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Arachnid girls Anonymous 12/17/2022 (Sat) 00:22:27 No. 78 [Reply] [Last]
Spiders, scorpions, arachnes, driders.
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>>12787 >>12789 They're just so cute, probably the best way to cure someone's phobia.
>>12795 To be fair, it's mostly because they are too tiny to even register as a threat in your brain. Now imagine fucking australian hunstman spiders jumping at people's faces, that's how you induce arachnophobia.
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>I'm not a poképhile, but...
>>13733 Yes, yes, gardevoir don't count, heard it all before.
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>>12797 >Now imagine fucking australian hunstman spiders jumping at people's faces H-haha, yeah...

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Mermaids Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 05:43:57 No. 502 [Reply] [Last]
I like fish.
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>>13659 you said this 18 months ago >>1630 also Peach isn't really unrelated now because she has a canon mermaid form.
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>>13681 Not him, but I catch myself posting in loops pretty often too, be it on Capy or other imageboards. 2 years is relatively mild, tbh.
>>13681 >>13689 Yeah after 18 months I forgot already and this bizarre mermaid TF trend always amuses me. I guess I just wanted to reply because peach had great tits there.
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>>13659 Maybe it's like a rule 63 thing, only instead of genderbending the characters, you turn them into mermaids.

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Harpy thread #2 Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 21:38:15 No. 11869 [Reply]
Post women of the avian kind, simple as' Previous: >>122
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>>13001 you're a big gurofag
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Someone make a battlefuck mod for Terraria, I feel bad every time I actually kill a harpy
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>>13639 I thought I was the only one autistic enough to sometimes randomly leave enemies alive if they're cute monster girls.
>>13668 Unfortunately terraria harpies are very annoying and you can't really leave them alive unless you are only passing by

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Angels Anonymous 06/15/2023 (Thu) 06:32:02 No. 2994 [Reply] [Last]
Cute angels, badass angels, biblically accurate angels and similar divine beings all welcome, as long as they're fluffy!
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I think there's something wrong with my guardian angel, she doesn't look very guardian-y
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I love frfr angels, even when they're not drawn by frfr.
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How do you get rid of angels squatting in your house? I can't forcibly remove her as humans are ants in comparison to angels. Everytime i tried telling her to leave my house she either dismisses me or changes the subject. I tried calling the police once, cops took one look and left.
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>>13661 >squatting We call it guarding around here. It's an important job, it's a respectable job, no one wants to see you getting attacked on your sleep by one of those nasty demons.

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Felines of All Kinds! Anonymous 02/15/2023 (Wed) 10:46:40 No. 1184 [Reply] [Last]
>Dog thread, wolf thread, horse thread, mermaid thread, snek thread, spider thread, TWO fox threads (based) >No catgirl thread Absolute madness! Now is the time for us to rectify that. Post your finest felines as we celebrate the gateway monstergirl for many an anon!
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Been a while since this thread got some love, so have some more XIV cats
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>>13636 I'm a shameless secondary and I'm not afraid to admit I never played any FF game despite cumming to their cats, more than once.
>>13637 I also only ever played XIV after getting reeled in by a friend, but iirc (almost) none of the other games are sequels to each other and they're all settled in different universes. Can recommend XIV itself though if you are willing to chew through the infamous Lv1-50 quests. The story was absolutely great until the most recent expansion, where it bombed hard, but the gameplay content somewhat held the line for it there. Before that last expac I would consider it like a good fantasy novel (with a very slow start, most stuff before first expansion is essentially worldbuilding)
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cats get quite bold when you ignore them for too long
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>>13642 I like to think animal girls behave as closely to their originals as possible >cat gf kinda does her own thing most of the day until she decides she's bored and just walks into your room, plops right on your lap and demands attention >or sits on your face if it's more convenient somehow

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #15 Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 09:50:37 No. 13146 [Reply] [Last]
Eva edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: The great wait is over, MGQ Paradox Part 3 is finally out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.02 update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1287504 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: previously translated demo content, UI and game version v3.02 https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ Devil in Wonderland to be released in December SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo)

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>>13631 To be honest, Luka would cum his brains out from literally any act, as long as the girl is on top.
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>>13634 Before you know it, he'll start creaming his pants just by meeting new girls and greeting them with a handshake.
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I appreciate honest girls who are upfront about their intentions, without resorting to silly euphemisms
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>recruit Erubetie >stack a gorillion HP on her plus a shitton of defensive stats >now I have a nigh unkillable machine dropping a self-destruct nuke every encounter >she survives at 1 hp so no exp loss At least it's lore accurate!
new thread >>13645

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Western cartoon/comic monstergirl thread Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 11:27:08 No. 11020 [Reply]
I was a dumbass for not making a general thread for this
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>>11242 Emmy!
>>11246 Yes emmy does count in

Horsegirls Anonymous 01/29/2023 (Sun) 22:34:52 No. 924 [Reply] [Last]
Obligatory joke about horsegirls riding you instead of you riding them
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I had a dream I fucked a horse in the ass. It was pretty fucking hot and now I have it stuck rent free in my head
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>>13413 I hope by "horse" you meant "centaur", zoophilia is not okay unless there's a big titty woman's torso attached to the front
>visit the hussy parlor >get in the glory hole stall >thrusting that horse pussy like there's no tomorrow >suddenly hear "NEEEEEEIGH" from behind the wall >freeze in horror >after an awkward movement hear a girl's laughter coming from the same direction
>>13413 >top left does she have a human puss too? if I come inside both, will she get double preggers?
>>13451 nut in human pussy if you want a human son cum in the hussy if you want a centaur daughter cum in both and both human and horse bellies will get preggers simple as'

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #14 Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 04:02:28 No. 12528 [Reply] [Last]
Trinity edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: The great wait is over, MGQ Paradox Part 3 is finally out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQ PARADOX PART 3 DEMO TRANSLATION IS OUT, everything story related is translated. Remember to use spoilers. Devil in Wonderland to be released in December SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Join the games mini-reviews effort >>9821 Links: Monster girl Games Collection: https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list.html (password: tamamo)

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Edited last time by REDACTED on 11/01/2024 (Fri) 17:11:24.
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>>13113 Ilias, who after going through a journey of self-discovery, has managed to reattach ties with her precious daughters.
>>13129 h-haha imagine being Luka and Ilias's son and having Lucy and Mica as your sisters
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>>13134 >raised into a 3rd unstoppable monster killing machine >or pampered non-stop and develop a oneshota fetish Sounds like a win-win either way
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My lov■■y c■■■dho■■ f■■■■ ■■■■■
New thread: >>13146

Snek thread Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 18:15:55 No. 132 [Reply] [Last]
Snex is best
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>>12184 which show?
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>>12188 Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei
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>>12196 >MC is called Dolan snek pls
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lamiae are exceptionally good at doing car washes with their ass
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>>13022 dumb snek has 0 self awareness, all she's gonna achieve with that fat ass is dent my car

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