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Mermaids Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 05:43:57 No. 502 [Reply] [Last]
I like fish.
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>>14770 hate these kind of designs that turn the monster part into just the thighs below like they're a bunch of socks. the absolute cowardice
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>>14775 It could be worse.

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Original Content thread/Draw thread Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 06:50:03 No. 3426 [Reply] [Last]
Post your drawings, request something specific, give feedback/ideas and alike I'll start by sharing a few of my things Let's make it the most active thread on this board!
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>>14570 Oh that's good already. >TECHNICALLY a monster girl Funnily enough, this whole site has a friend as its mascot. >The tits are kinda flat Not every girl needs to be a dairy cow with macromastia, those look just natural I think.
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>>14550 >Centaur dom I think that's a first for me somehow. >>14570 >>14575 I'm guessing 'flat' in this context is referring to depth rather than tit size.
>>14577 Yuh. Basically that. Tits are misaligned too
>>14550 taking requests
>>14807 An elf girl receiving a lap pillow from a handsome old man.

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #17 Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 15:30:55 No. 14203 [Reply] [Last]
Sleepy edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.03(v3.04) update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308252 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.04, MW up to Grangold (excl. Gold Port), AW up to Esta and Administrator's tower https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 full MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Innocent Rules is now fully translated Devil in Wonderland is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01264927.html translation in progress: https://ulmf.org/threads/62studio-no-to-notane-demon-in-wonderland-translation.15546/ Succubus Forest is getting an english steam release https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408020/Succubus_Forest/ SHRIFT 2 v2.70 update is out https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/396/article/1333831 not yet translated Links:

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>>14799 >>14796 Is bob's MTL an already translated patch, rather than software that hooks it as you play?
>>14800 it's a complete patch that's applied same way you apply arzorx's one, pre-translated files. Someone took it and adopted it for v3.05: https://gofile.io/d/xpIPiy
>>14801 Does this include yesterday's translation?
>>14802 Not sure, it was posted an hour after arzorx repo was updated
next: >>14804

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Monstergirl Doujins/Manga/General Literature thread #2 Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 17:11:41 No. 7747 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for all kinds of monstergirl literature or webcomics. Feel free to put out entire storyposts or just drop a link to a work you enjoy! Source for OP image: https://exhentai.org/g/2818305/f77303086c/ Previous thread: >>228
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Cats these days acting surprisingly foxy. https://exhentai.org/g/2106565/2982530111/
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https://weebcentral.com/series/01J76XYFK4Y67WVVJWV1GCPVVY/Dungeon-no-Osananajimi Started this series today. Only read the 1st volume so far, but so far it's extremely cute. Summary: Van the warrior and Ryuka the dragon have been friends since childhood. As adults, Van is now a dashing adventurer, and Ryuka has become the big boss of a dangerous dungeon! Every time Van wants to hang out with his old friend, he must navigate a dungeon and clobber a coterie of Ryuka’s monster underlings. Will their friendship grow into something more?
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>>14677 That harpy is based
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>>14684 I think she's more of a reader's self-insert than the male main character himself.
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All of humanity will get foxed. https://exhentai.org/g/2236204/2adad7614d/

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Felines of All Kinds! Anonymous 02/15/2023 (Wed) 10:46:40 No. 1184 [Reply] [Last]
>Dog thread, wolf thread, horse thread, mermaid thread, snek thread, spider thread, TWO fox threads (based) >No catgirl thread Absolute madness! Now is the time for us to rectify that. Post your finest felines as we celebrate the gateway monstergirl for many an anon!
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>>13637 I also only ever played XIV after getting reeled in by a friend, but iirc (almost) none of the other games are sequels to each other and they're all settled in different universes. Can recommend XIV itself though if you are willing to chew through the infamous Lv1-50 quests. The story was absolutely great until the most recent expansion, where it bombed hard, but the gameplay content somewhat held the line for it there. Before that last expac I would consider it like a good fantasy novel (with a very slow start, most stuff before first expansion is essentially worldbuilding)
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cats get quite bold when you ignore them for too long
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>>13642 I like to think animal girls behave as closely to their originals as possible >cat gf kinda does her own thing most of the day until she decides she's bored and just walks into your room, plops right on your lap and demands attention >or sits on your face if it's more convenient somehow
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fox thread #11 Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 11:36:23 No. 12983 [Reply] [Last]
foxy business edition foxes come in all shapes and sizes, in all ages and with different wages what does your foxes do for a living? is she a millennium old goddess with unfathomable resources at her disposal? or is she a humble taillet who need not concern herself with material thing and only yearns for a hubby? let me ask you. how wealthy is your foxfu? how did your foxfu acquire that wealth? would you wageslave yourself, even if she says you dont have to? and at last, what is your foxfu's preferred living space? Previous thread: >>11739
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>>14459 >her hair is unkempt and her tail is unbrushed im taking this sassy lost child and im fixing it immediately.
>>14464 1. comb your foxfu's fluffy tail 2. use the leftover fluff as pillow stuffing 3. sell them as the softest pillows in the world 4. ????? 5. profit! 6. sneakily induce hidden fox pheromones onto the unknowing masses
>>14466 we shall call the brand: foxbestos
>>14468 new thread

Snek thread Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 18:15:55 No. 132 [Reply] [Last]
Snex is best
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>>14411 >snake >pubic hair My brain says it's dumb My dick says it's hot
>>14412 >My brain says it's dumb If they have hair up there, why wouldn't they have it down there?
>>14414 I guess I expect something like scales there instead, because that's around where the snek starts. Or at least no hair because you know, snakes and all
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>>14415 what if pubic feathers?
>>14416 Good. Fluffy and non-human, best of both worlds. But I've never seen a lamia with those.

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fagkot thread (memes and jokes) Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 00:09:50 No. 9366 [Reply] [Last]
thread for memes, funny pics, shitposts, greentexts, whatnot, have fun (for the love of fuck, I couldn't find any saved pic of meme cheshire on my pc, I really need to start naming them better) ...ahem, I'll dump a little of what I have lying around, y'all pick up the torch later.
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>>13665 if the earloop is a lesbo wouldn't she also want to fuck the zombie?
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i'm glad my hakutaku teachergfmom is teaching me only the true history of the mist continent
>>14340 imagine asking your robot gf about it and suddenly her eyes glow red

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cowgirl thread Anonymous 09/17/2023 (Sun) 16:45:54 No. 4790 [Reply] [Last]
other monstergirls in cowprint/that are lactating are welcome too.
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>>14302 Someone evil mastermind needs to release a virus that causes macromastia and spontaneous lactation among the female population, probably the closest we can ever be to the dream
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>>14298 It is deeply ingrained for women to compete for an alpha even if they must "compete" with that which cannot, even if they would have been hopelessly outclassed were it possible.
>>14312 >>14298 please don't shit up these pastures with /r9k/ incel manure, i just wanna see cows
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>>14314 It's not our fault they have breast envy, I just notice the patterns.

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/mggt/ - Monster Girl Games Thread #16 Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 09:23:30 No. 13645 [Reply] [Last]
Art edition Thread for all monster girl themed games and visual novels, please use spoilers for recently (<6 months) released or translated content. General monster girl discussion while we wait for new things is also welcome. Notable happenings: MGQ Paradox Part 3 is out https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html MGQP Part 3 v3.03(v3.04) update https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1308252 Current MGQP Part 3 translation status: game version v3.04, MW succubus village and MW hellgondo up to the shrine https://bitbucket.org/ArzorX/monster-girl-quest-paradox-translation-part-3/src/master/ MGQP Part 3 MTL patch compatible with v3.04: https://files.catbox.moe/s749a9.zip Devil in Wonderland to be released in January SHRIFT 2 chapter 2.1 is out Lonesome Spirit's MGQP collab has been translated Links:

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I want to see Neris or Nero call Ilias their great-grandmother and see how she would react.
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>>14196 >Shiki R.I.P anon, snuffed by bratty shiki lolis
new thread: >>14203
>>14199 i wonder if ilias makes that face when you cuck her with *insert monster here*
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>>14206 She does

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