make doggirls a man's best girlfriend?
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>man's best friends (with benefits)
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You Just Know
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I want a clingy dog gf
>>1168 >Doggirls! you mean bitches?
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why are white boys like this?

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #11 Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 20:05:55 No. 10067 [Reply] [Last]
Patreon meme games edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ PARADOX PART 3 DEMO TRANSLATION IS OUT, everything story related is translated. Remember to use spoilers. MGQ Paradox Part 3 is set to release this year unless something unexpected happens, testing sessions have begun Innocent Rules has TL in progress - https://github.com/ZigmaZero/innocent-rules Castle of Temptation final chapter release is out Next content update for Shrift 2 is scheduled for May Join the games mini-reviews effort >>9821 Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo)

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>>10953 Dude, neat!
>>10953 Neat. Wish him the best of luck.
New thread >>10963
>>10722 CoC 2 is the best option, as long as you have the stomach to play through futa stuff until you meet kyoko

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fox thread #8 Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 21:25:21 No. 8615 [Reply] [Last]
trickery edition its been known since time immemorial that foxes incessantly scheme and lie in pursuit of their goals. you cant fix her looks like you're the victim of a sneaky vixens machinations today. this dosent have to be a bad thing though, its simply what they do when someone is important to them. what fox have taken the initiative to decieve you for their own gain? what is her endgame? what will you do to thwart her evil plans? Previous thread: >>6391
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>>10386 I'll keep cuddling my fox wife, whether it's freezing cold or tropically hot at night.
>>10387 >recently bathed sweaty horny fox wife sniiiif
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Another bloodline foxxed
new thread >>10410

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